- Special requirements
- Choosing
- Painting work
- In conclusion
Repairing any house entails regular solutions to a wide variety of issues. For starters, this is the choice of preferred technologies, then - a selection of materials of the appropriate quality and design class. Moreover, for each room this process is performed separately. One of the most important stages of repair is the finishing of the ceiling. Especially when it comes to repairs in the kitchen. How to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, what kind of cover is best for you - find out below.
to the contents ↑Special requirements
Kitchen is a place where something is always going on: the high humidity from cooking, the high temperature from cooking. In these conditions it is important to understand the risks that the ceiling coating may face. Let us examine them in more detail.
High humidity
The reason for this is almost any cooking process. When the temperature is processed, the moisture is corrected into the room. But this is not the only problem associated with evaporation. A huge role is played by the fact that the humidity is not constant, but is subject to large differences, which adds to the requirements for repair.
Complications are not only changes in humidity. Temperature is also a risk factor.
Kitchen is a place with huge temperature changes. If you open the window in winter, the ceiling cover can cool down to zero degrees Celsius. And during the cooking part of the ceiling can be heated up to 60 degrees!
Important! A little to reduce such a powerful load will help extract, but the problem will still remain relevant. Unstable coating very quickly lose its appearance, and can also crumble.
There is one more important factor that influences the repair.
We all know that fried foods are not useful, but very tasty. It is not useful for the ceiling. Especially when we fry food without a lid, because the oil sprays leave the pollution not only on the stove, but also easily settle on the ceiling along with the soot.
Soot is especially noticeable when using a gas cooker. Accordingly - the coating should be washable.
And the last, but from this no less important risk factor is the flood.
Even if you have ideal neighbors, this factor should be considered when choosing a ceiling cover. From the accidental flooding is not insured, no resident of a multi-storey building. And in a private house the roof can start to leak, so at least a minimal protection against such trouble should also be provided.
After considering the risks, it can be determined with a coating. When choosing it is important to take into account the listed factors and features of each of the coatings.
to content ↑Choosing
Despite the fact that today the construction market is represented by many different ceiling coatings, the colors remain the most popular. We will deal with the types and nuances of colors suitable for kitchen areas.
The very first thing that comes to mind when asking how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands is just to whiten it. This is done with the help of lime. Covering with lime is a classic method of decoration, which was used two centuries ago, but has not become outdated even today.
This material partly performs the function of plaster, because it allows you to hide small defects on the ceiling.
Method of operation:
- In order to whitewash the ceiling, it is necessary to prepare a solution. To do this, take 3 kg of lime, add a little warm water and about 100 grams of salt to it.
- The resulting mass is mixed until uniform, periodically pouring warm water. The total volume of the solution should be 9-10 liters.
Important! For a better view, professionals recommend using quicklime. Its preparation takes a longer time, but the color is much whiter.
- With the work itself, do not forget to periodically mix the solution, otherwise - the superimposed layers will be uneven.
Important! If you decide to whitewash the ceiling, remember that the room should be wet. Masters use spray guns, heat the room and protect against drafts.
Advantages of the coating:
- Safety - this type of coating is absolutely harmless to humans. It does not emit any impurities, and is also capable of absorbing some harmful vapors.
- Low price - for working with lime you do not have to spend crazy money. It is enough to buy the product itself, and it is one of the cheapest, and tools for it - brushes and rollers.
But there are limes and minuses.
- If whitewash is applied several times, you can not wait from the ceiling for perfect evenness.
- Modern stylish ceiling can not be created with whitewash.
- This coating can not be washed. To remove stains from the ceiling from grease and soot it will need to be whitened again.
- If you decide to remove the coating, you only have to do it together with the plaster.
- The lack of color choices limits the possibilities of design solutions.
Further we will understand with one more popular material for painting - water-emulsion.
Water-based paint
This kind of paint is popular on a par with whitewashing, when you need to decide what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. This coating provides an even layer, non-toxic, and perfectly transmits air.
Important! In comparison with whitewashing, the paint is more durable. Also this kind of paint can be tinted, which creates additional opportunities for design. It is ideal for wooden products.
Coating advantages:
- The surface dries quickly.
- The painted ceiling after drying can be washed several times. But the coating is not completely washable, so work should be done carefully, limited to using a damp sponge.
- The coating can "breathe".
- Paint is non-toxic and almost odorless.
- The cost of the coating is a bit higher than the whitewash, but in general it is quite budgetary.
- With the help of water emulsion, it is possible to cover the ceiling evenly even several times, and also to renew the coating without removing the previous layer.
Important! Of the minuses, it can be noted the impossibility of applying paint to metal structures and glossy surfaces.
But this is far from all the materials that can be used for painting the kitchen ceiling.
Acrylic and latex
This paint is ideal for the ceiling in the kitchen, because it has all the advantages of water emulsion, but it can also be washed a large number of times, with the help of soft tissues or sponges and soapy solution. But hard brushes and abrasives and strong detergents can spoil the surface.
- The paint is elastic and does not crack.
- Ability to choose colors, as well as gloss / matt surfaces.
- Resistance to mechanical damage.
- The coating does not burn out under the influence of sunlight.
- No odor.
The disadvantage of this coating is its cost, which is much higher than water emulsion.
Important! When choosing the color of the paint, you need to remember that the solution will be darker by a few tones than the result after drying.
Silicate paint
Such coatings are a great way to block the whitewashed ceiling. They are not elastic, like latex or acrylic, but they are very resistant to the temperature drop, protect the ceiling from fungi, and do not skip steam. Even such surfaces are easy to clean.
