Steamer or multivark - which is better: fast or multifunctional

In choosing the ideal assistant for the kitchen, many housewives are faced with a difficult question - which is better - a steamer or a multivarker. Here the main thing to remember is that both devices differ from each other in the way and time of preparation, functionality, the amount of food that can be cooked and the usefulness of the dishes. Here with these parameters, let's figure it out.

See also:

  • Which multivarku is better to buy - the secrets of the right choice
  • Which steamer is better to buy: the leaders of "steam cooking"

The first point: the way of cooking

This is perhaps the most basic difference of the steamer from the multivark. Choosing the model you need is based on your personal priorities.

Steamer Multivarker
Cooks with steam Can fry, boil, bake and cook for a couple

It's all clear - the multivariate will be able to cook several dishes and replace the oven, fritirnjutsu, rice cooker, frying pan, and the steamer - will provide only healthy foodfor a couple.

Of course, if you choose a model for a large family, where everyone has their own culinary preferences, it's better to pay attention to the multivark. If you want to buy a device that will prepare food for the child - it is better to buy a steamer, it will perfectly cope with this task.

Item 2:

functionality The capabilities of each model, both for steamers and for multivars, can vary. Let's look at the main ones.

Steamer multivarka
steamed Prepares milk porridge
reheating prepares buckwheat
defrosted Extinguishes
Brews a couple
Prepare pilaf

Some models steamers can have the blender function and grind food - it will be useful for thosewho prepares children's mixtures. Some models of multivariate can have more than 20 programs and cook, in addition to standard, more desserts, yoghurts, dishes in deep fat.

The third point: the amount of food

There are also significant differences that will help you figure out what is best for you - a steamer or a multivarker. We look, how many dishes can prepare these devices.

Steamer Multiwire
Equipped with several baskets Equipped with one bowl

A steamer can be equipped with several baskets and simultaneously prepare several dishes, and a multivarcan can have only one bowl that will cook only one dish. The steamer can have two or three baskets for 2-3 liters, and a multivarker can be equipped with a bowl from 2 to 6 liters.

Item number four: speed

This point is equally important, after all, choosing the technique for the kitchen, you will look not only at functions, but also at the speed of cooking. Here it is worth noting that the steamer prepares any dish faster than a multivarker.

Dish Steamer Multivark
Chicken fillet 15 min 50 min

Here the average values ​​and standard modes of devices are taken. As you can see, the steamer will do better. True, there are today such multivarques that are equipped with a special improved function of "steaming", where the dish will be cooked for the same 15 minutes. Item 5: Utility

Here you can immediately say that the steamer simply does not know how to cook harmful and fatty foods, all the vitamins and useful properties of each product remain intact. But a multivarker, for example, cooking dishes in the "frying" or "pilaf" will not save all vitamins.

So, choosing which is better - a double boiler or multivarker, give preference to the device that will satisfy your requirements for the quality of the cooked products. Or try to choose a multivark where there is a function "steaming" and more often use it.

The choice in favor of this or that device should be done only on your personal preferences. If you keep a diet and want every day to please yourself with steam cutlets, vegetables and fish - it is better to buy a steamer. It is cheaper than the multivariate of the average price range and prepares only useful dishes. If you want to buy a "multi-handed" kitchen assistant for the whole family - stop at the multivark. She will be able to please and fried, and baked, and cooked dishes.