- How to paint a plasterboard ceiling?
- Preparation of the surface of the ceiling from GKL
- What kind of paint to paint a plasterboard ceiling?
- Choosing the right paint
- How to paint the ceiling from plasterboard?
- Ceiling painting process from GKL
Suspended gypsum board constructions have become very popular lately. Many owners during the repair in the apartment prefer gypsum cardboard, thanks to good performance characteristics of the material. The construction of gypsum cardboard allows to create an excellent design, while hiding the roughness of the base surface. However, any material requires finishing, and the simplest form is painting. Today we will dwell on how to paint the ceiling from plasterboard with our own hands, explain in detail all the features of this process.
to the contents ↑How to paint a plasterboard ceiling?
Gypsum cardboard constructions allow creating multi-level original compositions with perfectly smooth surfaces, placing open luminaires and hidden lighting points, thereby giving the ceiling a unique design look.
However, all this can only be achieved under certain conditions:
- Preparatory work has been carried out qualitatively and thoroughly.
- Materials for painting high quality.
- Ceiling painting technology is observed.
Important! On how qualitatively all stages of the work will be carried out, the quality of the painting depends, since even the most insignificant errors and defects are always visible on the surface of the ceiling.
Let's consider in more detail the stages of painting.
to the contents ↑Preparation of the surface of the ceiling from the GKL
The ceiling must be perfectly flat before painting, for this it is necessary to carry out the following measures:
- Walk the spatula over the entire surface. If the tool touches the screw, then screw it "flush".If, on the contrary, the hardware is screwed too deep( more than 1 mm), turn it out and screw it close.
Important! Be sure to remember the location of the hole, then to put it in place.
- Treat the entire surface of the ceiling with a primer. The primer will significantly improve the adhesion of the putty and increase the resistance of the material to moisture.
- Seam the seams with a special adhesive tape. The tape will create a frame for the putty to prevent it from cracking.
Important! The tape can be of several types - paper, serpian( mesh fabric), polymeric. Manufacturers recommend a paper version, but in practice the mesh fabric with glue base is most often used. Sickle patch directly to the plasterboard. To ensure that the filler material does not crack, it is recommended to glue 2-3 layers of tape. Each layer should be filled with putty.
- Treat the ceiling with sandpaper. The resulting dust can not be completely removed by a broom or a damp cloth. All the same, it will clog in the microcracks that are not visible to the eye, so it is necessary to prime the surface again.
Important! During sanding, do not forget to wear protective goggles, a respirator, to protect the eyes and respiratory organs from dust.
- Treat the surface of the ceiling with a primer a second time. If this is not done, the paint can collect in lumps, which will be clearly visible on the dried ceiling.
What color to paint the plasterboard ceiling?
The choice of paint should be attributed with all responsibility. An inexperienced customer, going to the store for a dye, often keeps in mind only the preferred color, forgetting about other important qualities of the material. Here are just some of them.
The main function of the paint is to give the ceiling an aesthetic appearance. The classic and most common for the ceiling is white. Many masters prefer to use the base color, and tinting as needed, using special additives, pigments.
Different degree of glossiness
Depending on the component composition, the paint can be:
- Matte. This coating is ideal for the ceiling surface. Matte paint visually expand the room, perfectly hide the defects and small differences in level.
Important! On the operational side, such a coating has worse indicators, because the stained areas will be much harder to clean from the surface.
- Semi-matte. Occupies a middle position, combining the advantages and disadvantages of matte and glossy paint.
- Glossy. The material is beneficial in terms of surface care. With it, you can easily remove the settled dust and stains. The coating is more resistant to abrasion and the use of detergents.
Important! Glossy coating can show all the flaws of painting. The game of reflected light makes visible even very slight flaws.
- High gloss. The coating is very shiny and enhances all the advantages and disadvantages of glossy paint.
Paint can be absolutely smooth or have textural inclusions, giving the surface decorative relief properties.
Important! Textured paint is often used for walls, rather than for ceiling.
Moisture resistance
Regardless of the glossiness, the coating can be washable or not. Washable materials are more expensive, they are advantageous to use in those rooms where the ceiling area is small, and the concentration of evaporation is maximum, for example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
Important! To paint the ceiling from gypsum board, it is better to take moisture-proof solutions.
