- How to take care of your feet?
- Foot care products at home
- Medicated leg treatment
Foot care is a must for any girl. On how regularly and correctly you will perform it, depends on the overall health of your feet, the condition of the skin, the beauty of the whole body and comfort. But every woman chooses to trust a professional herself or conduct all the procedures herself at home. What exactly you need to do to organize the proper foot care, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑How to take care of your feet?
In order to keep the legs beautiful, you need to follow a few simple rules.
Visit to the beauty salon
In the beauty salon, several cosmetic procedures are offered:
- Pedicure;
- Foot baths;
- Depilation;
- Relaxing massage.
Important! In summer, a professional cosmetologist should be visited more often than in winter.
Hair Removal on the Feet
You can use a shaver, creams or other hair remover. There are a lot of them in the modern market.
Important! If you regularly puzzled by the question of how to properly care for the skin of the legs, and look for more suitable for your body means, over time it can be achieved that they become barely noticeable and cease to grow at all. But be prepared for the fact that many procedures are unsafe and painful.
Foot hygiene
Daily hygiene is very important in order for foot skin care to be correct. Especially - water procedures with soap or softer gels.
Important! After a hard day, be sure to overpower yourself and go wash your feet to prevent the development of various leg skin diseases. After bath procedures, lubricate your feet with moisturizing or nutritious creams. Change pantyhose, socks, stockings more often, regularly air the shoes of .
Dress for the season
Dress for the season:
- in the cold - warm;
- in the heat - on the contrary, let the skin breathe more.
Important! If your feet are sweating heavily, use talc or deodorant for your feet. In summer, use ultraviolet filter-cream from sunlight, especially when spending time on the beach.
Proper nutrition
No one has yet abolished proper nutrition to maintain their health and excellent skin condition. Skin of legs is no exception. Therefore, eat more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Eat less salted, smoked and spicy. This will help enrich your body with all the necessary trace elements, vitamins and maintain the elasticity of the skin.
Important! In the off-season, when the body is weakened and often there is a problem of dry skin, go through a course of vitamin therapy. You can check with your doctor or pharmacist in the pharmacy.
Regular foot care
Apply cream and do skin cleansing. Use a scrub, peeling and other means. Such procedures will help to establish proper skin care for the feet:
- in time to remove the remains of dead cells and particles of fine dirt that clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing;
- to prevent ingrown hairs and, as a consequence, inflammatory processes.
Foot care products at home
Home foot care products are very effective if used correctly. In addition, they are safe, without chemical impurities and harmful to human health supplements. The only thing you need to know is that you can get a good result only if you apply them regularly.
In summer, the skin may dry up and even flake or crack. Heals well the cracks at the feet of St. John's Wort. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Brew 1 liter of water with 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort.
- Keep your feet in the broth for a few minutes.
- Gently wipe off with a soft towel.
This plant prevents fungal infections. For the broth you need the following ingredients: 1 spoon of calendula per 1 liter of water.
Important! Too often to use such a tool is not necessary, it is enough to make baths 1-2 times a week.
Accelerates the healing of cracks and prevents excessive sweating. The desired effect can be achieved thus:
- A couple of tablespoons of starch dissolve in one liter of water.
- Before going to bed, hold your feet in this solution for 20 minutes.
- Take out your feet, lubricate with a nutritious cream.
Important! Reduce sweating of feet and prevent rubbing can be even easier - just a few minutes before you leave the house, sprinkle the skin with dry powder. Remove excess, shoe sandals and go to work or a walk.
Strongly brewed tea
Such a tool helps from cracks in the feet, with both black and green tea suitable.
- Take the cotton ball.
- Water in welding.
- Wipe your skin after a hard day.
Important! Tea welding not only helps to relieve fatigue in the legs, but also tones up the skin. Hence - care will be right.
Apple with milk
To care for the skin of the legs was effective, sometimes you need to make masks. Excellent for this milk, apple combined with castor oil. Use them according to the following instructions:
- Boil a glass of milk.
- Put the apple in boiling milk.
- Cook for 10 minutes.
- After boiling, cool down a little.
- Remove the core and peel, and pulverize the pulp in a mash.
- Add a few drops of castor oil to the mask.
- Puree evenly on the feet.
- Wrap with a cloth.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Rinse with water and sprinkle with a nutritious cream.
Important! Compresses of this kind quickly heal the crack on the feet.
- Fill with 3-4 tbsp.l.mint in 3 liters of boiling water.
- Insist for about 40 minutes.
- Pour the infusion into the basin.
- Lower your legs for 20-30 minutes.
Important! It refreshes the skin, relieves fatigue and raises the tone.
Lime flowers:
- Take a couple of spoons of lime color.
- Fill with 2 liters of water.
- Add 3 tablespoons of salt.
- Hold your feet until the water cools.
Coniferous-salt mask:
- Take chopped pine needles and sea salt.
- Mix one to one.
- Apply to the skin of the feet.
- The mask is held for 30 minutes.
Important! Such a mask will help restore good blood supply, remove fatigue of the legs and increase the elasticity of the skin.
Egg mixture
- Take a raw egg and whip it into a whisk with a whisk.
- Mix with vinegar and vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
- Put on your feet.
- Wear warm socks on top.
- Leave for half an hour.
Important! The mask removes the smell of sweat on your legs.
Goose Fat
The most important cause of cracks is the lack of the right amount of vitamin A, and goose fat contains it. If you have the opportunity to purchase such a tool, periodically use it in the process of foot care to restore it.
Potatoes and flax:
- Mix potato peelings with flax seeds.
- Fill with hot water.
- Cook until the consistency of gruel.
- Put on 30 minutes on your feet.
- Rinse with warm water.
Medication for foot care
Foot care should not only be on the outside, but also from the inside of the body. For this, a sufficient number of funds can be found in the pharmacy:
- Antifungal;
- Vitamin;
- Antiedematous;
- Antiviral.
Important! What exactly do you need in this period of your life, will help determine only a competent specialist. Therefore do not act rashly, buying up everything that is on the shelves in the pharmacy. So you can cause tangible damage to your health.
To always have beautiful and well-groomed legs, it is not very important which way you choose - salon or home. Both those and other procedures will help you to look always irresistible if you do them with the necessary periodicity and according to recipes.