- What can you make a cute and stylish accessory?
- Paper
- Threads and rubber bands
- Beads and beads
- Polymer clay and plasticine
- Coins
Many very fond of all kinds of trinkets like pretty key rings for keys, pencil cases, backpacks, etc. Today you can buy any such trifle, as the range of goods is incredibly great. But you will agree that the handmade made by you personally will look unique and bring more joy than the next Chinese product. And since it's possible to make a keychain with your own hands from almost any materials that can be found at home, there should not be any great difficulties in this matter. In this article we will offer you some interesting ideas that you can easily use, even without any skills of needlework.
to the contents ↑What can you make of a cute and stylish accessory?
Before you share a simple idea for making key ornaments, it should be recalled that the key chain is not just a thing. This, it can be said, is an expression of the individuality of its owner, especially if it was made by the hands of its owner.
In addition, such things carry an energy message, because of what to proceed with its production preferably with a good mood and, quite possibly, then your craft will become for you a real amulet or amulet for good luck.
What can you do such a thing for? Yes, almost anything, for example:
- Of materials such as beads, paper, threads, polymer clay, coins, rubber bands, etc.
- You can also use old unnecessary parts of watch movements and leather straps for key fobs in workstyle Steampunk.
- Pencil scraps, wine corks, ribbons, cloth flaps and much more - this all also fits.
It all depends only on the materials available and your imagination.
to the contents ↑Paper
To begin with, I would like to talk about how to make a keychain made of paper, because this material will be found in every house. There are many variants of crafts of this kind, here is one of them:
- Take old unwanted magazines or newspapers, more precisely their covers, several sheets of thick colored paper.
- Cut them into long strips in a triangular shape.
- Fasten the toothpick on the wide side of the strip.
- Begin wrapping the cut. Cover the tip with glue.
- Open with a varnish, then put on a string, if desired, add beads.
Important! Also from paper, you can make such an accessory in the quilling or origami technique. A very interesting idea is a miniature booklet. However, do not forget that such crafts are short-lived, as they are quickly overwritten.
to the table of contents ↑Threads and rubber bands
Various key chains on the backpack can be made from ordinary threads. To do this, you will need your imagination, thread and scheme for the work.
Important! Since the key chain is better made of strong threads, it is better to use yarn or shoe threads. Also, fine gum or a muleline will fit.
Idea 1
As an example, you can try to make a catcher dreams. To do this:
- You need to take the ring-base and wrap it tightly with threads.
- Then start knitting the pattern in the center of the ring.
- Separately taken pieces intertwine among themselves in beautiful patterns. With their help, you can specify a specific value for the key fob.
Idea 2
And how do you make a craft from a mulina? As an option, you can try to weave a keychain on the principle of making friendship bracelets. In this technique, we mean the interlacing of the segments with each other, as well as tying the knots, which as a result allows the product to be shaped.
Idea 3
You can also weave a keychain from office rubberies, for this you will need:
- Five colored rubber bands( in our case purple) - for the brightest flower, several pieces for the chain;
- Ten gums of two contrasting colors( we have gray and white);
- Hook for weaving.
Create a keychain with your own hands:
- Take one purple rubber, twirl it on the hook in four turns.
- Then take two gums of different, contrasting colors and pull the purple on this pair. Make five pieces of such blanks.
- Take one purple rubber and pull all the blanks on it from the hook, then tie this elastic band with a knot, stretching one edge of the rubber band through the second.
- Now we need to weave a "chain" of the required length. To do this, pull one purple rubber through the one we tied with a knot. This will be one link in your chain. Next, weave the desired length for your keys or phone.
Beads and beads
As it's probably the easiest way to make a bead of beads and beads from beads, this method is the most popular.
You will need:
- set of beads;
- thin wire or line;
- circuit for operation.
- Cut a piece of wire and bend it in half.
- At one end, put on a bead or bead and push it to the middle. The second end of the wire is threaded through it.
- Wear the second row of beads - one more, the next one more and so on. To make the petal interesting, use beads of other colors along the edges, beginning with the third row.
- When you get to the middle, start decreasing the number of beads in the row. Thus, make the necessary number of petals.
- On the wire, put on black or yellow beads, on top - the bead is larger. It will be a stamen.
- All the elements connect, twist the wire, and secure it with a larger bead underneath.
Polymer clay and plasticine
Also a beautiful keychain can be molded from plasticine, but it is better to use polymer clay for this purpose, because it can be baked for strength. Since a keychain made of plasticine or clay can be made of any shape and color, there are no restrictions. However, adhere to the following rules:
- For work, take a small piece of material and mold out any figure from it. The remains of clay should be well wrapped in polyethylene, so that the clay does not wither.
- Use a metal mount. It can be inserted into the craft and baked with the product or attached already after work, into a pre-prepared hole.
- Clay can be baked in the oven or use a hairdryer for these purposes.
- Top coat the product with a varnish.
Important! To any key fob you need the necessary mount. You can find them in any of the needlework shops. Do not hesitate to contact the sellers for help, they will help you find exactly the fastener that is most suitable for your craft.
to the table of contents ↑Coins
A stylish keychain with your own hands can be made from simple coins. To do this you will need coins of different sizes. They need to drill holes and fasten the chain, alternating different in diameter elements.
Important! The original composition can be created from currency notes of different countries. Such crafts can become a collection of souvenirs from your trips abroad.
In addition, you can make a souvenir from one single coin. Cut it in half with a curly line so that the yin and yang turned out: you can keep one half to yourself, and give the other one to a loved one.
Important! The attachment for such a key fob is inserted into the pre-drilled hole. They say that such things from coins can bring good luck in personal matters, as well as in the financial sphere.
In this article we have offered you some simple ideas how to make a keychain on a backpack, keys, a handbag with your own hands. Choose from them the one that you liked more, add a little of your imagination, and create cute knickknacks with your own hands. It's always so nice!