Hiding power
The ability of the paint to give the surface a selected shade even on a contrasting base. It is determined by hiding power by the number of applied layers for an absolutely smooth background.
Important! A quality material to paint the ceiling of plasterboard with your own hands, it is enough to apply in two layers.
Paint Consistency
Too thin a fiber will make it extremely difficult to work on the ceiling and will lead to a lot of losses. It is difficult to work with excessively viscous material. And if the thick paint can be brought to the required state, adding a solvent or water, then with liquid paint, the situation is much worse.
Drying speed
This is an essential criterion in the choice of material, as the drying speed predetermines the performance of the painting. The shorter the drying time, the faster it is possible to apply the next coat of paint or go to the subsequent stages of the ceiling finish.
Important! The passport documentation usually indicates the average drying time under normal conditions of temperature and humidity of the room.
Safety for human and animal health
The coloring component, thinner and additional ingredients of the material should not represent any environmental hazard and must be absolutely safe for the health of others. Simultaneously, the material should prevent the occurrence and spread of various microorganisms( mold, bacteria, fungus).In addition, the painted surface must have pronounced fire-fighting qualities.
The ability to perform free-exchange
In other words, the paint must "breathe".Otherwise - condensation will accumulate on the surface, which will lead to serious domestic inconveniences and untidiness of the appearance of the ceiling.
The property of thixotropy
This characteristic is indicated on the jar with the material and consists in the ability of the paint to change the density with mechanical stirring and quickly gain viscosity at rest. Such material, when used, gives little flow, but its cost is high.
Tips & Tricks:
- When choosing a material to paint the ceiling from gypsum board, consider those properties that can hide the flaws in the surface. If it is even, then you can use any paint, including glossy. And if there are some errors in the putty, then give preference to matte, which will hide the defects.
- To be glossy, use enamels. But remember that in this case the plasterboard should be prepared ideally for painting, as the enamel is able to emphasize all surface defects.
After acquainting ourselves with the main characteristics and parameters of the material, we will proceed directly to the choice of paint for the ceiling from GKL.
to content ↑Choosing the right paint
Among the most modern paint products, the most popular for GKL are the following.
Alkyd enamel
It is similar in performance to oil. The main difference is in the use of a solvent. The painted surface successfully resists many external influences: changes in temperature, humidity and ultraviolet, but eventually inevitable fading occurs.
Important! Paint, although it is vapor-permeable, but its value is far from ideal in living quarters. In addition, the material is unsafe in terms of inflammability.
Water Dispersion Paint This is one of the best options on how to paint the ceiling of plasterboard with your own hands:
- All the components of the material are absolutely environmentally safe.
- On plasterboard such a material forms a film with a high permeability, and a matte surface will hide all the defects, visually lift the ceilings and expand the space.
- The most important advantage is the speed of drying. Within 2 hours, the surface dries completely without the unpleasant odor.
- The paint has a high abrasion resistance and is subject to wet cleaning.
Water-based paint
Water-soluble polyvinyl acetate-based paint( PVA) is one of the most inexpensive and most popular. It practically has no smell, it is easily washed off from hands and tools, has good adhesion and is absolutely harmless. It easily falls on other materials, which makes it easy to repaint the surface.
Important! The main disadvantage is the poor resistance to abrasion and to the action of water( even after complete polymerization).But since there is a purpose to paint the ceiling from gypsum board, this is quite an acceptable option, especially for the living room, bedroom.
The most modern and combining advantages of all other types of coating:
- The paint has a well-pronounced water repellent effect and is practically not contaminated.
- The coating is extremely resistant to abrasion, care for it is easy.
- Hiding power is beyond praise, paint can tighten cracks up to 2 mm wide.
- Coating film is dense, but with good vapor permeability.
- The paint is absolutely harmless in both liquid and polymerized form.
- For durability and preservation of the original appearance, silicone paint is the undisputed leader.
The only drawback - a high price, so for painting large areas it is rarely used.
Important! Refrain from using oil paint, since a similar composition forms a dense film on the surface, which does not allow air to pass through. In addition, the operational life of the oil coating is only 3-4 years, and it will be difficult to update the surface after such a paint. It will require a complete cleaning of the surface, since no other paint over the oil will lie down.
to the contents ↑How to paint the ceiling from plasterboard?
