Rating of investment popularity of companies on the MICEX

Every day on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange trades on shares of nearly 750 Russian issuers are conducted. But not all of them are popular among a wide range of investors. Experts of the Internet magazine "Exchange Leader" rated all issuers and made a rating of the investment popularity of companies on the MICEX.

The presence of shares of companies such as Gazprom, Sberbank of Russia and Rostelecom among the securities represented at the auctions shows the high degree of reliability of the MICEX as a trading platform.


  • 10. Rosneft
  • 9. Mosenergo
  • 8. Rosbank
  • 7. VTB Bank
  • 6. Sberbank of Russia
  • 5. Mosenergosbyt
  • 4. Bank of Moscow
  • 3. Lukoil
  • 2. Gazprom
  • 1. Rostelecom

10. Rosneft

The company's share price is around 240 rubles per unit. For 2012, dividends per share amounted to 8 rubles. The capitalization of Rosneft is $ 78,398 million. In addition to the MICEX stock, the company's securities( global depositary receipts) are also traded on the London Stock Exchange.

9. Mosenergo

The authorized capital of the company is divided into 39 749 359 700 pcs.ordinary shares with a nominal value of 1 ruble each. The stock price of Mosenergo fluctuates around 1,300 rubles. It is more profitable to earn on the shares of the company due to changes in the exchange rate,the size of dividends is small - 0.03 rubles.per share.

8. Rosbank

The authorized capital of the company is divided into 1 551 401 853 pcs.ordinary shares with a nominal value of 10 rubles.each. The bank's capitalization is $ 87.55 billion. The share price on the stock exchange is about 55 rubles.

7. VTB Bank

In addition to the MICEX, the Bank's shares are also traded through the GDR( global depositary receipts) program on the London Stock Exchange. The shareholders' meeting of June 28, 2013 decided to pay dividends for 2012 in the amount of 0.00143 rubles per share.

6. Sberbank of Russia

The number of placed shares of Sberbank is: ordinary shares of 21 586 948 thousand units.nominal value of 3 rubles and 1 billion pieces of preferred shares of the same denomination. Dividends for 2012 were paid in the amount of 2.6 rubles per share.

5. Mosenergosbyt

The authorized capital of the company is divided into 28,249,359.7 thousand ordinary shares with a par value of 0.01 rubles.each. Dividends for 2012 were paid in the amount of 0.03 rubles.per share.

4. Bank of Moscow

The main shareholder of the Bank is VTB Group. Those ordinary shares that are in free circulation are traded at a price of about 560 rubles.

3. Lukoil

The price of one share of the company is around 2100 rubles. Dividends per share for 2012 amounted to 50 rubles. Experts estimate the company's shares as a profitable investment, so Lukoil is one of the most popular issuers on the MICEX.

2. Gazprom

The Company is the largest joint stock company in Russia. The total number of Gazprom shareholders is over 500,000.The share of the issuer accounts for about 30% of the daily trading volume on the MICEX.The nominal value of one share is 5 rubles, the market price is about 150 rubles.

1. Rostelecom

The leader in the rating of the investment popularity of companies on the MICEX is the largest telephone operator. The price of one share of Rostelecom is around 110 rubles. Dividends for 2012 amounted to - 2.4 rubles per ordinary share and 4.1 rubles per preferred share.