Rating of companies in Russia in 2011

Russian and foreign experts often set a task - to determine the role of large businesses in the Russian economy, the degree of its influence and development trends.
Analysts of RA "Expert" published rating of companies of Russia-2011 in terms of sales volume. Participants in the rating are companies of various industry affiliations. For banks, the amount of interest, commissions and net non-interest income served as an evaluation criterion.
The number of participants in the rating is equal to four hundred, we are presenting to your attention the Top-10 Russian companies.


  • 10. TATNEFT( annual sales volume RUB 468,032.0 million)
  • 9. IDGC Holding( RUB 559,495.6 million)
  • 8. Surgutneftegas( 621,513.0 million rubles)
  • 7. AFK Sistema( 853,631.6 million rubles)
  • 6. TNK-BP( 953,871.2 million rubles)
  • 5. Sberbank of Russia( 968,414.0 million rubles)
  • 4.Russian Railways( RUB 1,334,240.0 million)
  • 3. Rosneft Oil Company( RUB 1,373,145.6 million)
  • 2. LUKoil Oil Company( RUB 2,615,049.6 million)
  • 1. Gazprom( 3,597,054.0 million rubles)

10. Tatneft( annual sales of RUB 468,032.0 million)

produces about 8% of Russian oil. Today the company conducts industrial production of oil, not limited to the territory of Russia. Tatneft is actively developing deposits in Syria.

9. IDGC Holding( 559 495.6 million rubles)

was established in 2008 through spin-off from RAO "UES of Russia".The holding company includes regional and interregional electric grid companies, marketing and construction organizations, research and design institutes,.

8. Surgutneftegaz( 621,513.0 million rubles)

produces about 13% of Russian oil and 25% of gas. The brand "Surgutneftegaz" is on the market for about 15 years, but the company includes companies with centuries of experience in the energy and mining sectors.

7. AFK Sistema( 853,631.6 million rubles)

is the largest among Russian investment companies. The company's shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange, and also available on the MICEX-RTS.

6. TNK-BP( 953,871.2 million rubles)

was established in 2003 after the merger of BP's oil and gas assets in Russia and the Alfa consortium. The company's capacity allows it to produce 1.74 million barrels of oil per day.

5. Sberbank of Russia( 968,414.0 million rubles.)

is the largest banking organization in Russia and the CIS.Sberbank accounts for more than 47% of the population's deposits. A loan portfolio of the bank includes about a third of all loans issued to citizens and legal entities. Sberbank is included in the rating of "500 most expensive brands in the world".

4. Russian Railways( 1,334,240.0 million rubles)

is one of the three largest rail carriers in the world. In the sphere of passenger transportation, RZD is actively introducing new technologies, such as the sale of electronic tickets, the equipping of Wi-Fi trains, electronic registration for long-distance trains.

3. Oil company Rosneft( 1,373,145.6 million rubles.)

has increased sales of products and services by more than 15 times in the last decade. The company plans to explore and develop new hydrocarbon fields not only in Russia, but also in the US and other countries of the world.

2. LUKoil Oil Company( 2,615,049.6 million rubles)

provides more than 2% of world oil production. The scale of the oil and gas giant's activity has been steadily growing for 20 years. In terms of proven reserves of "black gold", LUKoil is the world's largest private oil and gas company.

1. Gazprom( 3 597 054,0 million rubles)

leads the rating of RA Expert since 2000.Over the past 10 years, the volume of sales of Gazprom's products in monetary terms has increased by more than 7 times. The global energy company owns 18% of the world's gas reserves.