The best BB-Creams by customer feedback

At any age, a woman does her best to make the skin of her face look perfect, so special attention is paid to choosing the appropriate cosmetic. VV-creams are the trend that operates on the principle of "all-inclusive".Thanks to the improved formula of the so-called beauty balm, invented in the 60s of the last century by the dermatocosmetologist Christina Schrammek, the skin gets hydration, nutrition, protection from ultraviolet, and matting, whitening and rejuvenating effects are observed. The product, produced on the basis of natural plant extracts, is safe, according to studies, while it plays a basic role for blush and bronzers. In one tube you get a foundation, a corrector and a primer at the same time.


  1. BB-cream which firm to choose
  2. Best BB-creams for normal skin
  3. Best BB-creams for oily skin
  4. Best BB-creams for dry skin
  5. Best BB-cream for combination skin
  6. Best anti-aging BB cream
  7. VV-cream buy

VV-cream which firm to choose

The first truly appreciated Blemish Balm Korean manufacturers, makeup artists and consumers, among which there are quite a few stars. It was in Asia that the miracle cream, which became an invariable accessory of social events, was deservedly popular and was launched into mass production.

Inspired by such success world cosmetic concerns have supported this direction, and today there is no lack of assortment of BB-rulers. There remains only the problem of the correct choice of the remedy depending on the manufacturer and type of skin.

At the moment, the following companies occupy leading positions in their segment of the market:

1. Missha

2. Skin79

3. Garnier

4. L'Oreal

5. Belita-Vitex

In addition to the listed short-list, There is also a whole list of well-known brands that have their own circle of fans.

Comparing BB-creams of Asian and European manufacturers, we can conclude that in the first case, excellent stability in use and a healthy appearance of the skin are achieved, and in the second, masking and moisturizing properties are in place.

Best BB-Creams for Normal Skin

Missha Perfect Cover

By the number of awards this Blemish Balm has little equal. Recognition from millions of women, he won thanks to a balanced composition, giving an impeccable appearance to the skin and prolonging its youth. In addition to the collagen, ceramide, hyaluronic acid required for this group of products, such components as valuable oils, rosemary, jojoba, chamomile, extracts of algae and caviar are included.

The dense texture allows it to be applied solely by fingers or sponge, therefore the use of a brush is not provided. Due to this consistency, alignment is excellent, nothing spreads even with prolonged application. Naturalness and naturalness, lack of "mask effect" can be attributed to its aesthetic merits. The caring effect is manifested in moistening and improving the structure of the cells. With this design, it is easy to hide redness and spots of different origin.


  • many shades;
  • requires a small amount for one procedure;
  • effective sun protection;
  • takes care of skin health;
  • water resistance;
  • does not spoil clothes;
  • is rapidly absorbed;
  • on sale different volumes( 10, 20, 30 and 50 ml);
  • is a road version.


  • washdown only on oil basis;
  • insufficient matting effect.

Missha M Shiny

The manufacturer gave the cosmetic product an absolutely "speaking" name. The cream before and after applying overflows with myriads of silver sparks, creating a vivid image. This is not surprising, since its composition, in addition to the extract of lotus and astaxanthin, includes diamond dust and platinum particles. Liquid texture allows you to create a minimum thickness for the layer. The product conscientiously masks the irregularities and redness, removing irritations, protects from dust and polluted air.


  • inexpensive price;
  • shining appearance;
  • mitigation;
  • cell strengthening;
  • hypoallergenicity.


  • weak hydration;
  • no matting effect.

L'Oreal Nude Magique

The French company competes with leading Korean brands and offers its development, which contains microcapsules with a tonal base. Liquid, initially colorless texture is easily applied to the face and immediately "manifests", merging with the natural tone of the skin. The cream has virtually no smell, so you can consider it universal for particularly sensitive women in this indicator. The composition includes SPF-12 - an excellent protection against negative solar exposure.

This tool is suitable for the age category of consumers, because not only perfectly aligns the relief of the face, but also reduces wrinkles. Can be used even without powder.


  • matting effect;
  • natural flicker;
  • smoothness of the skin;
  • moisturizing effect for 24 hours;
  • well hides flaws;
  • reasonable price.


  • declared qualities "for normal and dry skin" are effective only for normal skin( dry and very sensitive women are not recommended).

The best BB-creams for oily skin

Skin79 Intense Classic Balm

The Korean company, whose quality of beauty products strictly meets international standards CGMP, offers its own version of a smart BB-tool. It is based on herbal extracts( greek, tomato, green tea, arnica, white mulberry), which have antiseptic and moisturizing effect, bleaching skin arbutin. Despite the dense texture, the composition fits well on the face, hiding all the irregularities and defects.

The appearance of the skin after application is assessed as natural, without excessive shine and mask effect. Therefore, the cream is suitable for both damaged and sensitive skin.


  • sun protection factor SPF35;
  • has healing and regenerating properties;
  • toning effect;
  • eliminates dark circles under the eyes;
  • strengthens the walls of the vessels;
  • smoothness of the skin.


