- The advantages of handmade soaps:
- How to make liquid soap?- Ingredients
- How to make liquid soap at home?- Recipes for cooking
Soap is an integral part of the hygiene of our body and clothing. If you like the gel-like composition more, then it will not be difficult to prepare the most liquid laundry soap, because the soap cooked on its own has great advantages over the store goods.
to the contents ↑Benefits of handmade soap:
- Confidence in the safety of your hygiene product, because you know every ingredient in it. It's no secret that industrial products of household chemicals can lead to serious health problems: dermatitis, decreased immunity, liver, kidney and other internal organs.
- The ability to make a variety of properties of soap. Depending on your needs, you can add the right ingredients to make anti-aging, cleansing, soothing soaps or some other.
- Significant savings in the family budget. Welded liquid soap at home enough for longer, and the cost of cooking it is minimal.
- The process of soap making is fascinating and creative, you will definitely enjoy it.
How to make a liquid soap?- Ingredients
What will it take to prepare a liquid soap with your own hands at home. First of all, you must find a suitable vessel that is suitable for these purposes.
Important! This saucepan should not be used for cooking.
Is there a mandatory list of products that should be used to obtain a quality result? Such list is and includes the following products:
- Baby soap.
- Glycerin.
- Essential oils.
In addition to the basic, you can optionally add the following components that will give your soap a special highlight and make it externally more attractive:
- Peppermint, chamomile, rose petals, lemon balm or any other useful herb from which you can prepare a decoction.
- Food coloring.
How to make liquid soap at home?- Recipes for the preparation of
Soap, as we have already said, to make liquid laundry soap yourself is not difficult. In this process, you can use an industrial bar of soap or dispense with it. Below are the simplest and most popular recipes for liquid soaps for various purposes.
Liquid soap for everyday use
This liquid soap has a moisturizing effect and can be used for daily cleansing of delicate skin.
- Bar of baby soap or remnants. It is better to use soap without perfumes and dyes - white or cream color.
- Tablespoon of glycerin. This component is freely available at any pharmacy.
- Essential oils. This ingredient is selected by everyone independently, based on their own tastes.
- Infusion of one of the herbs: lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, thyme or mint. You can also use a decoction from the collection of these herbs.
- Prepare herbal infusion. To do this, harvest the herbs with 10 tablespoons of clean filtered water. Place the container on the fire and wait for the mixture to boil. After 2-3 minutes, remove the decoction from the plate and let it brew for half an hour.
- Strain the prepared infusion with a sieve or gauze. The resulting volume increase to 10 cups, by adding boiled water.
- Take the baby soap and put it on a large grater. In soap, perfume and colorants should be absent. As a rule, one glass of shavings leaves one bar of soap.
Important! So that the soap is not so dry during its grater, put it briefly in a sunny place or on a battery.
- Pour the broth into the pan and add the chips to it. Turn on the fire. Constantly stirring, achieve complete dissolution of soap.
- The resulting mixture cool, remove the foam and add glycerin to it.
- Add a few drops of essential oil.
- If you want to paint a liquid soap, then you can add a little food color.
- Mix thoroughly the resulting mixture and pour into a bottle with a dispenser.
Home-made soap with instant cooking
The cooking of this soap is a simple, easy and fast process. It does not take much time and purchase any special components. All its constituent parts are found in every house. From the kitchen items you will need a blender and a bowl.
- Soap bar or soap.
- A glass of boiled water.
- Tablespoon of glycerin.
- Tablespoon of honey.
- Citrus essential oil.
- Three tablespoons of purified cold water.
- Put the soap in a warm place before cooking to make it softer.
- Scrunch the bar on a large grater.
- Pour the shavings with boiling water and blend well with a blender.
- Add honey, glycerin and essential oils. After that, whisk the mixture again with a blender.
- Leave the resulting mass for 15 minutes, then dilute the cold water and whisk again.
- The resulting soap is poured into a convenient bottle with a dispenser.
Important! Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the soap comes out qualitative and effective in its operation.
Nourishing soap with vitamins
To prepare a liquid soap, which will not only purify the skin, but also nourish it with vitamins, you should follow such a recipe.
- A piece of soap or a remnant.
- Pharmacy Glycerin.
- 10 glasses of purified water.
- Oil-based vitamins A and E.
- Essential oils of pet odors.
Cooking process:
- Fill with water the prepared soap chips.
- Put the saucepan on a fire and stir the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved.
- Remove the pan from the heat and add glycerin to the mass. Stir well the product.
- After cooling the mixture, add vitamins and a few drops of essential oil.
Important! For sensitive skin in the finished soap, you can add any base oil: sunflower, linseed, olive, coconut.
- To prepare soap with a scrub effect, add an abrasive component to it. The most suitable for this purpose is ground coffee, clay powder, almonds.
