- What is the need for heating a cast iron frying pan?
- The first wash after buying
- We scorch the frying pan - 3 ways
- We clean the frying pan
Whatever it was, whatever the engineers of the super-non-stick teflon frying pans created, but the old cast-iron frying pan is truly a classic. When the oil is heated in a pan, a natural non-stick coating is created. Cast-iron kitchen utensils absorbed all the best qualities - ease of maintenance and durability. But sometimes it happens, due to incomprehensible reasons for us, the favorite frying pan "has failed".If you are not going to send her to a well-deserved rest for this reason, but do not intend to put up with the fact that a cast-iron frying pan burns, what to do - we'll tell in this article. We have gathered for you several ways to care for and handle a cast iron vessel - and to fix the problem, and to continue to prevent it.
to the contents ↑What is the need for heating a cast iron frying pan?
For sale metal pans come with the use of some protective coating in the form of grease saltol. This prevents the frying pan from damage from outside.
Under the influence of external factors, a cast iron dish is covered with corrosion. Therefore, before using, it must be rinsed and calcined, otherwise:
- After a while, the food will burn and a thick layer of coke is formed, and the removal of the deposit is a whole business.
- All protective grease is chemistry and a layer of this chemistry will constantly be absorbed into your food.
- Under the influence of the above factors, your boat before time will become unusable, and you will think what to do if a cast-iron frying pan burns.
Important! The penetration of a vessel from cast iron is needed for evenly warming up the surface during the entire service life. And this directly affects the quality of cooking.
to the contents ↑First wash after buying
In this respect, we will not open America for you, and we will not tell you any new wisdoms. Therefore, to wash the cast-iron frying pan:
- Make a warm soapy solution.
- Thoroughly wash both sides of the cookware using a sponge.
- Wash several times under warm running water.
- Wipe dry and dry.
Calculate the frying pan - 3 ways
To burn such a bowl before use, it is necessary to consider some points:
- The size of the utensils.
- Availability of the oven.
- Is there a plastic handle on the dishes - it needs to be removed, or the kitchen unit can not be heat-treated.
Calculate at least one hour before use and act. The cast iron frying pan is at your disposal.
Method 1
Very simple way, without extra time and effort. It is necessary to do the following manipulations:
- Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees C.
- Put a frying pan in the oven.
- Wait for 3 hours of continuous heat treatment.
- Turn off the oven and allow the frying pan to cool in it.
Important! This option of calcination is not suitable, if a frying pan with a non-removable handle.
Method 2
On the surface of the frying pan you need to create a non-stick coating of vegetable oil under the influence of high temperature. This procedure can be carried out in the oven or on the stove:
- Wash the pan and wipe it dry.
- Fall asleep in it salt with a thickness of not less than 1 centimeter.
- Punch on the stove or oven for at least one hour.
- Then get enough salt, and grease with vegetable oil.
Important! Indisputable fact - the more often the cast iron frying pan will be used, the better it will have the non-stick surface.
Method 3
To prevent the frying pan from burning, there is a time-tested method. The procedure is the most time consuming, but effective.
Act like this:
- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C.
- Put the frying pan in it and bring it to the same temperature.
- Then gently pull out.
- Wet the entire surface with vegetable oil.
- Place it again in the oven.
- Wait for the oil to burn out, and turn off the oven.
- Take the cast-iron frying pan after full cooling.
Important! In order not to smoke the kitchen with a child, turn on the hood and open the window. And in order to avoid burns when working with a hot frying pan use thick mittens-tack sticks.
Tips & Warnings:
- Do not allow the formation of a thick coke in the frying pan.
- Wash the pan regularly, wipe dry after each use.
- To store a cast iron frying pan, pick up a dry, dark place so that there is not the slightest reason for corrosion.
- To keep the shine, you need to dry it well after use.
We told you about the proper care and storage of the cast-iron frying pan. We hope, our advice will help you. But what to do if you missed the moment, and your kitchen appliance burned out, and you are facing the question of how to clean a cast-iron frying pan.
to the contents ↑We clean the pan
To clean such a dish at home quickly, cheaply and qualitatively, we will use the old grandmother's methods. Most household cleaners are suitable for completing the procedure and will help to make sure that the cast-iron frying pan is not burnt.
- Citric acid.
- Mustard powder.
- Table vinegar and soda.
- Adhesive and soap.
Citric acid
Citric acid has a wide range of uses. It is incredibly effective and absolutely safe in cleaning procedures. Including suitable for such a vessel:
- Wash the pan under running warm water.
- Sprinkle the entire surface with citric acid.
- Wait 3-5 minutes for the citric acid to soak into the porous structure of the cast iron.
- Then remove everything with a damp cloth.
- Flush in the usual way.
Powder mustard
With the help of a mustard powder, you remove the most resistant fat and make it so that the cast iron pan does not burn:
- If you need to get rid of fat from the surface inside the dishes, you need to pre-melt it.
- Then merge it, wipe the powdered mustard surface of the frying pan.
- After 25 minutes, rinse with plenty of running water.
Table vinegar and soda:
- Mix 9% table vinegar in equal proportions with soda.
- A chemical reaction will occur, resulting in the formation of a paste.
- Wipe the entire surface of the frying pan, leave in this condition for 30 minutes.
The paste will burn out all the carbon deposits and you can easily remove it with the hard side of the cleaning sponge.
Adhesive and soap
A truly ancient grandmother's way - it was the most effective and common recipe, and it works:
- Rub a soap on a large grater - so it dissolves faster in water.
- Prepare a large container so that your frying pan can fit into it.
- Fill with water and bring to a boil.
- Add the shavings of soap in the volume of one frayed bar.
- Also add a small tube of PVA glue.
- Thoroughly mix this "compost".
- Lowering the cast-iron frying pan and boil for 2-3 hours.
- If the deposit is large, then the boiling time of the kitchen appliance can be increased.
- At the end of the boil, let the kitchen appliance cool down and you can easily wash off all the carbon deposits from the surface of the frying pan with a sponge.
It happens that like and you keep a cast-iron frying pan correctly, and take care of it, but when the pancakes are hot, incidents occur. Pancakes burn and do not want to pull apart. So, do not use a new frying pan to make pancakes. This is the secret of why pancakes burn. Even if you conducted all the necessary procedures with a new cast-iron frying pan, it will not cope 100% with the task. This can only be done with an old, tested pan, as is confirmed by many housewives. Each of them has its own characteristics, ways, tricks for making pancakes.
This list can be continued for a long time, one cunning will replace the other. That's just one thing, always - cook pancakes with a good mood and love. Love yourself and your family, and let the delicious pancakes be a complement to your happiness.