Press eyelets universal: a description of the equipment, the operating principle

Holes on the clothes, shoes, dry goods require careful handling. Because it affects the reliability of the lacing and appearance of the product. To the edge of the wells on textiles will always look neat and be strong, you need to fix their eyelets. But manually install this kind of hardware is very difficult. Therefore, for these purposes are increasingly using special presses.

Special equipment is especially needed when you install a large number of accessories


  • 1 What is it grommet and where is it used?
    • 1.1 What is design?
    • 1.2 What materials do?
    • 1.3 Where to apply?
    • 1.4 How to install?
  • 2 Press installation accessories
    • 2.1 Forms press eyelet
    • 2.2 Pneumatic press: description and characteristics
    • 2.3 Electric Press: Description and characteristics
    • 2.4 Manual press: description and characteristics
    • 2.5 How does the manual press for rivets and eyelets?
  • 3 Video review of the manual press Mikron TEP-2

What is it grommet and where is it used?

Grommet - a special metal or plastic device used to trim clothing, shoes, accessories, textiles, printing products. It is used for processing edges of the holes that have been made to the product for threading laces, ribbons, braiding.

The home interior eyelets can often be seen on the curtains

Designed to strengthen circular slits in fabric, leather, paper and other materials, does not fray the edges and torn.

What is design?

The design of rounded rivets very simple. It includes only two parts - the plug and washer. Bush is often referred to eyelets. It consists of an outer ring and legs.

It looks like a classic galvanized steel grommet

The outer part will cover the tear outside. Leg eyelets used for decoration inside. It is put on the puck, legs folded and flattened edge.

From a technical point of view it is important when choosing a product of its internal diameter and height of the rim. The first parameter influences the gauge rod or rope that will pass through the grommet, and the second material defines a thickness

What materials do?

The most commonly used material is selected metal, but possibly plastic execution. Among the most common materials:

  • Steel. Metal is durable, holds its shape well, is different affordable price. But it has a major drawback: under the influence of moisture steel rusts quickly.
  • Brass. The metal is very soft, which makes it easy to fix the eyelets on the product.
  • Stainless steel. It is considered the best material. He did not afraid of corrosion, it is very durable and therefore has high durability. Less stainless steel - the high cost.
  • Coated steel. To improve the characteristics of steel it is often applied to the coating of other metals. It may be copper, nickel or zinc. Nickel layer - the most beautiful but also the most expensive. Nickel - the cheapest cover, but apparently it is not too attractive looks. Copper is easily recognized by a yellowish-red hue.

Steel eyelets with decorative cover - the most "running"

Where to apply?

Sealing ring holes increase strength in the articles. Initially, they were used only in case the ship - or rather, for the manufacture of sails. With iron rings edge trim could achieve a reliable fastening of the cloth and its desired tension. Today, the scope of the finishing ring is much wider:

  • Tailoring.
  • Sewing shoes.
  • Haberdashery.
  • Packets made of paper with textile handles.
  • Camping equipment.
  • Curtains.
  • Automobile awnings.
  • Banner advertising.
  • Flags.
  • Scrapbooking.

How to install?

To install the seal ring with your hands, you will need two tools: hammer and installer. With punch hole punch or piercing is done on the material.

The hole diameter should match the size of the grommet

Note! Hammers come in many forms. It all depends on the material, which will punch holes: paper, cloth, leather, etc. When choosing the correct model be sure to pay attention to this feature.

By design punchers come in two models:

  • forceps;
  • hammer impact type.

Tongs are similar in appearance to the pliers, but only at the top of the wheel is located with nozzles. Scroll wheel, you can select the diameter of the hole.

Functionality such forceps limited number of nozzles on the wheel

Puncher impactor - a rod with several attachments. Fitting for accessories in this case requires a certain skill and hammer.

Punches are selected according to the size and shape of the holes

The installer also comes in two forms:

  • forceps;
  • Cairn.

In the first case the bushing and washer are secured with forceps. But there is one nuance - every model of forceps designed for a specific diameter of eyelets.

Convenient to use tongs with adjustable ruler and removable nozzles for different eyelets

Kern - a metal rod with a pointed end. It is inserted into the sleeve, then tapping on it with milk, it is possible to fix the staves on the canvas.

Flaring grommet using the core requires a certain skill

Now in the market there was a combined model - a hammer and installer. This tool facilitates the fixation of metal rivets.

The sealing rings are installed in several stages:

  1. Punch a hole is made in the material.
  2. The sleeve is inserted into the hole.
  3. On the sleeve leg strung washer. Material is between Blocks and the washer cap.
  4. Using the selected installation tool is expanded leg eyelets.

