Top Best Remedies for Colds and Flu

The season of respiratory diseases lasts from October to March. During these 6 months, more than half of Russians experience unpleasant symptoms: sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever. Surely, each of us has our own "brand" methods to combat seasonal ailments.

Well, today we bring to your attention Top best remedies for cold and flu , which includes both folk methods of treatment and medications.


  • 10. Ginger tea with lemon.
  • 9. Morse from cranberries or cranberries.
  • 8. Antiviral drugs( Arbidol, Viferon, Cytovir, Reaferon, etc.).
  • 7. Drugs that eliminate symptoms of ARI( Teraflu, Tamiflu, Antigrippin, Coldrex).
  • 6. Barrier means of protection.
  • 5. Vaccination( Grippol, Influvac, Waxigripp).
  • 4. Essential oils( mint, lemon, eucalyptus, fir, rosemary).
  • 3. Decoction or rose hips syrup.
  • 2. Alkaline drink( mineral water, milk with soda).
  • 1. Wet and cool air.

10. Ginger tea with lemon.

The drink is a powerful immunostimulating and warming agent. For cooking, it's enough to add half a teaspoon of ground ginger or a small piece of fresh root to hot water. Infuse the drink for 5 minutes and add a slice of lemon. Take half the glass of freshly made tea twice a day. If there is no allergy to honey, you can sweeten them a bit of cooled tea.

9. Morse from cranberries or cranberries.

Both berries have a pronounced bactericidal property. In addition, they are rich in vitamin C and excellent increase the body's resistance. If you do not want to drink Morse, you can rub berries with sugar and eat "in a bite" with tea.

8. Antiviral drugs( Arbidol, Viferon, Cytovir, Reaferon, etc.).

Assign them both for treatment and for the prevention of respiratory viral infections. True, it is not worth it to do it uncontrolled at will. It is worth saying that in foreign practice in many countries, these drugs with an easily flowing ARVI are not prescribed at all.

7. Drugs that eliminate symptoms of ARI( Teraflu, Tamiflu, Antigrippin, Coldrex).

It is important to remember that such remedies do not cure colds and flu, but they greatly facilitate the condition. Symptomatic drugs contain substances that reduce mucosal edema, eliminating the headache, aches in joints and temperature.

6. Barrier means of protection.

Masks, as well as oxolin and viferon ointments make it difficult for viruses to enter the body. It is advisable to use such funds if contact with the patient is to be made or visit potentially dangerous public places. Upon returning home, it is advisable to wash the nasal mucosa with saline or a special remedy, for example, Aqualor, Aqua Maris. Such irrigation will help to remove viruses from the mucous membrane, if they nevertheless penetrated there.

5. Vaccination( Grippol, Influvac, Waxigripp).

Vaccination against influenza is done before the onset of the ARVI season, since it takes some time for the body to develop immunity. In addition, the vaccine can be done only to an absolutely healthy person without signs of ARVI.The choice of the drug is best left to the discretion of the doctor. The vaccination will not protect against viruses by 100%, but vaccinated people suffer ARVI much easier not vaccinated.

4. Essential oils( mint, lemon, eucalyptus, fir, rosemary).

They have antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral and immunostimulating properties. The best way to use it is to install an aroma lamp in the room with natural oils, as well as applying a few drops of oil to a napkin, which is placed in the breast pocket of clothing.

3. Decoction or syrup of rose hips.

High content of vitamin C and immunostimulating properties make rose hips a valuable remedy for flu and cold. Hypotonics should take into account that dog rose lowers blood pressure.

2. Alkaline drink( mineral water, milk with soda).

Lack of moisture prevents the body from quickly cope with the disease. It is alkaline drink that helps to dilute sputum, improves the mucus escape, allows you to quickly fill the lack of fluid in the body and cope with intoxication. Milk and soda are good for coughing, if there is no food intolerance to dairy products.

1. Wet and cool air.

Air humidity of about 50% and temperature around +18 significantly reduce the chance of getting infected - in fact for viruses such conditions are less comfortable than hot and dry air. In addition, if the disease has already begun, then in such an atmosphere the patient breathes easier, the cough decreases, the temperature decreases more quickly.

[stextbox id = "info"] Possible contraindications, before use consult with a physician. [/ stextbox]