Internet users who have a Wi-Fi point know that the router is something they can not do without. A router is a network device that allows several computers to connect to the Internet simultaneously. In this case, there is an exchange of data distribution between computers. Modern models of routers protect the local network from threats coming from outside, regulate access to resources. Outwardly it is a small device in the form of a kind of block on which the antennas are located, from which the cord leaves.
If you install a router in your home, then all computers can be connected together by a network. A distinctive feature of the routers for the house is the presence of four ports. It is worth remembering that with a large load on the device, its performance drops.
Some routers are equipped with USB-connector, so you can connect to it a USB flash drive or other storage medium. For example, a 3G modem can also be connected and make the Internet common to all family members.
Often people can hear that for this purpose they use only a router, and they do not have any router. And the question "What is the difference between a router and a router?" Is difficult to answer. How does this happen, and why are different devices used in different circumstances, because the goals are the same - the connection to the Internet? The thing is that the router is the same router, only in Russian. The confusion is due to the fact that sellers on their goods indicate different names of this product.
Wireless Wi-Fi router and its advantages
Routers can be divided into 2 categories:
- Domestic.
- Industrial.
In view of the fact that the house has enough functions of budget home models, it is better to choose it. Further it is necessary to count up, how many computers will be connected to the router, and what method: LAN or wi-fi. LAN assumes the use of a cable, but if there is a laptop, tablet, etc. in the house, then the choice of wireless connection will be the most correct. It is also worth paying attention to the differences between the wi-fi router and the router. The latter has a built-in switch and 4 ports, while a wi-fi point is able to provide wireless communication.
Point Wi-Fi is a wireless device that provides access to an already functioning network. The principle of its operation is similar to the work of the towers for cellular communications, only the range of the router is much smaller. A router wifi can be connected to a home wire router so that more subscribers can use the Internet without setting up a local connection.
The choice should be made to the side of the model, which has the standard of communication 802.11 n. In the process of setting up a wireless network, it is necessary to set a password, otherwise the Internet will be able to "catch" neighbors, and the data transmission speed will suffer. Some models can act as a DHCP server, in which case you do not need to manually configure it. The difference between the router and the router is clear, and following the recommendations, you can easily install your home Internet with your own efforts.
office router The acquisition of a high-end router model for a small office that can provide an Internet pair of dozens of computers is a frequent occurrence in the course of business development. If this is just what a router is for, you can easily choose the Asos brand. The cost of it varies within 120 Euro, and the impression of work is almost all positive. It is possible to install an open firmware and expand its functions: media server, torrent client, backup server, etc.
With a small budget, you can get by TP-LINK.Judging by the reviews of its owners, it works adequately, the signal gives good. Its cost is much lower than Asos - only 30 Euro. The presence of such a router is the possibility of uninterrupted operation of 5-7 devices, including a printer and a laptop.
In conclusion, you need to say that by purchasing such a device as a router, you can ensure yourself a fast download speed of images, viewing and downloading video files. The purchase of routers can be done through online stores. The wi-fi interface is great for connecting to a network of wireless gadgets. At a sufficiently high speed, splitting the data transmission signal into several devices should not cause any problems. The antennas of the router provide a better connection. The latest models of routers have the necessary software, which will limit access to dangerous Internet resources.