- New life of old folds
- Self-service tailoring
- The main stages of tailoring
- Curtains with buffs with their own hands: original solutions
- How to sew a bouffe right on the curtain?
- We sew lambrequin buffers by the way "Plait"
- We decorate the buffers correctly
To date, designers in the interior design bring not only new and original trends, but also constantly return to the origins. The same thing happened with the buffers. They have found a new life and "played bright colors", thanks to modern fabrics and textures. In the Middle Ages, such decoration of windows was a privilege only of the nobility, since it was very expensive. In the modern world, you can afford it even with a small budget, if you know how to make buffers on curtains with your own hands, without resorting to the help of designers and without the special financial costs.
to content ↑New life of old folds
Buffers are creases and creases on fabrics that perform in the form of draperies made in non-standard ways. The result is a variety of unusual compositions that add high cost and gloss to the interior.
Important! Buffs to us have come since Louis XIV.In those days it was fashionable to decorate with volume folds, not only windows, but also clothes.
It's best to decorate a window using buffers when designing bedrooms, offices, living rooms or halls.
Using buffers in a modern interior
Most often such decorative folds are used in rooms where the interior is made in a classical style with the presence of massive furniture, gilding and monograms.
They look very original and unordinary in the style of the Modern. In this case, the difference will be only in the design of the fold itself. It can be made more magnificent and airy.
Types of bows
There are only two types of such decorative folds: factory production and those that are made independently. The only difference between them is that manual work requires a lot of time and perseverance. As for the factory production, then you will get the ready work in the shortest possible time.
To date, the most popular uses several configurations of buffers:
- Rombik;
- Braid;
- Zigzag;
- Basket;
- Hungarian embroidery;
- English folds;
- "Waffle Pie";
- Different kinds of flowers.
They got their names due to the shape of the fold, which eventually turns out.
Important! In addition to the design of curtains, the puffs are still sewn on pillows and blankets.
to the table of contents ↑Self-made tailoring
If you decide to create buffers on curtains with your own hands, in many respects the result depends on the quality and texture of the fabric chosen by you. Thanks to a huge assortment, you can easily select the material that will not only be an ideal option for creating decorative folds, but also completely fit into the styling of the interior. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, we offer you a few recommendations.
We choose fabrics:
- It is best for curtains with folds to choose light fabrics.
Important! Try to pay attention to materials that have a metallic overflow. Thanks to such a fabric decor, the future fold will "play" in a new way.
- If your choice fell on transparent fabrics, then they should be with different impregnations of lurex or other pearlescent filaments. Due to this combination, you can create overflows.
- For fans of monochrome, you should make a crease on the curtain less voluminous. This way you can avoid the effect of crumpled curtains.
- Choose contrasting fabrics, which will be combined and advantageously emphasize the finished product.
Materials you need
You can sew blinds with buffers without using a sewing machine. But despite this advantage, you should stock up on quite a lot of auxiliary tools:
- Sewing needles( note that they must be quite long).
- Threads. They should be in the tone of the fabric.
- Sewing pins with colored heads.
- Tape for curtains.
- Chalk or special sewing marker.
Important! Chalk or tailor's marker can be replaced with a piece of soap. He perfectly draws, at the same time it is easily erased and leaves no traces.
- Centimeter tape.
- Long ruler.
- If available, sewing machine.
Calculation of the required number of
buffers The number of elements you need depends on the width of the future curtain. To do this, you need to multiply the length of your cornice by 2.5.The number that has turned out is the length of fabric that you will need with a stock for assembly.
Important! Always consider the amount of fabric that will go into the processing of the side slices. Therefore, to the total footage, you should add 10-20 centimeters.
After you have calculated the amount of fabric you need, you can find out the number of future folds. To do this, you need to divide the width of the portier into the width of the future element.
Next, the width of future lambrequin is calculated. It is calculated by summing the following measures.
- You need to multiply the height of the buff element by the future number of rows.
- Calculate the future width of the curtain tape, while adding about 2-3 centimeters for free allowance.
- In the end, you should know the allowance for the bottom edge( about 2-6 centimeters) and the width of the fold for the lower cut( 5-7 centimeters).
Basic stages of tailoring
The general algorithm for creating curtains-bufs with their own hands includes such steps:
- Choosing the scheme of the future pattern.
- Transfer of ready-made ornament to fabric.
- Dispatch of conditional points.
- Tightening of threads. It is carried out in the order according to the scheme of your drawing.
Drawing a scheme with the following layout
In order to make buffers on the curtains, you should draw a preliminary diagram. Thanks to it, you can transfer the sketch from paper to fabric as accurately as possible. The drawing should consist of dots and arrows( the direction of the thread from one point to the other).
Important! The transfer of the drawing scheme to the fabric web must be exclusively from the wrong side.
Always use the ruler during operation. This is necessary for the distance between the marks to be equal.
There is another option. It's easier, because you just copy the picture. You need to divide the curtain into several conditional rectangles. Using a ruler and a lamp, follow the "tracing method" to transfer the pattern to the fabric.
Important! Please note that when you move a picture, you may experience various errors. You should pay attention to the lobes and weft rows of threads on the fabric. To make the drawing not skewed, the elements of the circuit must be applied parallel to the threads.
Sweep with
protectors After the pattern is transferred to the fabric, you can begin the process of sewing buffers. If the sewing is done manually, the work is quite painstaking, so please be patient:
- To begin with, make a thread on the thread.
- Insert the needle with the needle into the first point. You should not stretch out to the end.
