How to clean a pumpkin from the peel: several good ways


  • Pumpkin grades
  • How to start cleaning the pumpkin?
  • How to peel?
  • How to remove sunflower seeds?

With the participation of this unique vegetable, a lot of simple and delicious dishes are prepared. Due to useful properties, dieticians often prescribe it to people who have problems with the liver, digestive tract, kidneys, vessels, eyesight. But that the very process of cooking, say, pumpkin soup, mashed potatoes, casseroles, casseroles or pancakes, bring pleasure, it is advisable to learn in time how to clean the pumpkin. Why is it so important? The fact is that the peel of the queen of vegetables is too hard. In order not to be injured, during the cleaning process, you have to apply very great effort and care. After all, because of ignorance, you can get hurt from the very first movements.

Pumpkin varieties

So, so that there are fewer problems directly during this complicated process, requiring such efforts, you need to prepare for it in advance. After all, there are varieties of pumpkins that are easy to clean. Because now the conversation will go about them, about grades.

  • Solid

It's easy to guess why they are so named - the rind of ripened fruit is too stiff. And it is understandable that their cleaning is a very difficult and difficult work, with which it is possible to cope only with a man. But the variety is still good - early ripens, has small sizes and is famous for the most delicious sunflower seeds.
Bush varieties are ideal.

  • Large-fruited

Also understand the origin of this name. These are the largest specimens. They will have to work hard during the preparation. After cleansing pumpkin can quickly disappear, because in the refrigerator is unlikely to include all the leftovers. But there are pleasant moments here, because the fruits will be pleased with the fact that they are the sweetest( it is sweeter than watermelons), they react better to the lower temperatures and can be stored for a long time even in the apartment.

  • Muscat

Very fond of heat, late ripen, can not ripen where the summer is short, and therefore it is desirable to plant them in the south. But this, it seems, is all downsides. Because Muscat varieties are the most delicious and vitamin, they are grown by seedlings( first - seeds, and then plants in the ground), are removed immature before the first frosts( they "reach" the house).

How do I start cleaning the pumpkin?

So, every variety is good, and everyone chooses based on their preferences. But before you start culinary research, the fruit must be cleaned. How to get started?

  1. Choose an appropriate instance for a particular purpose.
  2. Clean from dirt, leaves and so on.
  3. Rinse well under a tap( especially when it comes to making juices, salads).
  4. Wipe off with a towel or paper towel and allow to dry.
  5. To think over - whether all it is necessary to cut, where to store the rests and so forth

How to peel a skin?

It all depends on some factors. After all, among the mass of varieties, each is distinguished not only by color and the state of the bark. There is still such a thing as shape, size and scope of application. After all, the pumpkin is used more often in the household. Therefore, it is important to get rid of the peel, and from the stalk, and from the pericarp. And this process for representatives of all varieties is individual. Therefore, when preparing for work, the structure of the product and what tools will be used are taken into account. If this happens in an ordinary kitchen, just a knife and a spoon. Very useful, especially for small sizes, an ordinary vegetable peeler.

A vegetable is usually cut into the right parts( often quite small, so as not to get injured), and afterwards, with a sharp knife, the hardened bark is peeled off. Why is this approach inconvenient? Not always everything can be used immediately, because there are fears that pieces of pumpkin can deteriorate without proper storage. Because often circumvent the surface treatment.

  • To do this, put the prepared product on a cutting board, reinforcing it so that it does not slip over the surface of the table.
  • Cut a large knife neatly the ends on both sides( somewhere a couple of centimeters away).They can be thrown out.
  • With a small vegetable knife with notches, you should clean the pumpkin, taking off small ribbons of the skin.
  • You can cut in half, put halves down with a cut and cut into long lobes - so the knife does not slip on the fingers.

It is advisable to position the pumpkin comfortably, keeping the knife vertically, then horizontally. Then you need to act according to what will be done in terms of the further fate of the fruits - whether they will be baked, whether to be cooked, whether to be stored in the freezer and so on.

How to remove sunflower seeds?

Yes, this problem must be solved, because with the seeds you can not make anything. They have another fate. Because they are carefully, but carefully choose a hand or a spoon with the flesh. Lay them in a bowl, you can continue to work further with the fruit.


If you do not clean the whole pumpkin - both from the peel and from the seeds - then it can be sent to the refrigerator. But do not put it in polyethylene - so it quickly disappears. You can store such pieces for several days.

It is best to keep a half of pumpkin or peeled slices closer to the cold in some vessel, covering it with food film.

If there is no room in the refrigerator, and in the plans there is no dish from the pumpkin, it can be cleaned and cut into pieces or rubbed. Packing everything in bags, put in the freezer.

Summer varieties are easier to clean, but they should be prepared immediately - they do not stay in the refrigerator for a long time. But winter can be stored for a long time.

Pumpkin seeds are a useful product, because they can be dried and eaten.

Read the article on how to clean pumpkin seeds