- Do I need to clean metal from rust?
- Reasons for rust formation
- Universal ways to get rid of rust on metal
- Chemical ways to get rid of rust on metal
- Get rid of rust from coins
- Get rid of rust from bath and toilet
- Get rid of rust from skates
- How to prevent rust formation on metal?
Durable, reliable, durable and at the same time attractive metal products constantly surround us in everyday life. Without noticing it, we use them daily. However, metal has one unpleasant feature - it actively interacts with the environment, for this reason it is covered with a layer of rust, this action is also called corrosion. The most unpleasant thing happens when a rusty thing or technique needs to be painted, and a layer of corrosion prevents it. Then the question arises, how to remove rust from the metal before painting? It is with him that we will understand this article.
to the contents ↑Do I need to clean metal from rust?
All the metal suffers from corrosion: household appliances, tools, electrical equipment, etc. Scientists have proven that about 10% of metal products per day suffer from rust. Most people, faced with this problem, try to remove rust by not quite the right methods, thereby further spoiling the product. Some leave everything as is or just forget about the problem.
None of these approaches is true - to process metal from rust is necessary, and correctly. Only in this case it will be possible to extend the life of your product, warning its final and rapid destruction.
to content ↑Reasons for rust formation
The most important reason for the formation of a rusty layer on metal products is interaction with the environment. And in danger there are absolutely all unprotected metals. The surface of such materials undergoes a chemical reaction, after which a rusty layer appears, the previous appearance of the product and its properties are lost.
In order to clearly see the example of corrosion of metal, it's enough just to go out:
- Take a close look at the metal stairs, fences, partitions and railings - all of them are undoubtedly corroded.
- Also not protected from rust and metals, which are constantly under the influence of high temperatures, for example, some engine parts.
- There is a high risk of corrosion from metal products that are constantly in contact with a liquid, such as alcohol, water or oil.
Due to all of the above factors, the question arises: "How to get rid of rust on metal, and is it really at all?" Yes, you can get rid of the effects of corrosion, which is quite easy. And to prevent the appearance of a rusty layer on the metal, the most important thing is to take care of the products properly.
to content ↑Universal ways to get rid of rust on metal
The biggest misconception of housewives is that they think that rust is like an ordinary raid and laundered with usual detergents. This is not so, because corrosion occurs as a result of a chemical reaction with the interaction of oxygen. But if rust has already appeared, then you need to act quickly.
In order to remove rust from the metal before painting, ordinary household components that everyone has at hand can come to the rescue.
Citric acid:
- Buy a packet of citric acid in the form of a powder - it can be found in any supermarket.
- Pour the entire contents of the sachet into a bowl, pour it with hot water. Notice that the liquid starts bubbling.
- Put a rusty object in a bowl, if it is still necessary, top up with boiling water.
- Leave everything in this form for the night, and in the morning you will see that the rust has disappeared.
Lime with salt:
- Take a rusted thing, put it firmly in salt.
- On top, squeeze out the juice of lime or lemon, you should get a thick mixture.
- Leave the metal product in this mixture overnight.
- With the remaining skin of lime and lemon, clean the remnants of the mixture, and then rinse the product with water.
Baking soda
In this method, too, you need to prepare the mixture to remove the rust from the metal before painting:
- Mix until the density of soda with water.
- Apply this product to a metal product, leave it as it is for the night.
- In the morning rinse the thing, leave to dry.
- To remove soda from the metal, use a toothbrush.
Potatoes and laundry soap:
- Cut in half the potatoes to be rubbed with soap. This procedure will improve the course of the chemical reaction.
- Put half of the potatoes on a rusty product and wait a couple of hours.
Important! Household soap can be replaced with soda or salt.
Oxalic acid
This acid is sold in powder. The main thing - do not forget about precautions and wear gloves, goggles and glasses. Another important point - in no case can not breathe this acid, so protect your respiratory tract with a respiratory mask.
Next - operate in such a way as to treat the metal against rust:
- First, rinse the metal product with any detergent, rinse the metal and dry.
- With 250 ml of warm water, mix about 5 tablespoons of oxalic acid.
- In this solution, place the rusted metal product for about 20 minutes and rub it with a toothbrush.
