Profitable deposits in rubles in Moscow banks for today for individuals

This rating presents the most profitable deposits for individuals in rubles in Moscow banks today. In the rating included only deposits with a minimum amount of up to 1.4 million rubles, i.ะต.subject to the law on deposit insurance.
Deposit terms updated on May 15, 2015.

7 place. Contribution of "Victory" - National Corporate Bank( Natskorpbank).16.45% per annum for a period of 182 days or 370 days and a minimum amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. The last day for opening the deposit is May 31, 2015.There is a possibility of replenishment. Payment of interest each month.

6 place. The deposit "Salute of Victory" - Alef-Bank.16.5% per annum for a period of six months. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. There is a possibility of replenishment of partial removal.

5 place. Deposit "Victory" - Bank Regnum.16.5% per annum for a period of six months or 1 year. The minimum deposit amount is 10 thousand rubles. There is a possibility of replenishment. Payment of interest each month.

4 place. The contribution of "Anchor - Correct" - Anchor Bank.16.5% per annum with a term of 1 year. The minimum deposit amount is 1 thousand rubles. There is a possibility of replenishment.

3 place. Contribution "Spring interest" - Bank Strategy.16.8% per annum with an amount of 150 thousand rubles. Interest payments on a monthly basis. The term of the deposit is 370 days. During the first 185 days of the deposit term, a replenishment( at least 10 thousand rubles) is possible. When opening a deposit as a gift, a card with free MasterCard Standard or VISA Classic service is issued with a deposit amount of up to 300 thousand rubles, and for a sum of 300 thousand rubles - MasterCard Gold or VISA Gold.

2 place. Deposit "iVklad" - Interactive Bank.16.9% per annum with an amount of 300 thousand rubles, a period of 2 years and payment of interest at the end of the period. Opening of the deposit is made through the Internet site or the mobile application of Interactive Bank.

1 place."Contribution to the Europlan" - Bank Europlan. For today it is the most profitable contribution in rubles in Moscow, if you agree to receive interest at the end of the term.17.69% for a period of six months to 1 year, subject to capitalization( attribution to the deposit) of interest. There is a possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles.