- Types of epilators
- Top 5 rules for effective hair removal at home
- Epilation on different parts of the body
- The problem of ingrown hairs
The epilator is an indispensable device for effective hair removal, which today is in the arsenal of every second modern girl. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly do epilation with a depilator. It would seem that I bought the device, plugged it into the socket and the water on the hair surface of the skin - undesirable hairs will be completely removed, and that's the end. In theory, it is, but epilation is an extremely painful process, especially the first few times.
To facilitate this procedure and minimize discomfort, we suggest that you learn a few tips and your first experience of using this device will be productive and easy.
to the table of contents ↑Types of epilators
The epilating process of the household epilator is due to the plucking of the hairs with the help of special devices. This process is rather painful. But over time( after a certain number of procedures performed), the pain syndrome becomes lower, while the hairs become thinner, and also the density of the cover is less.
Depending on the element responsible for pulling the hair, the instruments are divided into:
- Spring is the most "ancient" device. It was he who gave rise to modern models. The device has a rotating spring. Due to its rapid speed and pulling out of the hairs. But the spring quickly fell into disrepair, and the quality of hair removal was far from ideal. Therefore, this type of apparatus is considered the most useless.
- Tweezers - the working head of this model consists of rotating tweezers in the disk. When in contact with the skin, these tweezers are closed and the hairs are plucked. Depending on the model, there may be three, five or seven rows of tweezers. Accordingly - for one rotation can be pulled out a different amount of hair.
Important! Apparatuses are divided into two types: they remove up to 20 hairs, and up to 40 in one pass. We recommend that you take a closer look at the second option, since it removes the hairs faster.
- Disk - its principle of operation is similar to tweezers. It differs in that, instead of tweezers, curved, compressed discs rotate in this model, which pull out the hairs. On sale are models that can remove up to 32 hairs. Such variants of epilators are considered the best among all the others.
Top 5 rules for effective hair removal at home
To begin with, remember that the ability to make a qualitative hair removal does not come from the first time. The instruction attached to the device, as a rule, is not the best assistant in this difficult matter.
Important! Professionally you can use the epilator somewhere in the tenth procedure, having studied your most painful places and having picked up the necessary speed of the device.
To begin with, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of how to do hair removal with a depilator at home:
- Hair length 0.5 cm. If you used a shaving machine prior to buying a device and are accustomed to shaving your legs cleanly, then before the first procedure you will have tofor a couple of days leave alone your hair covering, so that the hairs grow back a little. For optimum hair grip, the machine must be grasped completely, which is quite difficult to do if the length of the rod is too short.
- Minimum speed. In the first application of the electrical appliance select the minimum speed. A great speed, of course, shortens the time of the procedure, but at high speeds tweezers can grab and pull out only thin hairs. And at first the hair has a thick rod, which can be removed only at a low speed.
Important! To reduce pain, use a massage head on top of the head of the epilator, if any is included.
- Hot tub. Take the rule of carrying out the procedure of epilation after taking a hot bath, or at least a shower. If you are accustomed to shaving your feet under hot water, then now the removal of unwanted vegetation will wait for you after the bath.
Important! When steaming the pores of the skin expand, and the procedure will be much easier - the hair is painless and easily removed from the hair bulb.
- Against hair growth. Do hair removal should be strictly against hair growth. Otherwise - you will drive the device to the same place several times, which will give you little pleasure.
- Minimum effort. It is not necessary during the epilation to strongly press on the device - it is better to work from it, but the irritation on the skin you earn is guaranteed. Drive the epilator over the skin as smoothly as possible, without pressure.
Important! Also, it is better to keep the device under a slight inclination, so that each hair is properly grasped.
to the contents ↑Epilation on different parts of the body
You've probably heard the phrase about the threshold of pain that every person can have different. In fact, this expression is true, only here the sensitivity of parts of the body in all is determined almost identically.
Doing an epilation in the bikini or on the legs - do you feel the difference? To remove hair in the first case this way to decide not everyone, but shaving is also not an option.
Skin preparation on different parts of the body is not the same. So, let's take a closer look at how to do epilator epilation on normal, sensitive and sensitive skin.
Leg epilation
The most sensitive areas on the legs are the ankles and under the knees. The rest of the surface quickly "gets used" to pain - after 3-5 minutes the procedure becomes less painful than in the first few minutes.
Important! Due to the flat surface, it is not difficult to remove excess vegetation on the legs. But, still you should not expect to finish using the device in less than 30 minutes.
Prepare the legs for the forthcoming hair removal procedure with a hard wipe and a scrub:
- For an hour before hair removal, cut the skin of the legs.
- Treat with a scrub.
- Rub your feet with a washcloth, dispersing blood.
Important! Thus, the stratified skin layer will be washed away, and hair will be much easier to remove.
Armpit epilation
Armpit skin is more tender and sensitive, which means it needs a special approach. To reduce pain during epilation, the skin should be slightly pulled. Thus, the hairs will be grasped faster and more efficiently by the tweezers of the device.
Important! Too long hairs in the underarm area can cause pain when pulled. Before the procedure, gently shave the hair, and after removal, treat the armpits with ice cubes and baby oil to relieve irritation.
Epilation of the bikini zone
Perhaps the most sensitive area of any girl's body is the bikini line. Carrying out epilation on it using a depilator is recommended with the preliminary use of a cooling glove or spray, which has a freezing effect.
Important! Before proceeding to the procedure, remove a few hairs from the bikini area with tweezers. Thus, you will let the skin know that the hair removal procedure is to be performed.
Since the skin in this part of the body is very tender, after manipulation, apply a moisturizing baby cream or a special remedy after depilation so that the damaged skin is restored as quickly as possible.
to the table of contents ↑The problem of ingrown hairs
Leg epilation, bikini and underarm zones very often turns into a problem of ingrown hairs, which is one of the main consequences of using the epilator.
It often happens that the hair grows so much that you have to contact the doctors for help. In addition, they can remain scarring and staining, which does not heal immediately. After such stories there is a desire to throw the device further away and return to the old kind machine. However, it acts only slightly more carefully on the skin, and ingrown hairs after shaving also appear periodically.
In order to reduce the amount of hair to be ingested, the skin should be carefully prepared:
- In addition to steaming and antiseptic, before the procedure, you should regularly use a scrub.
- Do not forget to use it before and after the procedure.
- In cosmetic shops you can find special products that prevent ingrowth of hair, you can try to use one of them.
- If ingrown hair still appeared, then for its removal it is better to consult a cosmetologist. But if you do not have the opportunity to contact the salon, then try to remove it yourself. The main rule - you can not squeeze out a hair, like a pimple.
Important! Before you pull it with a needle or tweezers, be sure to rasp the skin, and always disinfect the tool with alcohol. Try as carefully as possible to get an ingrown hair, so as not to injure the skin too much.
Now you know all about how to properly make epilation with a depilator. We hope you will succeed and the painfulness of the procedure will not be as strong as you expected when you apply the tips from this article.