- Definition of lice
- What are lice?
- Why are lice dangerous?
- How are lice transmitted?
- Than to drive out lice and nits?
- How to get lice out of a child?
- How to remove lice in folk ways?
- Alternatives to get rid of lice
- Prevention of pediculosis
In our time, unfortunately, the issue of having lice in both children and adults is still relevant. How to get rid of lice quickly, what means of dealing with them exist - you will learn in this article. We will also tell you how to protect yourself and your loved ones from these parasites.
to content ↑Definition of lice
Lice are insects-ectoparasites that feed on blood, easily get along on the human body. They do not live long - 30 days, but during this time they manage to give a large number of offspring and so on ad infinitum. Therefore, lice and nits are very difficult to withdraw.
Important! These parasites uniquely harm the health of children and adults. One of the most common diseases that they cause is pediculosis. Along with him, they can contribute to the development of Volyn fever, recurrent typhus, and other infectious diseases. Therefore, if you suddenly noticed that you were attacked by these insects, urgently tackle the issue of how to get rid of lice and nits with folk or special means.
to the contents ↑What are lice?
All types of lice are divided into three groups:
- head;
- clothes;
- pubic. Head lice are the most common. They are most often found in humans, they are easily transmitted.
Pubic lice are the smallest. Infect such a type of lice can be during sexual intercourse. They take root on the pubic hairs, on the eyebrows, on the other minor vegetation on the body.
Clothes lice live on clothes and bedding. Usually appear on a fabric that is rarely erased.
Important! Depending on what kind of insects you have become infected, urgently pick up cardinal effective measures and begin to solve the problem of how to remove lice, following the instructions to this or that remedy. In addition, some procedures for the prevention and prevention of re-infection will have to be carried out. Without them, even the fastest result can quickly come to naught and parasites will re-enter your life.
to the contents ↑Why are lice dangerous?
All kinds of lice bring harm and discomfort to a person. Uncomfortable people feel that these insects just creep, not to mention the fact that they also bite. They are also a source of infectious diseases and common ailments.
Bites of lice cause:
- severe itching at the bite site;
- sleep disturbance;
- skin damage, wound infection;
- irritability, nervousness;
- purulent skin diseases;
- headaches.
Important! The consequences of bites are unpleasant, as well as dangerous, so you need to get rid of such cohabitants immediately.
In addition to these symptoms, you can detect the presence of lice in such characters:
- empty cocoons in the areas of habitat of parasites;
- dry remains of insects;
- egg-nits.
How are lice transmitted?
Before dealing with lice and nits, you need to understand how you contracted pediculosis. Only having established the reason of disease, you can completely exclude repeated infection.
Important! The louse does not know how to jump or fly. She creeps well, runs, swims.
Options for infection with pediculosis:
- through clothing;
- bed linen;
- hairbrushes, bows and hair clips.
Lice distribution:
- pools;
- baths;
- hairdresser's;
- closed colonies;
- orphanages, boarding schools;
- barracks for the military.
Important! Most often, infection occurs in collectives, where adults or children freely, uncontrollably exchange and use some things. Therefore, it is the children from 5 to 13 years who are most at risk of attacks from these parasites. Children actively communicate, and the rules of personal hygiene are not respected. Another option is to communicate with antisocial personalities who in principle lack hygiene culture as such. You can sympathize with them, of course, but to take an active part in their lives to get out of the crisis and return to society is not worth it if you are not ready to help yourself later to remove the consequences of your responsiveness.
to the contents ↑Than to drive out lice and nits?
To get rid of lice and nits at home, today there are quite a few ways and means. Knowing the urgency of the problem, pharmacists are releasing all new drugs. Before applying any medication, consult a dermatologist, especially if you are going to treat a child.
In pharmacies you will be offered a huge selection of aerosols, ointments, special shampoos. Some of the most popular products are:
- sulfur ointment;
- "Pair Plus";
- ointment with benzyl benzoate 15%;
- "Spregal";
- emulsion benzyl benzonate 20%;
- cream "Nittifor";
- Ivermectin;
- "The Capricorn Water".
Most of the funds are suitable for both adults and children. The main thing is to consult a doctor and clearly follow the instructions for use, which is put in the box with the drug.
After applying any chemical, comb the hair with a special comb with small, frequent prongs. Pre-grease hair with oil or fat to facilitate the procedure. Thus, you will get rid of the remains of lice and nits.
to the contents ↑How to get lice out of a child?