Recently there were versatile tools that can be used to make a hole and simultaneously razvaltsevat grommet

Important! If the material is elastic, the diameter of the puncture must be strongly stretched to the size smaller than the diameter of the sleeve. Sleeve size is measured along the inner edge. But Chinese products often indicated as the outer diameter size.

Press installation accessories

The most convenient to use the press for eyelets. Its main advantage is that it can immediately make a hole and install a metallic finish. No other supporting tools is not required. But there is a big minus - the cost of these machines is quite high.

Various types of equipment are designed for different scope of work

Forms press eyelet

Before you buy the equipment for fixing accessories, you need to know about what design is, their features and functionalities. Press eyelet can be of several types:

  1. Pneumatic.
  2. Electric.
  3. Manual.

Pneumatic press: description and characteristics

Pneumatic machines for installation of buttons and eyelets are used as equipment for sewing workshops, large factories and enterprises for the production of clothing, shoes, printing products. It is powered by compressed air energy. A mandatory piece of equipment - the compressor. It can be optional or purchased separately. Capable of handling the machine and if there is a connection to a central pneumatic system.

Pneumatic press AURORA J-95 for setting eyelets in industrial conditions

the impact force can be adjusted. The mechanism is driven by a treadle. Some models are equipped with a laser pointer and a security system that protects your hands from injury. Sometimes equipment includes electronic control unit for the automation of work operations. In addition to setting rings for the laces, the equipment can perform other operations:

  • Cording buttons.
  • Production piercer punctures in tissue.
  • Fixing holnitenov, buttons, eyelets.
  • Production of buttons with the rim.

The multi-purpose press for mounting metal fittings for various purposes

Such equipment is considered universal because it can perform many different operations. For these purposes, equipment includes special nozzles.

Electric Press: Description and characteristics

This press buttons and eyelets powered by electric foot drive. The machine is used when necessary tailoring and shoes in bulk. The equipment is equipped with a counter punch. This allows the operator to track performance.

Electric press Joiner JYD 4 / 5.5 for automated installation of eyelets

Electrical equipment, as a rule, are equipped with automatic feeding system of eyelets

The mechanism is actuated by electromagnetic coils. Setting the impact force is produced using the display buttons. The impact force may be different - from 1 kg to 1000 kg / cm². To protect your hands from injury in the package includes a sensor that is triggered if the hand goes to the work surface. It performs all the same operations as the pneumatic machine.

Manual press: description and characteristics

When it comes to small workshops, where there is no need to mass production for these purposes more suitable manual press for eyelets. It allows you to set the quality fittings on the product.

Manual press is compact and designed to be installed on the desktop or workbench

It performs a number of operations:

  • Installing of eyelets.
  • Fixing other accessories: eyelets, holnitenov, jeans buttons.
  • Processing by a buttons.
  • Punching.

The press is driven by pushing the lever

Important! Buying mechanical machine, do not forget to buy a nozzle for mounting accessories. You will also need a punch with a stand. Without this work on the machine is not possible, but they have a complete set, as a rule, are not included.

Each punch for making holes of a certain diameter, but each pair of nozzles - for operation with varying fittings

How does the manual press for rivets and eyelets?

Machine is designed on the basis of mechanics. It is driven by the lever and the physical effort of the master. Lever presses the firing pin, which in turn puts pressure on the mechanism of the machine.

Placing baits made on the upper shaft and the lower press platform

Under the pressing force occurs beading sleeve edge. The spring provides a return mechanism to its original position.

Striker working media shaft is made of special steel which is resistant to loadings

The kit includes screws for mounting on the table design. When the machine is securely locked, you can get to work:

  1. Nozzle threaded device is screwed into the upper shaft.
  2. Nozzle without carving set into the bottom of the machine.

    The diameter of the nozzle is selected according to the dimensions of the grommet

  3. The sleeve is installed at the bottom. On top of it is put on the cloth with a hole.
  4. Strung on top of the washer.

    The main thing is not to confuse with the underside of the face!

  5. Pushing lever mounted metal ring.

    When you press the lever is important to prevent tissue shear

Today the market of equipment for installation of fittings contains a large number of machines. But the leader in this field installation of Turkish origin. Among the most popular brands:

  • Presmak;
  • Yeten;

There are models that allow for a single operation to penetrate the material and immediately install the grommet, for example, press the "Altai"

Machine tools for the installation of accessories - the necessary equipment for sewing and shoe shops, large and small industries. Pneumatic and electrical design are used in large enterprises. For small workshops suitable manual or mechanical tools. Each of them has an important role in the design of products with metal hinges. After all, this furniture not only strengthens the holes shnurovok, but often serves a decorative role.

Video review of the manual press Mikron TEP-2