- Where to start?
- How do I clean the carp?- Fast and easy ways
- Cleaning the abdominal cavity of the carp
- The last stage of cleaning
- Interesting recipes
- Useful to know about the fish:
Each of us has faced the problem of cleaning fresh fish. When a fish appears in the house, in our case it will be freshwater-lake, grown in artificial reservoirs for industrial purposes, a very useful carp fish. There are several types of this delicious fish - from a mirror carp, which has almost no scales, to carp of the usual freshwater, before cooking which we are faced with the problem of how to clean the carp?
Carp - fish is special, with fine scales and requires delicate cleaning from the protective layer. We now consider several options for cleaning carp.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
Take the carp and thoroughly wash it under a large head of water - this will give you the opportunity to completely wash off all the dirt and accumulated mucus from it.
If your carp is not bought in the market or in a store, but caught in a pond for some of the fishing gear, then you still need to remove the bait from his mouth. Carp - the fish are not fastidious and are caught not only in corn or peas, but also in worms and maggots. Accordingly - you are unlikely to like it, if in a prepared dish you will find such a surprise.
To do this, you just need to substitute it with your mouth open under the great pressure of water, under the pressure of which all unnecessary will be washed off, or resort to the help of some hook. Please note that this procedure is necessary if you prepare the whole carp and do not cut off his head.
After you have washed away the dirt and cleared the carp cavity from the bait, you can proceed to the main stage of carp cleaning.
Important! Even if you decide to cook carp without a head, do not hurry to cut off his head before cleaning, since during the cleaning you will be uncomfortable to hold it and the bird will slip out.
to the contents ↑How to clean the carp?- Fast and simple ways of
The carp cleaning procedure is not really very complicated, in contrast to predatory river and marine fish species. Consider a few options for how to clean the carp.
Option 1
To clean the carp, we will need a cutting board and a sharp knife:
- Pre-cleaned of dirt and mucus carp lying on the cutting board.
- Since carp scales are shallow, it will be scattered in different directions from cleansing. To avoid this, you can put the fish in a large container - a bucket, a basin, a sink, or put the carp in a plastic bag and clean in the middle.
- Starting from the tail, with short sharp movements, scaling the scales, we move to the head.
- In order for the fish not to slip on the board, it is worth giving a little effort to the knife and to avoid slipping it from the hands, keep the carp behind the gills.
- First, completely clean one side from the tail to the head, then the other, and only after that go to the cutting of the abdominal cavity, after washing the carp from the scales so that it does not hit the middle of the fish.
Important! It is very hard not to press the knife to the fish, as it is possible to damage the carcass itself. A rupture of the abdominal cavity is possible, which makes it difficult to clean it further.
Option 2
In order to clean the carp, without resorting to all sorts of improvised tools in the form of basins, pans, it is enough to place it in boiled water for 45-60 seconds( depending on the size of the fish).Do not keep the carcass in the water longer than this time, otherwise you will get it already cooked and you will not be able to cook your favorite dish out of it.
Important! After the procedure, the carp scales become soft and obedient for further machining. It will be easy for you to clean the scales, which will no longer fly apart under a small head of water.
to the contents ↑Cleaning the abdominal cavity of the carp
We have considered two options for cleaning the carp from the scales, and now proceed to cutting the abdominal cavity of your fish. For this:
- Again, put the carcass on a cutting board, pre-lubricated with lemon juice. Lemon juice will protect your board from the corrosive smell of fish. You can also say hand juice or wear protective gloves.
- Take a sharp knife and make two small transverse incisions near the head and at the end of the abdominal cavity closer to the tail, and make a longitudinal long incision from head to tail, ripping the belly of the carcass.
- Gently remove the liver and gallbladder so that it does not tear. If you did not manage to do it carefully, grind the places where the bile got, salt or cut them.
- Then remove all the remaining entrails and rinse with water.