There are only three tools with which you can paint the ceiling from plasterboard:
- Brush. Painting the entire surface of the ceiling with a brush - this is quite costly, long and difficult. Brush is usually used for painting corners and hard-to-reach places.
- Roller. Paint roller is the best option. Working with it is convenient, economical and simple. The paint is applied to the surface with a roller smooth and without streaks.
Important! Use only a wool roller( with a long nap), since the foam tool leaves bubbles on the surface and slips, leaving behind "bald spots", and the velor absorbs little paint, so there may be unpainted areas on the surface.
- Pulverizer. Pulverizer is the most economical option. The only negative is not always at hand and is expensive. In addition, you need experience to work with a spray gun. If carelessly refers to this process, you can get a lot of dirt not only on the floor and walls, but also on clothes.
In addition to the basic tools and the paint itself, you will need to work:
- The construction mixer and a special nozzle for it to stir the paint.
- Painting bath.
- Steady stepladder.
- Gloves and goggles.
- Piece of plywood or paint tray.
Once you have decided what to paint the ceiling of gypsum cardboard with your own hands, proceed to the process itself.
to content ↑Ceiling painting process from GKL
First of all, it is necessary to understand that painting work has its own rules, not observing which, you can spoil the whole process.
General rules of the
In order not to have to start all over again, heed the following recommendations:
- You can not interrupt the painting process under any conditions. Otherwise, an unevenly colored coating will appear and the entire pattern will be disturbed, which will significantly worsen the appearance of the ceiling.
- Use only one tool to work. Do not change or turn the roller during operation. Use it only in one direction.
- Do not return to the painted area, which has already begun to dry out. This will disrupt the picture of the overall picture and will jeopardize the uniformity of the application of the paint, and after the ink has dried, a noticeable stain will appear on the surface.
staining technology The very process of dyeing gypsum boards is simple enough if you follow these instructions:
- Prepare the paint according to the recommendations and proportions of the manufacturer. In one container, mix the ink compositions that are in different cans, since in different batches the shade may differ.
Important! If you have prepared a water-based paint, then it is desirable to strain, using kapron tights.
- Install the stepladder, prepare all the necessary tools.
- Start painting from any angle at the window. First, paint the joints of the ceiling and wall with a brush.
- Color all corners with a small brush from the window to the exit along the entire perimeter. Staining should be carried out at a constant speed, evenly and accurately. After the brush is finished, go to work with the roller.
- Pour the paint into the tray and dip the roller completely into the container. The pile of the instrument must be completely impregnated with the coloring compound.
- Roll the roller in the tray.
- Wait for excess paint to drain. Do not press, several times run a roller on a piece of plywood.
- Uniform movements rub the paint roller on the surface of the ceiling. It is best to do this along the room. Paint the strip 0.7-1 m from the window to the opposite side.
- Apply the paint on the second strip. The stripes should be overlapped with an overlap of 10 cm.
- Paint the ceiling surface completely.
- Wait until the coating dries completely, wipe it with a clean damp cloth and start applying the next layer. The minimum number of layers is 2. Sometimes, with a poor quality filler or when there are greasy spots on the surface of the
, 3-4 layers must be used. - After drying the drywall under the light, inspect the entire surface and evaluate the quality of the painting. If you find defects and irregularities, then walk on the surface with one more layer.
Tips & Tricks:
- If you paint the ceiling in three layers, then adhere to such a scheme: the first layer - apply vertically, the second - horizontally and the third - vertically.
- When working with a spray gun, protect the walls and the floor with sheets of paper or newspapers.
- During the drying of the paint, close the room from drafts, turn off ventilation and heating.
- If, according to the design concept, the ceiling coverage should change, then to mark the boundaries of the same color, use a paint tape.
- The second layer is applied in unison, to avoid coincidence of joints. Apply the paint perpendicularly, and start the dyeing process on the other side of the ceiling.
- If in the process of work on the surface adhere mote, hair and pellets, then immediately remove them.
- Place the output of communications and decor objects around the jerky movements to avoid noticeable traces.
We hope that the detailed information stated in the article will help you easily cope with the painting of the ceiling. Take everything in your hands, listen to our advice, and the ceiling will be smooth and quality, and as a bonus - saving a round sum for the services of the master. Easy you work and comfort in the house!