Fully natural soap
You can prepare a liquid soap with your own hands at home without the use of industrial soap. It will take you more time to cook, but in this way you will make an absolutely natural product.
- 280 g of olive oil.
- 680 g of coconut oil.
- 930 g of distilled water.
- 280 g of castor oil.
- 85 g of jojoba or shea butter.
- 310 g of potassium hydroxide flakes.
Important! When working with alkali, you should follow safety and security precautions. Be sure to use protective equipment for the hands and eyes. The room where you make soap should be well ventilated.
- Weigh all the oils, mix them and put them on a water bath for a weak fire.
Important! Strictly adhere to the prescription weight of the ingredients, otherwise - the product may not work.
- Wear gloves and eye protection. Make sure that the window is open.
- Weigh the lye and add it to a large bowl with the necessary dose of distilled water. Add this component in small portions, constantly mixing the mixture.
Important! Lye should be added to the water, rather than pour it with water. This nuance is very important, since wrong actions can lead to a dangerous chemical reaction.
- Slowly pour the resulting alkaline solution into the oil. Try not to cause a surge of liquids, so that alkali does not get on your skin.
- Stir the mixture thoroughly. To do this, use an immersion blender. Mass quickly begins to thicken. Beating is required until it has a paste consistency.
- Continue cooking on low heat, periodically mixing the pasta with a spoon. On average, cooking in this way takes 6 hours.
- You should get about half a kilo of transparent paste. Add to it for dilution 935 ml of distilled water. Before the paste is completely dissolved in water, it may take several hours.
- Add the essential oil essential oil to the mixture. For the color, you can add any natural food color.
- Finished product in bottles with dispensers for more convenient use.
Important! Such a liquid soap does not contain any preservatives in its composition, therefore its shelf life is rather low. Do not use home-made soap after one year from the date of manufacture.
How to make a liquid laundry soap?
Household soap has a large amount of alkali in its composition. This helps him cope with the most difficult dirt on clothes. To use soap when washing clothes in washing machines, you can make a high-quality and effective washing gel from it.
- 200 g piece of laundry soap.
- 2.5 liters of boiling water.
- 400 g of soda ash.
- Essential oil of a favorite sample.
Cooking process:
- Scrub the soap onto a fine grater.
- Fill the chips with 1.5 liters of boiling water.
- Place a saucepan of soap and water on a low heat and heat, stirring constantly. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the soap, while not allowing the mixture to boil.
- In a separate vessel, dissolve 1 liter of water in soda ash.
Important! If the soda ash in the house you did not find, then you can replace it with ordinary food. But it will need 5 times more than the technical soda.
- Add the soda solution to soapy water and mix everything thoroughly. A lot of homogeneous consistency should be obtained.
- Add 12 drops of essential oil to the cooled gel to give a pleasant scent to the detergent.
- Mix well and pour into bottles.
Important! If the product is too thick and resembles a paste, it should be mixed with water before use.
Recommendations for use:
To apply liquid household laundry soap, you need the same way as the store detergent in the form of a gel:
- For washing lightly soiled clothes, use 100 ml of gel, with more strong - 150-200 ml.
- Pour the gel directly into the drum or in a special container that is placed with the laundry.
- This gel is suitable for all fabrics, except wool.
Important! The product dissolves well in water, removes stains on clothing and rinses off fabric fibers without problems.
How to make liquid soap out of laundry soap?
From laundry soap it is possible to prepare not only the means for washing, but also a pleasant and effective soap for washing hands.
- Bar of laundry soap.
- 100 ml of boiling water.
- Dessert spoon of table vinegar.
- Tablespoon of castor oil.
- Tablespoon of honey.
- Tablespoon of refined sunflower or olive oil.
- Tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil.
- A teaspoon of vitamin E.
- A teaspoon of chlorophyllipt.
- Essential oil of lavender.
- Half a tablespoon of glycerin or baby cream.
Cooking process:
- Scrub a bar of soap weighing 150-200 grams on a large grater.
- Pour the shavings with boiling water and leave for a while.
- Add a tablespoon of honey, sea-buckthorn oil, sunflower or olive oil and castor oil.
- Add apple cider vinegar to the mix, which will reduce the alkaline soap environment.
- After acquiring a liquid of a uniform consistency, it should be supplemented with vitamin E, chlorophyllipt and glycerin.
- Mix the whole mass with a mixer. The result should be an airy light mixture.
- To add a pleasant aroma to the soap, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Important! In the preparation of liquid household soaps, shampoos and shower gels can additionally be used.
The very process of soap making is quite interesting, and the result is useful for family life. Therefore, this pastime will greatly entice you. You can also include children in the cooking. It will be equally interesting for them to cook such a unique product, and to wash your body and wash your laundry yourself with a prepared preparation is much more pleasant even for an adult person.