- Type of coffee maker
- French press
- Electric turret
- Drip filter coffee machine
- Carob coffee maker for home
- Geyser coffee maker
- Capsule coffee maker
- Combined coffee maker for home
For many people, the day starts with a cup of invigorating coffee. Of course, the easiest way is to use a regular soluble drink, but the brewed coffee is times more tasty, stronger and has an amazing aroma. Indeed, it is possible to cook good coffee at home. The choice of modern coffee makers is huge, they differ not only in the technology of preparation of the drink, but also with additional options that greatly facilitate the process. So how to choose a coffee maker and which is best for home? In this article you will find useful tips for choosing this device.
to the contents ↑Selecting the type of coffee maker
Each coffee maker is mainly different in type of cooking. Moreover, the quality and taste of the drink directly depends on the way of brewing. Here are the most common types of coffee makers that are easy to find in any household appliance store:
- French press;
- Electric Turk;
- Drip coffee machine;
- Carob type coffee maker;
- Capsule coffee maker;
- Combined device.
Important! Do not rush to give preference to the first model you like. To choose the coffee maker is really the one that will fully meet your expectations and which you will have the desire to use not only the first couple of months, but constantly, you need to consider all the features of each type, features of service and other characteristics.
to the contents ↑French press
This device is difficult to call a full-fledged coffee machine, but nevertheless, in many countries it has found wide application. It's a glass container with a piston and a filter inside.
Important! To make coffee, it is necessary to pour the ground grains in the press and pour boiling water. After a few minutes, the press must be lowered down, thus the whole thicket remains at the bottom and does not enter the cup.
- In order to make coffee, you do not need to connect the device to the network.
- There is no need to regularly change the filter - the press has a rather long period of use.
- The strength of coffee can be regulated only by the volume of water in the container.
- The French press is compact and convenient, which makes it possible to use it even outside the home.
- The taste and strength of the drink can only be determined experimentally. There are no exact proportions of coffee preparation.
- There are no additional options - heat maintenance, delayed start, etc.
- The French press does not allow you to prepare different kinds of coffee. In this case, only an analogue of the usual soluble beverage is obtained.
Important! If you decide to choose this type of coffee maker for home, then when buying, pay attention to the details of the press:
- Glass should be heat resistant.
- Handle made of plastic. This will take the hot device into your hand.
- The piston and filter must be made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
As a rule, it is difficult to verify by eye, so the instruction is an obligatory condition of purchase.
to the table of contents ↑Electric Turk
In fact, this is an ordinary dzhezva or turka for making coffee, but only the heating occurs due to the electric heating element, and not on the stove. It has the characteristic shape of the simplest turk for coffee making and a heating stand.
In addition, the modern device has a larger volume, while the coffee is not less aromatic than in its prototype.
Important! You can also find additional options:
- detachable handle;
- auto power off;
- several heating modes.
The most progressive version is the electric Turkish made of hardened ceramics, which is considered to be the most environmentally friendly.
- Coffee is brewed very quickly. One serving of coffee is prepared in less than a minute.
- No special skills are required - just put coffee and pour water.
- The electric Turk is compact, so you can take it with you on the road.
- In an electric turk, water boils very quickly, so the taste of coffee leaves much to be desired, but it's an amateur's business.
- After each cooking, you have to wash the turkey. In addition, do not allow the appearance of scale.
- Before pouring a drink into a cup, it must be filtered, or drunk with coffee grounds, which is quite unusual for a modern person.
Drip filter coffee maker
This is the most common type of coffee maker for the home. In addition, it is often the drop type that can be seen in films showing an American cafe. It's all about cheapness, simplicity of the device and the ability to cook a large volume of drink in one cooking cycle.
Important! The device consists of two vessels with water and a compartment for ground coffee. Water, filled in a container, heats up to 90 degrees and passes through the compartment with coffee, then through the filter and gets into the bowl with the coffee already ready. Despite the external simplicity of the device, the coffee turns out strong and quite pleasant to the taste.
- One cycle of water supply allows you to cook up to two liters of a fairly strong drink.
- You can choose any type of instant coffee - from arabica to green.
- The device is equipped with a function of water heating, so even after some time after preparation the coffee remains hot.
Important! This type is perfect for a large family, an office and a big company of coffee lovers.
- Water is not always able to fully reveal the whole aroma and taste of ground beans, so the taste of the resulting coffee is just below average.
- It is always necessary to change the removable filters, otherwise - the particles of ground raw materials get into the drink, or the coffee maker will not work at all.
- Even if you want to drink just one small cup of coffee, you have to pour the full capacity of water, which is extremely impractical.
How to choose a drip coffee machine: basic parameters of the
If you want to choose a good and practical device that will last a long time, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:
- Power. The lower this parameter, the slower the water flows, and the coffee, respectively, will be stronger. Therefore, in this case, you should not choose powerful models - only 700 watts.
- Flask. It is advisable to choose a coffee maker with a glass bulb. Plastic quickly deteriorates, as a result - coffee will be obtained with a specific flavor.
