When buying a chainsaw, not everyone is ready to overpay for a brand. This is reasonable, especially since tools from China are often in no way inferior to the products of well-known brands, and are much cheaper. We will now tell you about how to choose a Chinese chainsaw and which 6 chainsaws from China are worthy of the title of the best.
- 1 What to expect from Chinese chainsaws
- 2 Top 6 Chinese chainsaws
- 3 Popular questions
- 4 conclusions
What to expect from Chinese chainsaws
Ten or fifteen years ago, the phrase "Chinese instrument" sounded like a disappointing diagnosis. Almost everything that came to us from the Middle Kingdom was cheap and completely of poor quality. The quality of Chinese products was a real lottery: the chainsaw could work quietly for several years or instantly glue the fins without even having time to really start. Purely by chance, you could buy a pretty good unit for a modest price, but it was, rather, a rare success. The cost of all this disgrace was ridiculously cheap, but there was no question of any guarantee. Maintenance, finding and replacing spare parts sometimes turned into a strange quest, which could only be enjoyed by a masochist. In general, buying a Chinese chainsaw was a very dubious undertaking. Fortunately, the situation has improved dramatically in recent years.
Today, most of the chainsaws and spare parts for them are made in China. This fully applies to the products of well-known brands. "Chinese" and "non-Chinese" chainsaws are often produced by the same factories, so the quality of even a relatively inexpensive tool today is at a pretty decent level. In addition, Chinese manufacturers have begun pumping service centers, so getting the parts you need or handing over a defective saw under warranty is not a problem today. best of all are the Russian brands with production in China: ZUBR, KALIBR and others.
In general, the advantages of Chinese chainsaws are clearly greater than the disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at chainsaws from the Middle Kingdom.
Top 6 Chinese chainsaws
1. ZUBR PBC-M560 45p

A relatively inexpensive chain saw from a domestic brand, which, judging by its characteristics, can be attributed to the professional class. This is done with a long 45 cm tire and a powerful 2100 watt (2.86 horsepower) 54.6 cubic centimeter engine. It has anti-vibration and automatic chain brake functions, so working with this chainsaw is comfortable and safe, despite the fact that it weighs relatively little - only 6.1 kilograms. A very decent device, suitable for almost any purpose. At least such a thing as a 5-year manufacturer's warranty speaks about quality. It's not a pity to pay 6,500 rubles for such a unit.
Price: ₽ 6 640
ZUBR PBC-M560 45p
2. PATRIOT PT 2512

At a price of less than 6,000 rubles - an excellent amateur model of a chain saw. The small length of the tire (only 30 centimeters) and the small engine size speak volumes about the everyday use of the tool. There is a 25 cc internal combustion engine with a capacity of one kilowatt (1.3 horsepower). It would be presumptuous to expect any serious accomplishments from this chainsaw, it is, rather, a lopper. But the saw weighs less than 3 kilograms, fits comfortably in the hands, does not make much noise, but works reliably. With the proper skill, the PT 2512 can even be used with one hand. Unfortunately, there are a lot of plastic parts in the design, and the plastic itself is not very high quality, so it becomes fragile in the cold. Treat this saw with care, don't demand too much, and it won't disappoint you.
Price: ₽ 5 990
3. Huter BS-45M

Nice and quite powerful semi-professional chainsaw with a 2300 watt engine (engine capacity - 45 cubic centimeters) and a tire length of 40 centimeters. Anti-vibration and automatic chain brake functions are provided. The tool weighs, however, very decently - as much as 7 kilograms together with a chain and a tire, but it costs only 5500 rubles, and it can do a lot for such a price. An excellent choice for a private home or even a small building. The main thing is, after the purchase, but before the first launch, do not forget to adjust the mechanism, because factory adjustments cause fair questions for many users.
Price: ₽ 5 530
Huter BS-45M
4. Bort BBK-2018

This chainsaw is a whole kilogram lighter than the model discussed above, but it is equipped with a 45 cm tire and a powerful 2 kilowatt engine with a volume of 45 cubic centimeters. The manufacturer also did not forget about vibration protection and a chain brake. Not the highest maintainability and a floating level of build quality are quite balanced by the low price. For just 4500 rubles, you will get a tool that can solve any (or almost any) problem that arises in everyday life: from sawing wood for a bath to the construction of this very bath. Check the build quality before buying, do not overload the tool, and it will not disappoint you.
Price: ₽ 4 640
Bort BBK-2018
5. Carver RSG 241

This chainsaw is not as powerful as the model above: the 41 cc engine produces only 1,300 watts of power, which is the equivalent of 1.8 horsepower. Despite the rather long 40 cm bar, this is more a delimber than a full-fledged saw. It is quite possible and even convenient to trim bushes or cut firewood for her, but you should not wait for something more. Among the shortcomings, we can note an unsuccessfully located exhaust pipe, which tends to smoke directly into the face of the user, and an inconvenient placement of the screw for tightening the chain. Otherwise, it is a lightweight and compact tool that fully fulfills its 5,000 rubles.
Price: ₽ 5 000
Carver RSG 241
6. CALIBER BP-2800 / 18U

CALIBER is a fairly well-known Russian trade mark with production in China. The brand has earned its popularity due to a very pleasant ratio of price and capabilities of its tools. For example, this model costs only a little more than 3,500 rubles, but its functionality is in no way inferior to much more expensive counterparts. The 2800 watt (3.73 horsepower) power and 45 centimeter tire speak for themselves. The saw weighs relatively little - 6.2 kilograms - equipped with vibration protection and an automatic chain brake. The complete chain tends to stretch, and the saw itself occasionally stalls at idle, but with such a price list, you can put up with these shortcomings.
Price: ₽ 3 690
CALIBER BP-2800 / 18U
Popular questions
Are Chinese chainsaws much inferior to models of more famous and reputable manufacturers?
Much of this is a matter of luck, but overall, Chinese chainsaws are not as bad as it is commonly believed. Often they are produced at the same factories as the saws of well-known brands, so good saws from China are not too inferior to tools from popular manufacturers.
As you can see, China doesn't make such bad tools: you just need to pay a little attention to the choice. We hope our independent top 6 Chinese chainsaws have helped you choose a saw for your personal taste and wallet.