- "Tail", which you have left, should be at least 4 centimeters. The base is fixed with a knot.
- The remaining part of the thread should be inserted in the point, which is located on the diagram on the entry of the arrow.
- We pull so that the first tail of the thread and the last one are connected. After that they are connected and fixed with the help of several nodules.
Next, all work is done with each arrow individually on the entire curtain. As a result - on the front side you have formed fees, which are called buffers.
Important! Such protections do not have to be done all over the curtain. You can only decorate the top or edges in this way.
to the table of contents ↑Curtains with buffs by hand: original solutions
We bring to your attention some simple but interesting ideas, how you can decorate the window with the help of buffers.
Original decor with a simple zigzag
For this option, the first thing to do is measure the fabric. To make a calculation, you need to multiply the required height of the curtains by the fold factor. The width of the tissue cut is calculated by the same formula.
Important! The universal indicator for all types of tissue is 2.5.Depending on the taste and the volume of the future buffer you need, the coefficient can be changed more or less.
Let's get to work:
- Place your piece face down.
- Divide the width of your cut into an even number of bands of the same width. Start at 15 centimeters. Mark each strip.
- Along the first strip at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other, put the dots.
- On the second page you do everything the same way. The only thing - you need to place the points between the marks of the first row. You should get a chess breakdown.
- On the plotted scheme you need to collect warehouses along the first line. To do this, pass the needle and thread to the first point of the first row and grab the fabric down the line. After 2.5 centimeters should be connected and secured with a knot.
- When you have finished the first row, go boldly to the second. Work on the same scheme.
For this method, you need a transparent fabric and a sewing machine. It is thanks to the use of such an invoice, the future buffers will turn out to be light and airy:
- On the wrong side, markings should be made in the form of parallel strips. The distance should be the same.
Important! The smaller the width of the strip, the shallower the wave.
- Use the sewing machine to prime the first page. You do not cut the thread immediately. It should be cut off, retreating about 10-15 centimeters.
- You strip the second strip in the same way, only now you need to change the direction of the line.
- Further work on the same scheme, alternating the directions of lines.
- After everything is finished, pull one of the threads toward you and fix the knot. So you will get the wave effect.
Austrian buffers
In order to bring in the interior of the room the notes of Austria, you need a cut of light curtain fabric and a sewing machine:
- On the wrong side of the cut, apply strips with a width of 30-40 centimeters.
- For each strip, apply tape, stitch with a sewing machine. Thread should be cut off with a margin.
- After the entire cut is processed, tighten the thread. You should get a wave, the height of which you regulate yourself.
- Create nodes and trim excess.
Waffle pattern
To create such a pattern you need a dense and pearl fabric. In this case, you will have to do without the sewing machine:
- On the wrong side of the cut, apply parallel strips with a width of 10-20 centimeters from each other.
- Along each of the strips at a distance of 10-20 centimeters arrange parallel points.
- Using a thread and a needle, pull the first two points of two parallel rows and fix it with a knot.
- You pull together the third points of the first and second rows. You should continue on the same scheme, while working only with odd marks.
- When the odd job is finished, you do the same with even marks.
How to sew a bouffe right on the curtain?
In order to decorate the window with extraordinary folds, you do not need to purchase new ones. You can also make buffers well on old curtains:
- From the wrong side, make a note with a special marker and ruler. For example, simulate the cell of a school notebook, with dimensions from 5 centimeters. You do not need to process all the curtains or tulle. For originality, 30-40 centimeters is enough.
- Attach the braid to the upper row. First, sew the first marks, after which - only the odd ones.
Important! For additional creation of waves, during sewing from a tape measure 8-10 centimeters.
- With the following lines we do the same. That's just stitching even the even lines.
Important! This version of making buffers can be done without tape.
to contents ↑We sew lambrequin buffers by the way "Braid"
In order to create buffers for lambrequin, you need to have small sewing skills and the following inventory:
- Curtain fabric;
- Narrow and wide braid;
- Long ruler;
- Scissors;
- Special marker for fabric.
Let's get to work:
- Make a scheme of future buffers.
- You need a decorative rectangle or a square about 10-20 centimeters in size. They will serve you as a template.
- Take the underside of the fabric and make a hem on each side, then sew the curtain tape.
- On the wrong side with your patterns draw a picture of the scheme.
- In place of the top cut, leave about 50 centimeters for the future of the buffer and 5-10 centimeters for assembly.
- The lower part and sides should be machined with an oblique bake.
- On the wrong side, according to the scheme, sew a wide ribbon.
- Tape the tape until you get the folds you need.
We prepare the buffers correctly
There are various ways of how to make buffers on curtains. You can decorate them both from the wrong side, and from the front side, or experiment with tissues. But in order for you to succeed, you should adhere to several rules:
- Always consider the density and texture of the fabric. It is best to choose light and medium-weight materials.
- When choosing a fabric, you should always remember that to tighten tight fabrics you need to apply strength and purchase very strong yarn. Tightening of lightweight fabrics does not require much effort, and the pattern will eventually be more light and airy.
- Choose monochrome curtains.
- For making buffers, use threads twice as thick as for sewing curtains.
- Buy a set of needles with different lengths.
- If you are a beginner, then do not take complex patterns.
In order to decorate a window with buffers, you do not need to be a noble aristocrat. Thanks to the above recommendations and rules, you can create a decor that would be envied by Louis XIV himself. The main thing is to have a little patience and perseverance. And then you will succeed.