Important! To fish does not slip out of your hands, you need to rub the scales with salt and fingers periodically dunk in salt.
to the contents ↑The last stage of cleaning
We only need to remove the unnecessary fish fins. Do this as follows:
- The upper fin is removed using two lateral longitudinal incisions.
- You can not cut the side fins, but simply pull them out.
- The posterior inferior fin is removed in the same way as the upper one, only the incisions are made deeper, since the fin itself is deep in the tail part of the fish and is the driving mechanism.
It remains only if the fish is cooked entirely, cut with a knife gills and eyes. Here we have considered ways how to clean the carp. Now, if you have not yet figured out how to cook it, we offer a few simple recipes so that you get a delicious dish for an everyday homemade dinner or a festive table.
to content ↑Interesting recipes
There are a lot of different recipes for how to cook carp and any other fish. You can find them in special culinary books, on the Internet. Based on your own skills, imagination and free time, you can cook absolutely any of the dishes you offer. To simplify the task of not only how to clean the carp, but also to prepare it, we picked up some interesting in our opinion options. We hope you decide to apply them in practice.
Baked carp with vegetables
Baked fish with vegetables is not only delicious, but also a dietary dish. Yes, and cooking it does not take much of your time and does not require significant money costs, since most of the products you most likely will find in your refrigerator.
- 1 carp.
- 100 grams of smoked bacon.
- 250 ml of sour cream.
- 3-4 pepper bulgarian.
- 7-8 pieces of potatoes.
- 3 bulbs.
- 3-4 tomatoes.
- 100 grams of butter.
- Red ground pepper.
- Flour.
- Salt.
How to prepare:
- Cut the carp along the ribs into pieces and the rib part is stuffed with bacon.
- Rub with pepper and salt.
- Cut the potatoes into small pieces and cook until half ready.
- After - on a hot frying pan, greased with oil, spread the potatoes and from above lay the fish. In the end - a layer of tomatoes, peppers and onions.
- All this, pour melted butter and bake in the oven at 220-250 degrees until cooked, at the end abundantly watering mixed flour with sour cream.
Jellied from carp
Jellied is an amazingly gentle and beautiful dish, if you cook it correctly. And it's very easy to do this if you follow the next recipe.
- Carp-0.6 kg
- Lemon-1 pcs.
- Onion-50 g.
- Gelatin -20 g.
- Parsley, celery.
- Black pepper - 5 peas.
- Carnation-3 buds.
- Bay leaf - 1 pc.
- Fish broth - 0.5 liters.
- Vinegar - 200 ml.
- Greenery, salt. How to prepare:
- Pieces of carp lay on the plate upside-down, pour boiling vinegar.
- Roots of celery and parsley cut into small pieces. Cook with the addition of bay leaf and cloves over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
- In the resulting broth, lower the carp, cook for another 15-20 minutes.
- Soak gelatin in cold water. When the grains become transparent, you need to drain excess water and combine gelatin with the broth.
- All this boil, drain, cool.
- Separate the fish fillet from the bone, put it in a mold.
- Pour the jelly, let cool, freeze.
Important! When serving, you can make slices of lemon and greens.
to content ↑Useful to know about fish:
- Marine fish is rich in selenium, which promotes the formation of antiviral cells and strengthens immunity.
- For steaming fish, do not take the finished fillet. It has fewer useful substances, and during processing it breaks up into fibers.
- Trout is rich in vitamins A, E, B, D, amino acids. Its use prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Fish is also recommended for people with a nervous system disorder.
- Salmon meat contains a rare docosahexaenoic acid, which can not be synthesized by the human body itself, so it must receive it from the outside. This acid improves memory.
- Sea fish meat is especially recommended for people suffering from various kinds of stomach and liver complaints.
- The fish contains all the useful substances, minerals. It is difficult to find any other product in which calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron, iodine would be contained in such an amount.
We hope that from this article you have received the necessary information on how to clean the carp and cook it and were able to cope with the idea of cooking without much trouble.