How to clean an enamel pot inside from black?

  • Immediate cleaning
  • Folk remedies to help - 7 effective tools
  • How to use the pan correctly? Warnings, prohibitions

Enamelled pans are in use by many housewives, because the coating of the paint is absolutely safe when cooking a wide variety of dishes. Such items of daily kitchen use look beautiful, practical, and with careful care dishes will last a very long time. Sometimes it happens that when cooking porridge or milk, these products are burned to a saucepan. By simple washing-up liquids, it is incredibly difficult to wash this carbon deposit, therefore, in the arsenal of each housewife there must be several folk remedies that will help to solve the problem of how to clean the enamel pan inside from blackness, scum or sludge. Several options we will offer you in this article.

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Immediate cleaning

If the deposit is still fresh:

  • It is necessary to put the dishes very quickly in a sink and pour water at a suitable temperature.

Important! It is desirable to fill the pan to the edges, so that all the scum that formed inside was seized.

  • Then you need to add a detergent for the dishes, and with the help of a sponge, try to wash the deposit.
  • If this does not work out, leave the container with water for 30-40 minutes to soak. During this time, the raid should lag behind the walls of the dishes, and it will be much easier to wash.
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Folk remedies to help - 7 effective tools

How to clean enameled dishes, if after cooking, a nuisance: was there a touch or a dark deposit? The main thing - do not start rubbing its inner walls with hard metal brushes or pour cold ware with cold water.

In fact, our grandmothers have long since come up with many different means of cleaning such utensils. And, the components for these funds can be found in every home.

Action of salt

In order to remove the deposit inside the enamel pan, you can use ordinary salt. Immediately after cooking and the appearance of a dark raid, sprinkle salt on the bottom of the pan.

Important! Also this mixture can be sprinkled and the surface of the gas stove, if it spilled milk. This will help not only to clean it faster, but also to avoid the nasty smell of burnt milk or other food.

You can prepare a concentrated salt solution:

  1. You should pour a burnt pan and put them on a fire.
  2. After 20 minutes, you can remove the dishes and try to clean it with a usual dishwashing sponge.

Important! In most cases this method helps to clean the enamel pan inside from the black even in the most neglected cases.

Sand cleaning

You can clean cast iron and enamel ware using ordinary sand.

This procedure is best done outdoors when there is a lot of sand in the summer. The dishes are cleaned with sand very simply and quickly, not only inside, but also outside.

For this:

  1. It is necessary to pour sand on the dishes and carefully rub with a washcloth or a cloth.
  2. As the contamination of sand should be regularly changed.

Important! Cleaning with sand will take you no more than an hour, but the dishes after this procedure will literally shine like new.

Citric acid

It is also possible to clean enameled kettles and pans from scale and scale with citric acid, which is successfully used for cleaning washing machines and electric kettles.

Important! This product acts very carefully with respect to the gentle enamel coating, but at the same time, it is fatal for carbon deposits, dirt, scale and other unpleasant substances.

To clean the dishes, you should pour the acid inside and fill with water. A large bundle will be enough for one, and small ones need to take a few. Then put the saucepan on a fire and boil for at least 25 minutes. Next, remove the dishes from the fire and pour the water with the fallen dirt into the sink.

Important! This way it is possible to clean enameled dishes systematically, because it suffers greatly from trace elements contained in water, which we use for cooking.

Coffee grounds

You can resort to the help of such a tool as the coffee grounds. The principle of operation of this method is similar to the above-described version with sand. But coffee grounds, unlike sand, can be easily found at any time of the year. In addition, in addition to removing contaminants, it can eliminate the unpleasant smells of burnt food.

It is necessary to use a soft sponge and carefully walk through the coffee grounds on all surfaces of the pan. Abrasive contamination will be removed.

Soda and laundry soap

A versatile way to clean the enamel pan inside from black, as well as any other kitchen utensils:

  1. If you need to clean the pan both inside and out, take a large container and place in it a saucepan that needs to be cleaned.
  2. Fill the tank with water with the addition of soda and pre-grated laundry soap.
  3. It is important that the pan is completely covered with water and detergents.
  4. Next on a small fire, boil the dishes for 40 minutes.

Important! If you want to remove more and a dark raid, then to the above composition can add a little "whiteness".

Green apples and lemons

Ironically, for effective cleaning of the enameled surface, fruits such as green apples and lemons are excellent. Wipe the walls of the dishes with these sour fruits and leave for 40 minutes, then take a dish detergent and carefully walk on the surface with a sponge.

Important! The essence of the effectiveness of cleaning is that these products contain natural acid, which corrodes plaque of various origin. Including, these means help to get rid of rust, calcareous deposits.

Whiteness or bleach

A more extreme option for cleaning is the use of chlorine tablets or "whiteness."To do this, pour it into the pan for about 40-50 minutes, and then pour it into a tub or sink.

After this, carefully clean the enamel pan under running water. After some time, chlorine will finally erode, and the dishes will shine like new.

Important! If you use non-tabletted powder, and liquid concentrate, be very careful in proportions. Take ½ of the volume indicated on the label for bleaching things. As an alternative, bleach "Persol" can be used. In this case, mix it with water and boil for 20 minutes.

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How to use the pan correctly? Warnings, prohibitions

To enamel dishes served you for many years, you should follow some rules:

  • Use it only for cooking liquid dishes, compotes;
  • Never cook roast or porridge in such dishes;
  • Enameled dishes do not tolerate sharp temperature changes, so it should not be left on a hot plate;
  • The pan should be placed on the gas only when it is filled with liquid.

Important! If you decide to clean the pan, wait for it to cool completely. This should be taken into account, because you can not pour cold water into a hot vessel - because of this, the enamel can crack. The dishes, inside which the enamel broke off, can not be used for cooking.

In this article, we have offered you many effective ways how to quickly clean the enamel pan inside from the black. Choose a more suitable one, and apply if there is an emergency situation with carbon deposits or it's time to remove the lime scale on kitchen utensils, because cooking in clean and tidy dishes is always much more pleasant!