- Wash and dry the product at the end.
White vinegar
Vinegar easily reacts with rust and removes it. In order to get rid of the rust on the metal, simply lower the object into a container of white vinegar and leave it overnight.
Important! If the thing is too big, then soak a cloth in the vinegar and wipe the product with it.
to content ↑Chemical ways to get rid of rust on metal
In addition to homemade products, you can use store tools, with which you can process metal from rust. Here is a list of the most effective and effective at the consumers' point of view:
- "Cinderella".Liquid means for getting rid of signs of corrosion. Its main advantages can be considered absence of smell and relatively low price.
- Furman. A remedy in the form of a powder, which in some ways resembles citric acid. Also, an effective method of cleaning from rust.
- Topper. Express-cleaner from rust on metal. Its pluses include the most careful attitude to a metal product and its restoration.
In fact, stores offer a huge number of different tools that will save and protect the metal from rust. You can only choose among this a rather large list. But some metal products, such as coins, bathtubs, toilets or a blade of skates, are cleaned in separate ways. About them now and will be discussed.
to the contents ↑Get rid of rust from the coins
In order to clean the coins from rust, determine what it is made of, because each metal is cleaned in completely different ways:
- For silver coins, salmon or lemon juice is best. And note that for a metal with a low breakdown lemon juice is best suited, and a metal with a higher breakdown should be cleaned with ammonia.
- With copper coins, rust is removed with vinegar.
- If the coin is made of zinc-iron alloy, then use a salt solution. It will save your product from rust.
Important! In each of the methods for cleaning coins from rust, not only dry and pasty agents can be used, but also in liquid form. When using solutions in them, you need to place coins and leave until the rust is completely dissolved.
to the contents ↑We get rid of rust from the bath and toilet
In this case, too, there are several ways to clean the metal from rust. Let's consider each of them in detail:
- The first tool that will easily and quickly remove the toilet and the bath from rust is vinegar. But it is used only for fresh spots, with which it can cope with the day. All rusted areas are dampened with vinegar in pure form. You can apply it with a rag or brush.
- Also effective is soda. It should be diluted with a little water. The resulting mixture in consistency should be similar to sour cream. It should be applied over stains for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
- If you have a bath or toilet with an acrylic surface, salt and potatoes will help you get rid of rust. First, take a handful of salt and sprinkle it with rust spots. Then start rubbing the coating with a cut potato slice.
- Potatoes can be used not only in cut form. Take a large grater and chop potatoes on it, add lemon juice and oxalic acid. With the resulting mixture, treat the rust spots and leave for a few hours. Then rinse off with warm water and enjoy the cleanliness of the surface.
Get rid of rust from skates
Skates are a very delicate thing. The most important thing is that if the blade of the skates is rusted, then they will not be able to slide on the ice, and if you throw the problem and do not solve it, then they will completely become unsuitable. Unlike coins and bathroom, cleaning the skate blade is done in only one way.
To do this, you need to prepare a soapy solution, take one lemon, baking soda and a few soft rags.
The order of your actions will be as follows:
- To begin with, wipe the edge of the skates with a soap solution and remove dirt from it. Then you need to wash and dry the skates.
- Then it is worth mixing lemon juice and soda. Must form a thick mass. Put it on the blade of the skates and start rubbing it with a soft rag. It is necessary to rub until the whole rusty layer disappears.
- In the end, rinse the skates leave them to dry.
How to prevent the formation of rust on metal?
In order not to be puzzled by the question, what to process the metal from rust, you need to take care of and take care of your things and equipment. And how exactly - read on:
- First, take care of the correct storage conditions. The room should not exceed the moisture level, but there should not be stuffiness.
- All metal products that you use not so often need to be covered with food film. It will protect them from corrosion. Also there are different coatings that are applied industrially.
Before throwing a rusty metal thing, try to get rid of the problem by other methods. For example, cleaning. Most of the proposed methods are budgetary and easily accessible. In addition, you will need a little time and desire. And if it is a question of processing metal before painting, then the proposed methods will certainly be useful to you. And most importantly - remember that it is better to prevent the problem, than to get rid of it later. So watch and take care of your equipment, devices, and everything will be fine.