Upholstery of furniture with own hands

  • Pulling up the upholstered furniture with your own hands
  • Exercising
  • Stages of carrying out the work
  • Analyzing the soft chair with your own hands
  • How to choose upholstery and filler for upholstered furniture?

Upholstered furniture is an indispensable attribute of any home. All household members, of course, like to sit comfortably on a soft sofa, sofa or in an armchair to watch an interesting film, just read the press, the book. But no matter how carefully you do not belong to the furniture, all the same, eventually, the upholstery appears stains. Or after the repair of the room the furniture does not fit the interior, and new furniture needs funds, which as always is not enough. All these tasks can be solved in a more economical way - with the help of this article you will be able to understand all the subtleties and nuances of the constriction of upholstered furniture: how furniture upholstery is done by yourself, what materials are suitable for this purpose.

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Pulling up the upholstered furniture with your own hands

First of all, you need to decide whether you can do the furniture yourself.

What difficulties can you encounter while working:

  • Dismantling can create obstacles, due to the complex design.
  • The sophisticated shapes of individual parts, you can not make the right pattern.
  • Operate the sofa for more than 5-7 years - you may need to replace the frame and filler.
  • The sofa has an antique value.
  • When working with materials such as leather or leatherette, it is very difficult to work.

An important role is played by your skills in working with such tools:

  • special furniture stapler and anti-stapler;
  • Phillips screwdrivers and flat;
  • cutting pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • furniture glue;
  • sewing machine.

Important! Having weighed all the pros and cons, did you decide to make a constriction of the furniture yourself? Then let's begin. At home you probably will find a pair of old chairs with soft seats. Practice and update the look.

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You can refresh the appearance of upholstered furniture in 2 ways:

  1. Wash the previous covers - remove gently, without damaging, wash, reinstall. This method you can use when the tissue structure itself is not damaged - there are no holes, the seams on the joints did not separate.

Important! When washing, take into account that at a high temperature of washing - from 60 ° C, the fabric shrinks, decreases in size.

  1. Replacing the upholstery with a new one. We apply this method when the tissue has become unusable.
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Stages of the work

The upholstery of the furniture by one's own hands can be replaced, and quite quickly. To do this, you only need to clearly visualize the course of action and follow it.

Disassembly of the interior to the components of the

This stage includes parsing. To do this, it is required:

  • unscrew the side backs, set aside;
  • remove the locking mechanisms for the seat and backrest.

Important! Take a picture of how these mechanisms were mounted so that there are no difficulties when assembling. Put all the fasteners in a container, so that nothing is lost.

Removal of old upholstery

Use an anti-stapler to remove the lining and soft washers.

Important! Details of upholstery you should not damage, keep integrity. These elements you will use as a template.

If you do not have this tool, you can use a flat screwdriver and round pliers. Under the cloth is a layer of cotton batting or foam rubber - it is attached by staples or glue.

Important! All this is deleted in the case when your sofa more than 5 years. If you see that the soft lining is in good condition - leave.

Next, you can evaluate the state of the spring frame and wooden frame:

  1. Replace the faulty springs with new ones.
  2. Inspect the fittings and the seat frame itself.
  3. Fix the loose bolts, if there are any defects - eliminate them.

Sewing cover:

  1. The old trim parts that were removed from the couch, attach to the wrong side of the new fabric.
  2. Outline the contour by making allowances of 1.5-2 cm.

Important! When cutting new parts, follow the location of the threads, the direction of the pile and the pattern, if any. Having skills in modeling, you can essentially update furniture using darts, folds, adding soft rollers.

Some tips for cutting and tailoring the case:

  • Treat the edges of sewn parts with an overlock or zigzag stitch.
  • With a fleecy fabric, sweep the blanks by hand.
  • When sewing decorative cover in the cover, treat them manually.
  • As often as possible when sewing, make fitting - foam rubber, spring frame, very obedient material. The shape of the sofa largely depends on the cover.

Important! On the last fitting, consider the fact that this is the last opportunity to change the form. Take into account that the upholstery should fit the sofa at any time. If the cover is freely worn - you will get as a result of ugly creases and wrinkles.

We make the upholstery on separate parts of the sofa

The most important and painstaking stage, if you do upholstery of furniture yourself:

  1. Put on the upholstery on individual parts, make sure that the seams are exactly and symmetrically, the corners of the covers coincide with the corners of the parts.
  2. Secure the parts with a furniture stapler as follows:
    1. Hold the stapler with your right hand.
    2. Left - with stroking movements pull the fabric from the middle to the edge.
    3. Pay special attention to rounded shapes.

