How to choose gyroskouter - expert tips

Modern youth is more and more interested in gyro pacemakers every day. These vehicles, if they can be called those, are no longer something of a fantasy kind. If you live in a large city, then you will be able to find at least a couple of gyro pacemakers in the nearest shopping center. But if you make a rash purchase, then you can regret it. First, read our material, in which we examined all the subtleties of choosing a vehicle.


  1. Hersteller giroskuterov
  2. Principle of operation and the device giroskutera
  3. Varieties giroskuterov
  4. Selection Options giroskutera
  5. What giroskuter choose
  6. How much giroskutery

Hersteller giroskuterov - what firm to choose

In theory, let giroskuter maybe even some kind of unnamed Chinese company,because especially complex components in such a device is not used.

If you want to get your hands on a quality product, we recommend that you pay attention to the following brands:

  • Smart Balance is an American company, founded in 2005 and producing thousands of all kinds of gyro-paceters every year. Most often they have 10-inch wheels, but there are exceptions to this rule.
  • Wmotion - under this brand are produced not only giroskutery, but also segway. Some models are able to travel from one charge up to 45 km!
  • Airwheel - this company did not rely on giroskutery, but on segway and mono-wheel.
  • Hoverbot - under this brand are produced a variety of giroskutery, segway and electric scooters.
  • Novelty Electronics - in Russia to find products under this brand is almost the easiest. Basically, under it are produced those gyroskutery, to which it is possible to connect the pad for hands and thereby simplify the control.

If you wish to learn more about the products of well-established brands, we recommend that you read our article "Top Gyroscope Ranking".

Principle of operation and device gyroskutera

Any gyroskouter looks very simple. It has wheels of one size or another, between which is the foot pad.

In fact, this site is a balancing pedal - your inclination forward orders the device to move in the same direction. If you cant only the right leg, then a turn to the right occurs. When the left leg is tilted, a left turn occurs. In a word, everything is simple - you just need to learn to keep your balance.

The battery is provided by the battery. For the most part, it depends on their capacity that how many kilometers the girosculator will overcome from a single charge. But this is also affected by the weight of a person, which should be remembered - so do not trust the figure indicated in the characteristics by 100%.

Also in the device include gyroscopes, two electric motors and some other smart components.

Some gyroskutery( mainly those that have large wheels) come with a handle. In many cases, this is not a steering wheel at all - rather, it's just a playground for hands. Almost always it is removable, because you can go without it.

Kinds of gyro pacemakers

It should be noted that many people consider gyroscuaters all unusual vehicles without clear controls. In this case, we can say that these devices differ from each other quite strongly by their design.

  • Geroscuater - this word refers to vehicles suitable for the previously posted description. That is, gyroskouter must have two wheels and a platform for legs between them.
  • Segway - in fact it is the same gyroscope, but with much larger wheels and a platform for hands.
  • Monoblock - but this device can not really be considered a gyroscope, although the same principles of control operate here. The fact is that only one wheel is used here, so it's quite difficult to keep the balance.

This is the most important principle of dividing giroscuaters among themselves. But this does not mean that such vehicles differ from each other only in design.

Parameters for selecting a gyro sensor

A wide range of gyro pacemakers would not exist if these devices did not have different characteristics. Please note that some parameters will have to find out by visiting the official website of the manufacturer, as online stores are silent about them.

Wheel diameter

The most important parameter, which is measured in inches or millimeters.

Mini gyro pacemakers come with tiny 3-inch wheels. The maximum diameter is 20 inches - these wheels are equipped with huge subwaves, which can not be called portable.

The most popular products are wheels with a diameter of 4, 6, 8 and 10 inches. From this characteristic depends on the application of transport, and its speed. It is clear that small wheels will not allow to accelerate to very high speeds, and they are afraid of all potholes.

Wheels with a diameter of 8 or 10 inches help in overcoming small obstacles. Also they are equipped with a rubber chamber, thanks to which the vibrations are damped. And even such wheels contribute to overcoming a strong slope of the surface - up to 30%.But the gyro-box with similar wheels has large enough dimensions and a lot of weight, which not everyone will like.

Maximum speed

Also very important parameter for any vehicle, including for gyroscope.

If this parameter is large, then you will be able to travel long distances in less time. But if giroskutter is bought only for entertainment somewhere in the park, then you will be satisfied with almost any model that accelerates only up to 10-15 km / h.

As mentioned above, speed primarily depends on the wheels used. Therefore, the biggest parameter is able to please only Segway. They can accelerate to 20 km / h, and some models manage to exceed this number!

