Raptor from mosquitoes: types of means and methods of their application

We are all looking forward to summer, but the enthusiasm for the first warming and young greenery is overshadowed as soon as we remember about mosquitoes. It seems that for so many years you could have been well prepared, but every time a mosquito turns out to take us by surprise. How can you save yourself and your family from the annoying buzzing at the ear at night and combed to the blood blisters from the bites? We can tell you about a couple of means!

Variety of tools

No matter if you give preference to the brand "Raptor" or any other company: practically in every line of products you will find mosquito preparations in the usual form of release, and with a rather unusual kind and method of application. Of course, the chances of producing such an extended product line - from liquid to spirals - for a small company are small, but all major brands currently produce the following varieties.

  • Plates

One of the very first forms of release is still very popular! But even without progress, the plates have practically no smell, and mosquitoes are even better. You can use them only indoors: for effective action you will need a special heater without batteries, which is inserted into the socket. Although if an extension cord is placed on the street, the plates will work outside the house!

  • Liquid

The liquid fumigator is convenient in that it does not need to be changed, unlike the plates, and it is quite compact. But, at once we will not be able to work 24 hours a day: the heater can overheat and break, if not remove it from the outlet after 7-8 hours of operation. On the street, the liquid is inconvenient to use even with an extension cord, because the bottle should be strictly vertical, but for the premises this is a real salvation.

  • Heater

Without a heater, the previous 2 points would be meaningless: to make the liquid and Raptor plates work, the repellent should heat up and spread around the room. Typically, such heaters do not have batteries, are compact and operate from the outlet, but there are also more expensive portable battery-powered heaters.

  • Spray, lotion or cream

These express remedies saved us all more than once. No batteries, no lighter, no electricity. Aerosols are very convenient to use, but in order to preserve health, try not to inhale the sprayed liquid. Creams and lotions have a little longer to apply, but you do not exactly "inhale" repellent.

  • Spirals or rods

The raptor releases both forms of fumigators, and the instruction for their use is essentially the same: the end of the spiral or rod must be burned like incense and left near the place of stay. Of course, these tools can only be used on the street, without losing their vigilance: if you forget about the spiral, then there is a high probability that someone will step on it with a bare foot, which is very painful!

  • Candles

Raptor lets out candles in the form of lanterns, but it can be a candle in a glass. Their action is similar to the action of a spiral or rod, but they can be used indoors if desired.

  • Bracelets

It is rather convenient to have such a compact repellent always with you, but "Raptor", like some other firms, does not produce bracelets. Perhaps because sometimes people show a reaction to prolonged skin contact with the bracelet, which makes it difficult to call the product 100% safe.

advice The larger the fumigator concentration in the medium, the higher the price. A cheap tool will most likely have either a non-expressed or a short-lived effect.

What you choose, depends only on the intended place of use, budget and personal likes: the fumigator in all forms of release is used alone, so they all have about the same strength.

Are repellents harmful to health?

No one wants to breathe poisonous vapors, but when it comes to mosquitoes, you have to compromise with your fears. But are the fumigators dangerous, do not you think? In fact, the dose of substance that we receive from any of the listed drugs is not enough to cause any harm to the body. Of course, if you drink liquid from a bottle or spray the spray into your eyes, the consequences will not keep you waiting, but if you follow the instructions, then you should not be afraid for your health.

In their products, Raptor and other large companies use only the new generation of repellents: effective and safe for human esbiotrin and pralletrine. But if you advocate for naturalness, then you can look for funds based on natural extracts and oils that have the property of scaring away mosquitoes.


With cloves, citrus and geraniums, you can make yourself a good repellent: these smells mosquitoes are afraid.

To cope with mosquitoes with the help of all these tools is very simple, the main thing is to choose a suitable form of release and a proven brand!