Important! Begin to shoot the staples from the middle. Possible surpluses can be sewn on the edge of the detail.

  1. When working with the tenants need to carefully cut the scissors bolt holes. Cut the edges of the cut with clamps.

Important! On the wrong side, the product must be lined with a lining cloth. The lining of the lining is very simple. Measure the width of the product add 3-4 cm, make an incision with scissors and break with your hands. Work on the shooting starts from the corners, while pulling the fabric well.

Assembling the structure

Finally, the final phase:

  1. Attach the locking mechanisms to the backrest and seat.
  2. The received system fixes to the tray of the sofa.
  3. Set the time of day.
  4. We screw the legs.
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Analysis of a soft armchair with your own hands

Before you start, take pictures from all directions as the chair looks. At the final stage - assembly, photos will help you to properly assemble it. We will carry out the work step by step, as well as with the sofa. But there are small nuances:

  • At the first stage of disassembly, all the actions are performed by the same method and tools, as in the case with the sofa. The wooden parts that will be attached to the surface require additional processing. Clean old paint thoroughly and color new.

Important! Buy paint to paint the wood.

  • In the second stage we remove the lining the same way.
  • On the third - perform all the cutting operations as described above.
  • In the fourth stage, we perform the work on the upholstery of the backrest, seat, armrest:
    • We start from the seat so that there is no distortion of the fabric - fasten 4 staples in the middle of the edges of the parts from opposite sides.
    • Next, shoot the staples in a circle, evenly pulling the fabric from the middle to the edges.
    • Upholstery is made on all the parts of the
  • . The fifth step is assembling the chair. Work in turn, in reverse order( use photo)
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How to choose upholstery and filler for upholstered furniture?

And now we'll look in detail at the choice of fabric for upholstery and filler for the sofa.

Choose the upholstery fabric

When choosing, take into account not only aesthetic qualities, but also practical.

Important! Refrain from artificial and coarse cloth.

Be very attentive to your choice. To ensure that the fabric does not disappoint you, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Do not have a poisonous smell, do not shed. You can spend on the fabric with a damp cloth: if the traces of paint remain, then - a substandard dye was applied.
  • When choosing a fabric with a pile, pay special attention to fixing it to hold firmly.
  • Tight terry cloth will help you hide the drawbacks when upholstering furniture yourself.
  • When cutting, take into account the direction of the pile - the color of all parts was the same, the direction of the pile should be in one direction.

Important! The most demanded of all fabrics for upholstery is a quality tapestry. Do not be stingy: get expensive, quality tapestry. You will get pleasure not only from work, but also from the result.

Selection of filler

Important role played by a filler - foam rubber and sintepon.

Tips for choosing the synthon

When selecting the synthepone, pay special attention to such factors:

  • The color is necessarily white. Examine the whole cut, if there are any other shades, then the manufacturer used in the manufacture of substandard, toxic raw materials.
  • Must not have a sharp odor.
  • Must have a strong structure - it's hard to break the hands, and if it falls apart in parts, do not buy.
  • Thickness, density, strength - evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cut.

Some tips for determining the quality of foam

In order for the upholstered furniture to match your expectations and the sofa or armchair was really comfortable, we choose foam rubber as follows:

  • for porosity - small bubbles mean high-quality foam, and large ones indicate a product of dubious origin;
  • on tactile sensations - when squeezing your fingers, quality material instantly resumes shape.

Important! You will also need foam rubber with different thickness and rigidity:

  • For backrest and seat - no less than 40 mm. To make a harder and more durable seat, make a "sandwich": put 20 mm of foam over the top, then a layer of felt and again foam, but already 30 mm.
  • Use 20mm thick material to shape.

As a rule, the factory packs foam rubber into the film. In this case, the goods are compressed 5-6 times. After purchase, expand and allow to lie down for several days.

Calculation of the amount of furniture upholstery material:

  • Foam, sintepon, felt - we calculate by metering and arithmetic calculation, where you will use this material.
  • Lining and upholstery fabric - we make calculations for surface measurements. But we still need to add 10-15%, to the selection of the picture, the direction of the pile, the fitting of the parts.
  • The expense of a material will be more, when on it large geometrical ornaments or drawings are located, after all fragments of figures should coincide on seats and on a back.

Upholstery furniture by yourself does not really take much time, as it may immediately seem. After reading our article, you can bypass all the "pitfalls" in the process of restoring an armchair or sofa, and get updated furniture without much effort and expense.