Frameless furniture with own hands

  • Pros and cons of
  • Features of sewing frameless furniture
  • Selection of material and filler
  • Manufacturing of a seat-bag

Frameless furniture is a rather interesting choice, because in not every house we can meet such original items. But if you still wanted to make yourself such an interesting piece, then this article is for you. If you are thinking about purchasing or not this type of furniture, here are a few cases where it will look great:

  • if you have a very gentle floor covering in your room( at home or office), which does not suffer scratches;
  • you need mobile furniture;
  • if you are after the original design of the room.

In this article we will reveal all the pros and cons, the design, the selection of materials, we will tell about how the frameless furniture is made by oneself.

Important! If you are going to purchase this kind of furniture, then, of course, your interior should not be official and strict, because it simply does not fit colorful colored balls. In addition, do not install them in a room with high humidity.

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Pros and Cons of the

Like any other type of furniture, the frameless appearance has both its disadvantages and advantages. Now we will tell you which ones.


  1. Comfortable and insanely comfortable is on such furniture.
  2. Safety, because this type of furniture does not have a single acute angle.
  3. It is mobile, it is easy and convenient to transport at any distance.
  4. Easy to clean and environmentally friendly.
  5. Easily repaired. It's enough just to change the filler or just sew the torn cover.
  6. The ability to become a distinctive and memorable feature of your interior, because it can be made in absolutely any color and shape.

Important! The most important drawback of this type is that the filler inside the cover often loses its shape, which causes the seats to sag. For this reason, you have to replace the filler, which is worth the money.

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Features of sewing frameless furniture

The main feature of making frameless furniture with your own hands is the correct selection:

  • patterns in accordance with the expected dimensions of the chair;
  • fabric, from which will be made both the inner and outer bag;
  • filler.

Important! It should be remembered that the seams should be as strong as possible, therefore, reinforced yarn should be used. And check them in advance - before you fill the bags with filler.

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Selection of material and filler

If you still want to make such furniture for yourself, then first of all you need to take care of the materials.

What can not be used?

At the same time, you should immediately abandon such options:

  • coarse calico;
  • silk;
  • satin.

Important! In the process of operation, they wear out very quickly and lose their attractive appearance, because of which the furniture itself looks unattractive.

Also it is not necessary to use plastic, fire hazardous substances or those materials which, when heated, release harmful substances.

What can I use?

The most suitable materials for creating such furniture are:

  • Velor - remotely resembling artificial fur fabric, soft, velvety and pleasant to the touch.
  • Flock - a material similar to velor.
  • Chenille - a natural fabric with the addition of synthetics.
  • Jacquard - a similar fabric to the chenille, as there is added synthetics.
  • Artificial suede. Plus this fabric is that it is easy to care for.
  • Artificial leather. This material will give a chic look to your furniture.
  • Tapestry. This fabric is extremely strong and antistatic, and just beautiful, due to the fact that it can be depicted with the help of threads completely different beautiful pattern. The furniture made of such fabric will give your interior originality.


Filler can be used:

  • Styrofoam is the best option.
  • If you have a repair at home and there is an unnecessary foam, then it can also be used as a filler. Only before that, it should be crumbled into small balls.
  • If you are a fan of everything natural, you can use buckwheat husk or hay. But in this case you will have to change the filler every six months or a year, because these materials are subject to moisture and eventually they are compressed

With the material sorted out, now we should proceed directly to the manufacture of frameless furniture with our own hands.

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Manufacture of the

chair-bag For sewing frameless furniture with your own hands you will need to purchase a lot of fabric, since we need to sew two bags - one outer and one inner.

Also required:

  • 200-300 l filler;
  • zippers;
  • reinforced sewing thread;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Important! You can also prepare stencils, which you can find on special Internet resources.

Work progress:

  1. Take the finished patterns and redraw them with chalk on the fabric that you have chosen for your chair.

Important! Always leave allowances for seams - it's somewhere about 1-1.5 cm.

  1. Make two blanks - first the inner bag, and then the outer one.
  2. We begin the process of sewing our blanks. To do this, you need to sew the wedges with side edges, and then sew up and down while sewing the zipper.
  3. After you have made both bags, insert the inner bag into the outer bag and start filling the filler. To do this, you can take either a funnel or an ordinary plastic bottle, or just roll the paper into a tube.
  4. We open the bag with the filler and insert the tube there, pasting it with adhesive tape, so that there are no holes through which the filler will fall to the floor. To fall asleep not completely, but approximately 50-70% of the volume.
  5. If you want to make the chair stiffer, then pour more. But we do not recommend this.

Important! If you make an armchair from a dense fabric, then it is best to sew special valves in the armchair. This will help the chair to quickly take the shape of the body of the person sitting on it, and will not allow moisture to accumulate in the armchair.

Your soft, comfortable frameless chair-bag is ready! Pleasant and comfortable use.