Best horror'y online

If you analyze the best online games that have come out the last for years, then it becomes obvious: most developers persistently deprive the attention of fans of such genres as horror and survival. Obviously, this format is not particularly in demand today.

However, to say that such projects are not created at all, it is not true. They are, and even very worthy, but very few. And, as a result, they are known only to units, that for online resources, imprisoned for mass game, is highly undesirable. Therefore, in order to remedy the situation a little, today we decided to tell you about the best online horror of the modern .

"Damned" - "Outlast" in real time

The first online game that we would like to tell you about, relates not only to the genre of horror, but also to the category of survival. It is called "Damned", which can be translated into Russian as "Damned".The project, which can be purchased on Steam'e, is quite unusual. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that a player can become both a victim and a monster. Of course, this is not the only project with such a concept, but there are very few of them for today.

The plot is somewhat similar to the legendary "Outlast", in which the journalist, receiving an anonymous letter, decides to check the local psychiatric hospital for ill-treatment of patients. Of all the possible equipment, he takes with him only a video camera, which serves him, including a source of light. Here, players( a team of 4 people) immediately find themselves in a locked house( hospital / hotel, etc.) and must properly ransack it to get out. And in their arsenal, as it is not difficult to guess, only pocket flashlights. They will be prevented from escaping by the fifth player, turned into one of the well-known monsters: Lurker, Mary, Phantom, or Fallen.

"Dead Realm" - hide, run or die

This game, although it appeared on the expanses of the virtual network relatively recently - in early August 2015, has already managed to acquire hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. The secret of success is simple: the developers managed to turn an innocent hide and seek game into a real struggle for survival. With the plot of this cooperative horror, the creators decided not to be too sophisticated. They took a classic, gloomy mansion with a bloody history, a group of young people who just needed to spend the night in it and ghosts( where else without them) - the undisturbed souls of people who were killed by the former owner of the mansion and now yearn for only one - revenge.

The size of the mansion is huge, accordingly, the number of caches and secrets in it can not be counted. Therefore, it is not so easy to perform side quests from the "find-bring" series. Whether people can survive this night, or new souls will enter the number of permanent inhabitants of the mansion, will depend only on the players themselves. At the moment the project, which, like the previous game, can be found on Steam, is at the early access stage. And this means that each player can set his own direction of development.

No More Room in Hell

This online project can rightly claim to be a veteran of the genre, as its development began more than 10 years ago( although it appeared to the world only in 2011).For 4 years, the game, which lives in Steam, managed to get dozens of awards and thousands of fans around the world. As experts emphasize, among the counterparts of survival horror, it is favorably highlighted by the realism of events. Heroes here are ordinary people who do not have any super-techniques, no magic sticks, or an endless supply of weapons. They do not have time to collect any trash or explore the terrain. All they need is to hold out. After all, it is not known how soon aid will come, and whether it will ever come.

Developers have taken into account that people are already tired of speedy, literally killing "meat" from one blow. And so the zombies in the NMRIH are classic tanks with a huge health reserve and very slow speed. Someone might think that it's too easy, say keep the dead at a distance, and everything will be fine. However, if you find yourself trapped in the impasse of a slowly moving crowd of half-decayed corpses, and from the weapon in your hands there will be only one true mount, believe me, the atmosphere will be heated in just seconds.

But there are funny moments in the game, for example, a hammer can not only destroy the skulls of enemies, but also hammer nails, and some zombies thrown by the player perform such somersaults that even experienced stuntmen did not dream.

On this optimistic note, we conclude our review and recall that a lot of games are published annually. It is almost impossible to follow all of them, and it's quite possible to miss something worthy among dozens of "prohodnyakov".Therefore, it will never be superfluous to visit gaming portals and study those articles and reviews that are presented to them.