Important! Minus coverage is its cost, and the inability to create a matte ceiling. And for ideal glossy smoothness, it's easier to use stretch films today.
Silicone coatings
These paints combine the advantages of acrylic, latex and silicate coatings:
- They can cover any surface, and also combine with other paints.
- The painted coating turns out to be elastic, easily hides small defects of the ceiling.
- Also such an option is safe to use.
Important! The main disadvantage of coverage is a very high cost.
After you appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and decide which paint to use, you can move on to the question of how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen.
to the contents ↑Painting works of
To paint the ceiling as high as possible, it is important to follow certain rules. Following the instructions, you will get the best result.
Preparation of
Qualitative preparation is a very important stage of any work. If we are talking about painting the ceiling, then for the beginning it needs to be carried clean of the plaster. Completely means straight to concrete. You can clean the ceiling manually, using water and a trowel, or you can use a puncher.
Important! Before starting work, protect the respiratory tract with a respirator. And in order not to spread dirt and dust throughout the apartment, close the door to the room tightly.
- After cleaning, the ceiling should be treated with a good primer. Its purpose is to protect the surface from the appearance of mold and other microorganisms, as well as to ensure good adhesion of the paint to the surface.
Important! If it is very important to save, for this purpose, you can use any chlorine-containing product, such as "Whiteness".But only a high-quality primer will impregnate the coating, make it even and even strengthen some areas.
- After priming, the surface must be leveled. For roughnesses that are more than 10 mm, use plaster, and small flaws hide using putty. After - should wait for the drying of the funds and apply a second layer of putty on all the disguised areas.
- Then it is necessary to wait about eight hours before the compositions dry up, and after that start cleansing the places with the help of trowels. In this case, grinding is performed until the ceiling is perfectly flat. Check its condition can be a straight rod.
The coating prepared in this way should be primed once more, and only after that go to the long-awaited coloration. Usually the paint is put on two layers. Remember that the second layer can be placed only when the first one completely dries.
Important! When deciding whether to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, do not use oil paint. She categorically is not suitable for such works. This coating closes the ceiling with a film that does not breathe, which causes condensation in the kitchen, where it is already wet. And after such a coloring, it will be very difficult to remove the coating. Only a construction hair dryer and a manual trowel cleaning will come to the rescue.
Tips for painting
How to paint the ceiling in the kitchen after the preparation even the child will understand, it is much more important to prepare the coating for coloring well, and also to use valuable advice from the professionals of your business.
So, with the paint we decided, but in order not to run to the store several times, it's better to take care of the tools at once. You will need:
- Rollers - angled and plain, medium pile.
- Brush for painting - no more than 10 cm wide.
- Container tray for paint. Step-ladder or a tall table.
- Rubber gloves.
- Respiratory and eye protection.
- Working clothes.
Classical technology:
- At first a little paint is poured into a container and rolled by a roller on its surface.
- The corners are then painted with a roller and brush.
For larger areas it is more convenient to use special equipment - spray gun.
A bit about the
spray gun This is a small device that evenly disperses the coloring matter. It is very simple to use and will help you save time and effort while working. In addition, in the end, you will get a perfectly smooth ceiling.
Important! The consumption of paint can be adjusted, which means that not only time and effort is saved, but the paint itself.
For the spray gun, water-based paints, acrylic and latex, silicone-based dyes are suitable. The main thing is to observe the proportions and properly dilute the paint.
How it works:
- Dilute the dye, filter it through a porous cloth, load it into the device.
- Set up the device by making a test check on the cardboard.
- Let's start painting the ceiling. For evenness of the coating, the included device is first sent to the cardboard, and then - smoothly transferred to the surface.
- For convenient work, divide the entire surface into identical areas, paint the first layer in one direction, and the second in the other.
- The optimal distance to the ceiling is 0.5 meters.
- Most often, the paint is put in three layers, with each of them stacked only after the previous one has dried.
Important! It is best to use the device in the morning or afternoon, when there is light from the window.
- To make the coloring look evenly, start from the window, gradually moving to the exit.
- In order to prevent color fluctuations and paint does not lie in stripes, work on one layer at once, without interruptions.
- Matt paint better hide the flaws of the surface. Glossy - on the contrary, reveal even unseen roughness. Therefore, if you are interested in a perfectly flat glossy surface, do not suffer with painting, and order a stretch ceiling.
- Use materials of the same brand - this will ensure their best compatibility, but the effect of mixing compositions of different manufacturers will be unpredictable.
- Building mixtures should be disposed of together with household waste. Do not use for draining of the leftovers of fillers or primers, sewage, because the risk of clogging or congealing of mixtures is very large.
- In order to track the uniformity of the coating, you can use a bright lamp with a cold glow. In its light, all the irregularities and shortcomings will become much more noticeable.
- Immediately after work, perform a thorough examination of the result - so you can correct the shortcomings as quickly as possible.
- Be sure to read and follow the instructions for the tools used. If the instructions indicate the required volume of water in ml, it must be observed exactly.
In conclusion
Today there are a lot of options for finishing ceilings: ceiling tiles, lining, stretch ceilings, plasterboard structures - all and not list. Moreover, many of them are not inferior in any way, and even benefit from painting works. Therefore, deciding to make repairs in the kitchen, it is worth determining whether you need to paint or you can choose another way of finishing.
In theory - everything is quite simple, but in practice there will always be some nuances. Therefore, if you are not sure of your abilities - contact a good specialist. They will help with the choice of materials, and will perform the work quickly and efficiently.