Deposits of Rosselkhozbank for pensioners in 2017

The number of pensioners in absolute and relative terms is growing in Russia every year, reaching 42.7 million people in 2016( Rosstat data), which is 29 percent of Russia's population. Not surprisingly, many Russian banks offer deposits targeted specifically at those individuals who are pensioners. The only Russian state-owned bank Rosselhozbank, which offers two deposits for pensioners, was not an exception. If you compare with Sberbank, then the latter has as many as five proposals for pensioners, but Rosselkhozbank offers pensioners a higher interest on deposits, so the choice in this case is obvious.

In this article we will consider in detail the contributions of Rosselkhozbank "Pension Plus" and "Pension Income", in order to understand which of them is more profitable.

Pension Plus deposit

It is opened upon presentation of a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the establishment and / or appointment of an insurance pension or document on the appointment of a monthly lifelong maintenance from vessels entering the judicial system of the Russian Federation. In case of reaching the corresponding age: for women 55 years old, for men 60 years old, and also when no more than two months are left before the old-age pension comes, the corresponding document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not required.

Deposit opens in rubles. The interest rate is 6.80% per annum for a period of 1 year and 7.00% for a period of 2 years. The minimum amount is 500 rubles. Monthly capitalization( attribution to the deposit) of interest. There is a possibility of replenishment( the minimum amount of replenishment is 1 ruble) and a partial withdrawal without loss of interest, provided that the deposit remains at least 500 rubles. Automatic renewal of the deposit is made for the same period on the terms and under the interest rate in the relevant currency in force at the Bank on the day following the expiration of the previous period. The maximum amount of the deposit is 10 million rubles.

When opening this deposit, as well as other deposits of Rosselkhozbank for the amount of 50 thousand rubles, a free debit card "Amur tiger - card to deposit" is issued. Making payments for purchases on the map "Amur Tiger - a card to the deposit", you will help protect and save Amur tigers, whose unique species is on the verge of extinction. From each operation of payment for the purchase of the card, Rosselkhozbank will transfer part of its income to the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger. When making a card, the depositor can choose both a Visa card and a MasterCard.

Deposit "Pension income"

Opens with the same set of documents and conditions. Contribution in rubles. The interest rate is 7.30% per annum with a term of 395 days, 7.70% for a period of 540 days and 8.00% for a period of 730 days. The minimum amount is the same as the deposit "Pension Plus"( 500 rubles).There is a possibility of replenishment( the minimum amount of replenishment is 1 ruble).Interest is paid monthly on the last working day of the month and at the end of the deposit period at the depositor's choice: by crediting the amount of interest due to the deposit amount( capitalization);by transferring the amount of interest due to the depositor's accounts opened with the bank. Automatic renewal of the deposit is made for the same period on the terms and at the interest rate in rubles that are in force at the Bank on the date of the prolongation.

As we can see, the conditions at first glance are more profitable than the contribution "Pension Plus", sinceinterest rates are higher, there is more choice of deposit terms, you can also choose interest payment options. However, not everything is so radiant: partial withdrawal of funds from the "Pension Income" deposit is not provided, as well as 5 times less than the maximum amount of the deposit - 2 million rubles. Therefore, it is impossible to say unambiguously which of the two offers of Rosselkhozbank is more profitable.

see also Rosselkhozbank's deposits for individuals in 2017