- Size of the flask. If you expect that the device will be used by several people at the same time, then it is worth taking a closer look at large water tanks.
- Type of filters. In the drip coffee machine disposable paper filters are used, nylon for 60 brews and reusable - iron. The nylon variant is considered the most qualitative and practical.
- Possibility of heating coffee. Often the device is equipped with a heating system for a ready-made drink or a thermos bottle. This is necessary when you are not going to drink the whole drink right away, but at the same time, the taste of coffee is lost with time.
- Timer. Rarely found additional option, which allows to postpone the preparation of coffee for a certain time, as well as fixing the cooking time. This parameter significantly increases the cost of a household appliance.
Roasted coffee makers for the house
This type of device allows you to make coffee from ground grains under high pressure - espresso at home. In addition, many models allow you to boil and cappuccino - the same coffee, but with the addition of milk foam.
Important! The carobs were named because the ground grains are poured into a special metal or plastic horn. There are two types of amateur carob coffee makers:
- Pressure up to 15 bar. In a similar device, water is poured into the container, which heats up considerably and forms steam. At the right time, the valve opens and steam flows into the horn with ground coffee. When the steam cools, it turns into coffee, steamed.
- Pressure higher than 15 bar. Everything is much simpler here. Water heats up to 90 degrees and under great pressure passes into the horn with ground coffee, and from the horn the drink gets into the cup. Such a device works many times faster, without losing flavor and flavor of grains.
- Simultaneously, you can cook no more than two cups, but really a quality drink, which is convenient for small families or one person.
- As a rule, the device can cook both espresso and cappuccino.
- Coffee is prepared very quickly, while all the useful properties, taste and smell remain.
- Horn is very easy to clean, no additional removable filters are required.
- Only coffee grains of a certain grind are suitable for cooking. In some models, the grains are ground just before cooking.
- As a rule, carob coffee makers have a very decent price. However, once again note - coffee is of good quality.
Additional functions of
To select a coffee maker of this type, it is worth paying attention to the following small things, which can later be very useful:
- It's better to choose a metal horn. The plastic analog wears out extremely quickly and is subject only to replacement.
- A pallet must necessarily be present, which collects excess water.
- It is best to choose models with the function of cooking cappuccino. Often it has only an additional button and a container for milk.
Important! The device showing the temperature of water and coffee, as well as the progress of the preparation of the drink, is a rather useful option that helps to fully control the entire process.
to content ↑Geyser coffee makers
This type of coffee maker can be of two types:
- The first one is fully electric and automated.
- The second - it is necessary to warm on a plate, outwardly resembling a small teapot.
Important! Inside the geyser coffee machine there are two compartments - for coffee and water. During operation, water is heated, passes through the compartment with ground coffee and returns to the place. On technology, this type is very similar to a drip coffee machine, however, the drink turns out to be much more delicious and aromatic.
- This device is suitable for both coffee and tea.
- The quantity of the ready-made drink depends on the capacity of the coffee maker. Sometimes you can find quite large geyser devices.
- Coffee is slightly better than in the drop type, but much worse than in the carob coffee makers.
- Washing the kettle is quite complicated and long-it consists of many elements that need to be washed.
Important! Before choosing a coffee maker for a home, you need to carefully read what material the device is made of. Choose a geyser coffee machine only from stainless alloys.
to the contents ↑Capsule coffee maker
This type of coffee is loaded into the device in the form of special capsules with an aluminum coating. During cooking, they are pierced by the device at three points, through the holes first a stream of air under strong pressure, and then water.
Important! This type of coffee machine allows you to prepare a large amount of strong drink, which is convenient for office or large companies.
- No need to break the coffee before cooking and pour out the necessary portion of coffee. It is enough only one capsule for several cups of drink.
- The device is fairly compact and takes up no more space than a standard teapot.
- Coffee is pretty decent in quality, second only to espresso.
Important! Such coffee makers are relatively cheap in price, but serve only a limited amount of time.
- It is necessary to buy capsules of only a certain brand. Coffee of other manufacturers may not be read by the device.
- It's unclear what quality the coffee is in the capsule. As a rule, you can control only taste and shelf life.
- Capsules with coffee are sometimes difficult to buy in the store. Therefore, coffee will have to be ordered by mail.
Combined coffee makers for the house
It is very rare to find coffee machines of a combined type. They allow you to brew coffee in several ways. So, some models can make carob espresso, while they also prepare coffee from capsules. But often, combined coffee makers are ways to prepare coffee from ground or whole grains. Unfortunately, such models are very rare in home stores. In addition, you must always think about how to properly prepare coffee in the device.
Coffee is a drink that almost every adult drinks. Therefore, the approach to the question of how to choose a coffee maker for the home should be weighed. First of all, evaluate what quality of coffee you want to have, and only then proceed to the type selection. Each coffee maker has its pros and cons, which makes it possible to make a competent choice and acquire a really good device.