  • is produced in only 1 shade;
  • price.

Garnier "The secret of perfection"

This inexpensive tool is popular due to its polyfunctionality and the absence of perfumed fragrances. After application it is instantly absorbed and acquires a natural skin tone. The relief is leveled, hiding the shortcomings. It is important that the texture is smooth, does not roll. The product is available in two shades. On top, if necessary, you can apply powder, which does not violate the general impression of externally velvety skin.


  • eliminates greasy luster;
  • natural radiance;
  • humidification for 24 hours;
  • sunscreen effect;
  • perfectly conceals redness and irregularities;
  • good price.


  • by the end of the day, the effect of eliminating greasy gloss is reduced, the application of powder is required.

Best BB-creams for dry skin

Missa M Signature Real Complete

The recognized market leader offers a versatile weapon in dealing with skin imperfections of various types. The dense texture does not lighten the face and does not give the effect of a mask, and soon after application the product merges with the natural tone and remains invisible throughout the day. This is a panacea for light-skinned women, which has a natural formula and original packaging. The cream protects, moisturizes and improves the structure of the skin, giving it a natural smoothness and skillfully concealing its shortcomings. The feature of the remedy is a slight luster during the first 10 minutes after application, which then disappears.


  • invisible on the face;
  • perfectly masks flaws and redness;
  • has the properties of SPF25 / PA ++;
  • is suitable not only for dry skin;
  • gives smoothness.


  • for flushing requires Korean hydrophilic oil, as the composition of the water resistant;
  • is not suitable for skin owners with olive tone.

Belita-Viteks integrated daily

The Belarusian manufacturer is worthy of competition in this category. The developed non-modogenic cream gives the person a natural freshness and impeccable appearance. The formula combines the properties of both the day and tone means. At the same time, "Belita-Viteks" actively nourishes and intensively moisturizes the skin, improving its structure. There is also an effect of smoothing out small wrinkles.

Lightweight texture after application quickly simulates the face, does not dry and, importantly, does not emit peeling. Available in two types - with a natural tone and with the effect of sunburn.


  • is excellent during the day;
  • has a sunscreen index of SPF 15;
  • effectively level the surface;
  • good matting capabilities;
  • does not clog pores;
  • is washed off even with water;
  • does not roll;
  • economical consumption;
  • low price.


  • is not very effective for large skin inflammations.

Best BB-cream for combination skin

Garnier Skin Naturals "Pure skin Active"

This cream can be recommended to owners of not very light skin, since it is presented only in dark shades. Its gentle structure allows them to conveniently use. In this case, the agent perfectly aligns the surface of the face, does not roll down and does not fall into the pores. The skin acquires a natural shine thanks to the company's formula formula. The product will reliably hide only small pimples and redness, not overdrying and moderately moisturizing. Salicylic acid is included in the composition. There is no gloss on greasy areas.


  • makes a uniform and velvety appearance of the face;
  • has a slight antiseptic and regenerative effect;
  • gives a natural flicker;
  • does not create a mask effect;
  • does not flow during the day.


  • is not suitable for light skin;
  • is not a solution for problem skin.

The best anti-aging BB-cream

Missha Signature Wrinkle Filler SPF37

Already the packaging itself and the bottle indicate that before you the luxury tool of the undoubted leader of the BB market. The innovative formula of a two-layer air texture allows for complex care of mature skin. This is a tonal effect, and rejuvenating, and smoothing wrinkles. Your face acquires a healthy and radiant appearance due to the ability of the cream to level the skin tone, delicately fill the pores and irregularities, mask inflammation and defects. Its composition includes extracts of more than 20 medicinal plants. After application, the product quickly acquires skin tone, is well nourished and moisturized.


  • multifunctionality;
  • a large number of shades;
  • ease of use;
  • powerful in the spectrum of action of the composition;
  • pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • does not require correction during the day;
  • narrows the pores, removes fine wrinkles.


  • floral fragrance for the amateur;
  • price issue.

What kind of BB-cream to buy

The assortment of offers is such that, before making a choice, it is necessary to determine the exact type of your skin and formulate expectations from Blemish Balm:

1. The maximum amount of development is suitable for those who do not require attention. Among them, the line of the Korean leader of beauty products stands out: Missha Perfect Cover, Missha M Shiny.

2. Skin79 Intense Classic Balm and Garnier "The Secret of Excellence" can effectively avoid the gloss of oily skin and at the same time hide the small flaws.

3. In your cosmetic bag there must be a place for Missha M Signature Real Complete or a less expensive daytime complex BB cream of Belita-Vitex, if all the signs of dry skin are present.

4. Combined skin needs special care, so in this case you can not do without Garnier Skin Naturals "Pure skin Active".

5. It is possible to hide the age changes and maintain the excellent appearance of the skin thanks to the unique formulation of the Missha Signature Wrinkle Filler SPF37.