Every parent who has encountered such a problem with his child knows how difficult this process is. There are a lot of drugs, but it's important to do everything right. If only one nit remains alive, then everything will begin anew. If a louse dies without problems from drugs, the nit has a protective cocoon, through which the medicine does not penetrate.
Of course, there is still a question of safety for health, and this can not boast of all medicines, shampoos and creams. All of them are to some extent toxic, because they kill insects. Even such folk remedies, for example, as chinese water - are not safe. The grass itself, on the basis of which an alcohol solution is made, is a potent poison if one takes a large dose of a strong concentration of juice.
To effectively get rid of lice and nits on the child's head, follow these instructions:
- Prepare polyethylene, towel.
- Evenly distribute the drug over the head and the entire length of the hair.
- Cover with polyethylene, wrap on top with a towel.
- Maintain the drug as directed by the manufacturer.
- Wash your hair in warm water.
- Carefully comb hair for 20-30 minutes.
- Get rid of polyethylene by throwing it directly into the garbage chute.
- For 14 days, inspect the head, comb out strands daily.
- If any traces of live lice are found, repeat the procedure.
Important! During the treatment of the child, each member of the family should be checked for the presence of lice. Watch for personal hygiene. After the treatment, get rid of headgear, combs and other, potentially dangerous things that were worn during illness. During the procedure of applying drugs and waiting for exposure, be very attentive to the baby! Do not let the product enter the eyes, mouth, nose, skin on hands, etc. Otherwise, you will have to decide not how to remove lice from a child, but a more important task - how to remove toxins from his body.
to the contents ↑How to remove lice in folk ways?
In addition to chemical agents, there are still popular people tested by time. They are always at hand and are not expensive. You can use them all, only you need to know how.
Such methods and means will especially suit allergy sufferers, pregnant or nursing mothers, asthmatics and other people with any contraindications to chemical effects.
Means for combating lice and nits:
- tar soap;
- vinegar;
- herbs: tansy, rosemary, chicken;
- cranberry juice;
- onion and garlic.
Now, learn more about how to use all these tools.
Method number 1
Use tar soap. Insects-parasites are afraid of alkali, which is contained in this facility. Apply it according to this instruction:
- Wash your head with soap until a thick foam forms.
- Wear a bathing cap or polyethylene over the foam.
- Leave for 2-3 hours.
- Rinse thoroughly with water.
- Comb your hair.
Method number 2
The decoctions of the above herbs perfectly cope with lice. Instruction:
- Prepare a decoction of the proposed herbs: for 1 liter of water - 4 tbsp.herbs.
- Insist it for 10-15 minutes.
- Damply moisten the head and wrap it with a cap and a towel.
- Wash hair with water and comb.
Important! Strictly observe the proportions. Herbs are poisonous and misuse can cause skin irritation, but in particularly high concentrations and death.
Method number 3
One of the most popular ways is with the use of vinegar. Instructions such:
- Dilute in equal parts water and vinegar.
- Treat the entire surface of the head.
- Wrap hair with polyethylene and leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash and comb.
Important! Vinegar works only on adults. Additional processing is necessary to neutralize nits.
Method # 4
Cranberry juice has a natural acid that lice can not stand. It is used as follows:
- Rub the juice into the scalp and hair.
- Comb the comb with small prongs.
- Repeat the procedure for 10 days.
Important! Similarly, garlic and onion juices are used. The great advantages of these remedies are that the juice destroys the nitric shell and leaves no chance for lice. In addition, onions, garlic and cranberries are absolutely safe for children. The only negative is the smell, which is then difficult to remove .
to content ↑Alternative options to get rid of lice
More drugs and ways that help to drive lice and nits at home:
- Treat the head with hairspray. Further actions are standard.
- Dye your hair. Chemicals, which are contained in paints, destroy lice and nits.
- Haircut - it is desirable completely.
Important! Do not use kerosene. It is heavily washed off and can cause dermatitis and other undesirable reactions.
to the table of contents ↑Prevention of pediculosis
Observing certain rules, you will be able to protect yourself and your relatives. Precautions:
- change clothes frequently;
- strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene outside the home;
- periodically inspect the heads of relatives for the presence of lice;
- make sure that everyone has personal hygiene tools.
We hope that our article was useful to you and you were able to quickly remove lice at home in a convenient way for you.