- What is the danger of mosquito bites?
- Methods for protecting the baby from mosquitoes
- Popular mosquito remedies for children
- What to look for when reading information on the
- label Home remedies for mosquitoes for children
- What if the baby has been bitten by a mosquito?
Walking in the open air is useful for children at any time of the year. But in a warm season, this can be prevented by bothersome mosquitoes, who also strive to bite their beloved child. What should be done to avoid bites, and what means of mosquitoes for children from the year will be safe? These and other questions will be answered in this article.
to the contents ↑What is the danger of a mosquito bite?
Mosquitoes love warmth, so as soon as the sun has warmed the sun, they fly out on the hunt. Bite everyone in a row, but the preference is still given to the tender baby skin. It is for children that they represent the greatest danger, because the reaction to a mosquito bite in a child can be very different.
Small bloodsuckers are capable of:
- Causing itching and pain.
- Provoke a strong allergic reaction.
- Mosquitoes, typical of overseas countries, can cause various serious diseases, such as malaria or yellow fever.
Due to scratching of the wounds, a child can infect it. Proceeding from the unpleasant consequences of mosquito bites, it is worth every way to stop them and take care of your baby in advance.
Important! Planning a vacation abroad, be sure to bring the child from possible diseases and do not forget the remedy for mosquitoes for children.
to the contents ↑Ways to protect the baby from mosquitoes
To our great regret, mosquitoes attack us not only on the street, but also at home. Even with mosquito nets on the windows, they find cracks or fly into the opened door.
Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to protect themselves from the bloodsuckers, not only on the street, but at home.
- Mosquito net. This device effectively reduces the number of possible unwanted "guests".Set the grids on all windows.
- If the child sleeps in a crib, then cover it with a canopy made of gauze or similar cloth for the night. This will be the safest remedy for children up to a year or older.
- Mosquitoes prefer the dark time of the day, so it will be better if you return home from a walk to darkness.
- Pungent smells are very attractive for bloodsuckers, so when going out with a child, do not use perfume and other perfumes.
- Avoid ponds at a time when the sun begins to set. At this time, near the lakes and rivers of mosquitoes there is so much that it will be very difficult to protect the child from them, even using an effective mosquito remedy for children from year to year.
Important! Remember that a mosquito can bite not only the baby's open skin, but also that which is under a dense layer of clothing.
to content ↑Popular mosquito remedies for children
Current manufacturers offer a lot of mosquito remedies for different age groups. Some are completely safe, others are not so harmless, but highly effective. Let's consider more in detail all the most widespread, popular and effective means from mosquitoes for children.
This is a very popular home remedy for annoying insects. Very easy to use and quite effective. Its action begins already after 10-15 minutes after switching on.
The fumigator is an electrical appliance into which a special container with liquid or solid plate is inserted. By connecting it to an electrical supply, the liquid / dry poison begins to evaporate and poison mosquitoes.
Important! Use fumigator is desirable in the absence of a child in the room, because the liquid in the fumigator has in its composition toxic compositions that can harm your beloved child.
These remedies are designed to repel blood-sucking insects. The form of their release may be different: sprays, pencils, milk, creams and others. The best remedy for mosquitoes for children of this species is that which is not applied directly to the skin.
Important! Do not rub the repellent into the baby's skin. Cream-like and gel means should not be applied to the face and hands, as they can get on the mucous membranes of the baby. Avoid areas with scratches and scratches.
It should also be remembered that any such product contains toxic substances, so do not abuse the amount of their application.
Important! The amount of application of any repellent should not exceed three times a day. After returning home, wash off the skin of the baby with warm water and soap.
If you bought an aerosol, spray it away from the child, even if it is marked "child".
Important! Do not forget to test for an allergic reaction in a small area of the skin before use. If after treatment within a day no reaction followed, then the baby remedy for mosquitoes was chosen successfully.
mosquito towels This invention appeared recently in our country, but has been widely used abroad for a long time. Children's bracelets in their composition do not have toxic substances, so this "decoration" is considered an absolutely safe remedy for mosquitoes for children.
Important! Choose a bracelet by the age of the child. It should always be indicated on the package.
If you are in search of an anti-mosquito bracelet as a remedy for mosquitoes for children under one year, then the package should be marked as "0+".Such a bracelet is best to put a child on a leg so that the baby does not have the opportunity to taste it until he finds and does not study them.
Mosquito candles or spirals
These remedies repel mosquitoes when they smolder, releasing toxic smoke for insects. In this way, even an adult company can protect itself from annoying insects.
Important! Mosquito candles or spirals are considered safe for adults, but in the presence of children who are under the age of five, it is worth refraining from using them.
Choosing the brand
In the market of such products you can see the widest assortment of children's devices to protect against mosquitoes in various forms of release. The most reliable trademarks are:
- Autan;
- ;
- Green Factor;
- Mosquitol;
- Off;
- Raptor;
- Picnic.
Important! What brand to give preference - decide for yourself, based on financial possibilities, trust in the country of manufacture and other personal preferences.
to the contents ↑What you should pay attention to by reading the information on the
- label All such means will indicate the percentage of "Dets".This word means poison and its concentration should not exceed 40%, even for the adult population. In children's remedies for mosquitoes, this indicator should not be more than 7-10%.
- On children's funds, look for the word "prolongator".This means that repellents contain a minimum amount of toxic components and a maximum of essential oils. Another composition is simply not suitable for children's use.
- Make sure that there is no "Acem" substance in the selected product, which irritates even some adults. For children, it is absolutely contraindicated, although it is quite effective against mosquitoes.
- Mosquito products for children under one year should be used very carefully, read the label carefully before buying and always follow the instructions for use.
Important! Buy insect repellents only in specialized stores or pharmacies. Beware of fakes that occur often enough.
to the table of contents ↑Home remedies for mosquitoes for children
If you want to completely protect the child from harmful substances that are part of any chemical insect repellent, you can use natural means from mosquitoes for children. But it is worth considering the fact that any such remedy will be less effective than a chemical preparation.
Possible variants:
- A mixture of vanilla powder with baby cream and sunflower oil perfectly suits as an absolutely safe remedy for mosquitoes for children from one year and younger.
- Mosquitoes scare off the scents of some plants. Therefore, for protection from insects, basil, cloves, eucalyptus, anise, tea tree, geranium, wormwood and cedar are widely used. It is enough to put a few drops on the clothes or baby's skin.
- You can independently prepare a good remedy for mosquitoes for children from 25 ml of vegetable oil, 15 drops of tea tree oil and 2-3 drops of clove oil. Pour the prepared mixture into a dark glass bottle. The solution will not lose its properties for a very long time.
What to do if a mosquito bites a child?
To avoid combing the affected area of the skin, you should first remove the itch. For this, you can use the usual solution of soda( a glass of water and 1 teaspoon of soda).Lemon juice will also help to reduce the unpleasant phenomenon.
Important! Children who have not completed another 1 year, in no case should not treat the wound with vodka. Alcohol directly through the thin skin penetrates into the bloodstream and can cause a complex allergic reaction or lead to death, even in small amounts.
Wherever you are and wherever you are going to go, think about protecting against mosquitoes for children in advance. So you make your walk pleasant, the house safe, and the baby's sleep is strong and healthy.