Mushroom drier with own hands

  • Difficulties of billet
  • Dryer option No.1
  • Dryer option No.2

For long-term storage and preparation for future use of food products, various methods of their processing are used: drying, drying, smoking, salting. Often processing processes are associated with air drying. Some products, which contain a lot of water, are heat treated, that is, dried at a fairly high temperature in the oven( melons, apples, some fruits).Many other products are dried in the wind or in the sun( fruits, fish, poultry, ham, salted meat).An excellent alternative to these methods is a mushroom dryer with your own hands, which can also be used for the preparation of other products. Let's consider, than such adaptation is convenient and how it can be collected by the hands.

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Workpiece difficulties

Certain difficulties and inconveniences are associated with the drying process. It often happens like this: just put the products to dry, when suddenly the wind died down or the sun hid, or even it started to rain, and all the work goes wrong. But the greatest evil in the summer is associated with flies. They swarm around the exposed product and you do not have time to blink an eye, as they will lay out their eggs in it. In this case, he will save the mushroom dryer with his own hands.

Important! Flies are malignant peddlers of infection. The contact of these insects with products is simply unacceptable. It is because of this, before hanging in the sun or the wind of fish and meat preparations, many wrap them with gauze, however, this does not always guarantee reliable isolation from flies, and with a small wind can hinder the drying process.

Special problems arise for anglers, because after a good catch and pickles caught, it is simply impossible to wrap gauze each fish for drying, and the probability of spoiling the product with flies grows many times, especially if the fish is stratified. But still, there is a way out.

After many experiments, it was found a wonderful way out - to make a mushroom dryer by hand, reminiscent of the shape of a match box, more precisely, the lid from this box, only a few dozen times more.

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Dryer option No. 1

The dryer device and its operating principle is quite simple. To perform such a dryer, you should:

  1. Make a frame in the form of a parallelepiped from the slats.
  2. Place it on the edge( the match box is gray down).
  3. Both side, as well as the lower and upper sides, with a solid material( oilcloth, ruberoid, cardboard, plywood).Moreover, the upper face will be a hinged lid, like a piano lid.
  4. Tighten the end faces with gauze or a fine mesh.
  5. Along the side walls inside the dryer, pull the wires to suspend the products.
  6. Inside, on one side directly next to the gauze, place the desktop room fan, and pass its conductive wire through the cheesecloth, leaving no free passage in it, and bring it out to the outlet.

Use of the

The food products should be worn on metal hooks and suspended with tension wires. After full inspection and expulsion of all flies, the lid closes and the fan turns on.

Important! The intensive air flow, which is created by the fan, ensures fast drying of the products with observance of sanitary requirements.

As a rule, the duration of drying in the mushroom dryer is determined experimentally. It will depend on the humidity of the ambient air, its temperature, as well as on the dimensions of the dried products, their moisture content and the required value of the final moisture content.

Useful advices:

  • Dimensions of the dryer can be arbitrary and depend on the amount of product intended for drying.
  • To reduce the power consumption, it is recommended to use fans that have several modes of operation, which will make it possible to produce a change in the ventilation mode in the dryer.
  • You can install this dryer almost anywhere: on the veranda, balcony, under a canopy or even on the street.
  • Download products better in the evening or early in the morning, when there are no flies.
  • Larger parts of the products should first be hung closer to the fan, and then they can be swapped.

Important! Many years of operation of dryers of this type made it possible to investigate their operation under different conditions. Wonderful results were obtained in drying fruit, churchchel, potatoes, dill, parsley, salted hens and ducks, boiled sausages, hams, dried mushrooms.

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Dryer Option No. 2

Let's look at one more option, how to make a mushroom dryer with our own hands above the gas stove. So, let's start:

  • For work we need aluminum corners of various lengths and wire mesh.
  • To begin with, measure the dimensions of the slab in order to perform a dryer that can later be placed on its surface.
  • Drill holes in corners with a drill or electric drill so that they can be fastened with bolts and nuts.
  • Now it comes to the grid, which will be placed mushrooms. Cut it according to the dimensions of the slab and the carcass itself, with a margin.

Important! A mesh of bandage, gauze or plastic will not work, as it is dangerous to hold such materials above the fire.

  • In order to fix the grid to the frame, use the same aluminum corner, but with a smaller size. It should turn out so that from the bottom the grid was laid on the platform from the frame, and on top - it was pressed with an overhead plate.
  • The plate is also attached to the frame using screws that are threaded into the pre-drilled holes.
  • Height above the fire should be determined on its own, you can approximately 60-70 cm( just saw off the legs of the required length).
  • Put the mushrooms, turn on the gas and everything, the process went.

Important! Do not leave the gas unattended.

It's very difficult to overestimate the useful work of mushroom dryers by oneself. For sure, many will be interested in such a dryer, the material that is used for its manufacture, actually junk, the work is quite simple, the electricity consumption is small, the fan will be found in almost every house, and the benefits are enormous.