Maximum load of

Some gyro pacemakers may seem too brittle. And indeed, each of them is designed for a certain maximum weight of a person.

For example, children's gyroscope can be used only by people whose weight does not exceed 35-40 kg. The other gyro-locators also have some kind of maximum load.

The largest weight is usually with segways having large wheels and a large foot pad. Some models are able to move even a fat person up to 130 kg.

Gyroscope power

Sometimes manufacturers of this type of electric transport indicate overestimated readings of maximum load and speed. However, they always indicate the power of the engines. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this parameter.

Some manufacturers indicate the power of the whole gyroscope. Others write what power each motor has. Do not forget that there are two of them in the gyroscope - each of them rotates its wheel.

If the power of electric transport is high, then it will be able to cope with any tasks posed. If the power is low, then it is not worth considering the purchase option for such a gyro pacemaker. On the other hand, a similar device will use less electricity.

There is a possibility that it will be driven from one charge long enough. But this does not mean that you will go far - the distance covered depends also on the speed, which at low power can not be high.

Range of trips

In the characteristics of almost every gyroscope you can see how far it will go when the battery is fully charged. However, you should remember that this parameter is always approximate. Usually, measurements take place when the electric transport moves on a completely flat surface without inclines, when a person of the minimum configuration is standing on it.

In real life a gyroscope will be used by a person whose weight is far from the minimum. A good gyroskouter will also be used to overcome some hills. In this regard, the range of travel will necessarily be lower than that indicated in the specifications. But you can still focus on this parameter - when you compare one model to another.

Presence of the helm or pad for hands

Gyro-locators were born relatively recently. Before that, there were only expensive segways. They had very large wheels and a powerful engine. Also at their disposal was a steering wheel.

As for the devices we are considering today, they are most often sold without a steering wheel. Even Segway in some cases have a pad for hands that does not help management - it only helps to keep the balance in the way.

If you are looking for a high-speed gyro-sensor or segment, then you must choose a model with a platform for hands or a rudder. It can be removable or not - it's completely unimportant. Otherwise, you can fall at high speed, causing yourself damage.

If gyroskouter is purchased for entertainment, then the playground is not needed - it's unlikely you will ever use it.

Other characteristics of the

Some models are equipped with all kinds of additions that have nothing to do with the movement.

For example, there are gyroscope with Bluetooth-speakers. They allow you to have fun in the park while listening to music.

Even more popular are gyroscope with bright LED backlighting. It serves not to illuminate the road, but only for beauty - at night the trip on such electric transport looks spectacular!

Do not forget that such additions take away the charge of the battery, albeit not too much. Most often you can do without such built-in things. Yes, there to say, even the alarm system gyroscope is not always necessary, because most often this device is stored at home or in the office.

Pay attention to such parameters as charging speed and weight. After all, no one wants to carry a very heavy gyro-footer on the stairs. Long recharging, too, will not make you happy. Although nothing can be done about it - capacious batteries usually require a connection to the outlet for a period of three hours.

Which gyroscope to choose

Most often gyroscope is purchased for a specific purpose:

1. Will you go to work? You need a segway, able to overcome the distance, which is twice the amount that takes the path from home to work. Although in theory it may be less, then you will have to recharge your electric transport near your workplace.

2. Do you want to have fun in the park? You need a simple gyroscope with small wheels. It will be ideal if at its disposal there will be a pretty LED-backlight.

3. Want to buy gyroscope to your child? Pay attention to the children's models. But remember that a child grows quickly enough from such a toy - then it will have to be sold.

4. Do you need a vehicle for a large enterprise or an office center? In this case it is necessary to purchase segways with a platform for hands or a rudder. It is the easiest to learn, any employee can handle it. But the model purchased should not be particularly powerful.

How much are the gyro pacemakers

The cost of a gyro controller depends directly on the quality of its performance and installed components:

1. For example, children's models that can not travel from one charge more than 15 km can cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Such giroskutery are slow-moving, adult man they seem boring.

2. But this can not be said about the models sold for 20-35 thousand rubles. Usually for such money they offer already quite worthy specimens capable of withstanding the weight of almost any person, as well as those who can accelerate to sufficiently high speeds.

3. Segways and mono-wheels are the most expensive. Decent electric transport of these types can not be bought cheaper than for 40 thousand rubles. But another thing should not be expected, because this is a real transport, which will not be used for entertainment.

4. As for the price ceiling, it does not exist. After all, every year, new technologies are emerging, with the help of which manufacturers of gyro pacemakers improve their creations. A gyroscope, capable of something completely new, will definitely cost more than all its competitors.