The most expensive paintings in the world

Man from time immemorial loved to draw. Anthropologists constantly find samples of rock art in various parts of the world. Someone did it better, and someone worse, but this kind of art was constantly evolving. First people decorated the walls of their caves, drew animals and hunting scenes, then they began to create frescos on the walls of numerous temples, and then came up with a canvas.

Artists of the past left us a great legacy of beautiful paintings. The most valuable of them are stored in museums and people from all over the world specially come to see them. But painting has not only aesthetic value. Many canvases cost many millions of dollars. There are many paintings that are in national museums, never exhibited for auction and we do not know its real value. That is, we can not say how much the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci or Rembrandt cost. However, annually thousands of paintings are sold at special auctions. The cost of some of them reaches hundreds of millions of dollars, and their price is constantly increasing. Pictures are a good way to save money. We have compiled a list for you, which included the most expensive pictures of the world .


Flag $ 110 million

The painting was painted by artist Jasper Jones in 1932.The canvas depicts the American national flag. In 2010, at private auctions, this painting was sold for 110 million dollars.


Scream $ 119 million

This painting was painted by Norwegian artist Edward Munch. It was created from 1893 to 1910.The canvas depicts a screaming male figure, against the backdrop of a scarlet sky.

This work of art belonged to the billionaire Peter Olsen from Norway, but then it was sold for 119 million dollars.


Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer $ 135 million

This portrait belongs to the brush of Gustav Klimt. It was written in 1907, and in 2006 it was sold for $ 135 million. The size of the canvas is 136x138 centimeters.

The portrait depicts the daughter of one of the largest Austrian bankers of the time, it is also called the "Austrian Mona Lisa".I bought this work of art businessman Ronald Lauder from the United States.


Woman III $ 137.5 million

In seventh place is a painting painted by artist Willem de Kooning in 1953.Its size is 171x121 centimeters, and it was sold in 2006 for 137.5 million dollars.

When writing his painting, the artist used the technique of strokes-strokes, so the canvas has a somewhat original look. Although, if you look at other paintings of this artist, this painting is not yet the most original.


Number 5 $ 140 million

This painting was painted by American artist Jackson Pollock. This picture is written in the genre of abstract art, its author believed that the process of birth canvas is more important than the result and so he just poured and splashed paint on a piece of fiberboard. The picture has a huge size of 2.5 x 1.2 meters and is a mixture of different colors, chaotically imposed.

The image depicted in the picture is somewhat reminiscent of a huge bird's nest. The picture was created in 1948, and sold in 2006 for 140 million dollars.


Three sketches for a portrait of Lucien Freud $ 142.4 million

This work was painted by Francis Bacon in 1969, and in 2013 it was sold for $ 142.4 million. The sale took place at auction organized by the auction house Christie. Each of the three canvases that are included in the triptych is 198 × 147.5 centimeters in size. On these canvases depicts the artist Lucien Freud, sitting in different poses.

The painting was sold in six minutes.


Sleep $ 179.365 million

On the fourth place of our rating of the most expensive paintings of the world is the picture of Pablo Picasso, who painted it in 1932.The canvas measures 97x130 centimeters. The picture was sold in 1997 for 148.403 million dollars.


Algerian women $ 179.365 million

Drew this picture of Pablo Picasso. It measures 114х146.5 centimeters, it was written by a master in 1955.In 2015, it was bought for 179.365 million dollars. Curiously, in 1997, only $ 31 million was saved for the same picture.


Players in cards $ 250 million

In second place in its value is a painting written by another famous Frenchman - Paul Sezan. It was established in 1895, and in 2012 it was sold for $ 250 million. The buyer was the royal family of Qatar. The painting was sold at private auctions.

The canvas has a size of 97 by 130 centimeters, it shows two men who play cards.


When you get married $ 300 million

At the moment is the most expensive in the world is a painting written by Paul Gauguin in 1892, and she is called "When you will be married."It was sold in 2015 for a record $ 300 million. The size of this picture is 101 by 77 centimeters. The sale was carried out at private auctions. The name of the buyer is unknown.

The canvas for a long time was in the collection of the Swiss lover of painting, rumors are circulating that the oil magnate of the Middle East acquired the picture.