The most acute problems of housing in Russia, the rating of 2016

Non-profit center "Housing and Communal Services" based on citizens' requests made rating of housing and utilities problems , which concern residents of the Russian Federation in 2016.


  • 10. Other
  • 9. Emergency and dilapidated housing
  • 8. Inactivity of authorities
  • 7. Accounting devices
  • 6. Home improvement
  • 5. Quality of utility services
  • 4. Inadequate condition of MCD
  • 3. Overhaul
  • 2.Management of MCD
  • 1. Increase of payment for LCD

10. Other

This includes a lot of various requests that are not included in other categories - such as issues of common property management at home, hiring issues, corruption crimes and so on.

9. Accidental and dilapidated housing

This category includes not only complaints related to issues of recognizing houses as emergency, but also the timing of resettlement of such houses, as well as issues related to the quality of the new housing provided. This problem for residents of Russia in the second quarter, apparently, has become less relevant. Previously, it was on the eighth line in the top 10 pressing housing and communal services problems.

8. Inactivity of the authorities

This category includes complaints about government bodies that do not act or work in a way that citizens consider correct. In the second quarter the problem increased its importance, and from the ninth line it moved to the eighth.

7. Accounting devices

The problems associated with individual and common house meters, as well as the issues of their acquisition, installation and operation, occupy not the most honorable place in the minds of fellow citizens( 3%).Compared to the first quarter of 2016, the position on the list of housing and communal services problems has not changed.

6. House improvement

The condition of entrances, the number and quality of greenery around the house, as well as the removal of garbage - these questions concern 4.5% of the citizens who applied to the center.

5. Quality of utilities

Compared to the previous quarter, the problem shifted from 2 places to 5. This is probably due to the fact that most claims regarding quality of service are related to the heating season. The season has come to an end - the number of complaints has decreased. This complained 7% of those who wrote to the center.

4. Unsatisfactory state of MKD

Compared with the first quarter, the rating of the degree of concern about the state of MKD( everyday expenses for repair and maintenance of houses) remained at the same level.

3. Overhaul

The third place is devoted to the problem of major repairs - does it happen at all, and if so, how, when and how much will it cost the tenant.12.3% of those who applied to the center recognized this issue as a problem. Also, claims arise in connection with the traditional disease of the governing bodies in Russia - the poor quality of informing residents about the services provided. In comparison with the first quarter, the problem began to be perceived as more significant, and from the fifth place it moved to the third. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in Russia the beginning of actions for repair is traditionally tied to the warm season.

2. Management of MCD

Compared to the first quarter of 2016, the importance of this problem in the minds of fellow citizens has grown to a position - from the third place the problems related to the management of MKD have shifted to the second. This section includes issues related to management companies( HOAs, HBCs, etc.), the legality of their activities and the efficiency and quality of the work. Concern about this issue shows 18.4% of those who wrote to the center.

1. Increase of payment for LCD

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, this problem stably maintains the priority in the list of the most important problems of housing and communal services in Russia. This includes both tariffication, and recalculations, and claims about the requirements of fees for common house needs, and complaints about the lack of transparency and incomprehensibility of payment documents. Claims in this regard were made by almost a quarter of those who applied to the center "Housing and Communal Services".