The vast majority of ovens is made of steel or stone, for which refractory bricks are used. Furnace combustion chamber, except technological holes should not communicate with the indoor air, i.e., its walls should be solid. But the physical wear or mechanical damage to violate the integrity of the hull, which must be some way to recover. Cast iron or steel furnace can simply weld repair is difficult and stone devices carried by different technologies, depending on the type of damage and repair material used.
Consider the material, without which today is difficult to manage - sealant for fireplaces and stoves, used to repair the brick enclosure heaters.
The use of high-temperature sealant
If we restrict our home heating topic, the heat-resistant sealing compounds used in the following cases:
- sealing of cracks in the brickwork of the furnace and the flue;

- filling the gaps between the cast iron parts and stone;
- ceramic masonry chimneys;

- sealing joints fragments of metal chimneys;
- cutting device in places pass through the chimney walls and ceiling.

The use of high-temperature sealants industry is even more widespread than in the home.
Requirements for heat-resistant sealant
To meet the conditions of operation, the compositions for repairing furnaces must have the following characteristics:
- heat resistance - determining factor contributing to the preservation characteristics at high temperatures;
- security - the absence of harmful emissions in the working environment;
- the high degree of adhesion;
- strength after cure.
Important! Inconsistency one of these requirements makes repair material unsuitable for the intended use.
Types of heat-resistant sealants and rules for their use
Reconstruction mixture produced as ready-to-use, and in the form of powder mixtures which must first be shut water according to individual instructions for use.
Ready-to-use formulations
This form of release - a certain consistency of paste is most convenient for use in the home, so it saves time and reduces the concomitant repair of room air pollution.
Ready repair mortars, the most frequently used in everyday life, according to the degree of resistance to high temperatures are divided into two groups - the heat and heat-resistant. Belonging to a particular group defines the scope of material.
-Resistant mixture of compounds
Dock of the group are made on the basis of silicone, therefore, can not be stained after curing (color composition - shades of red), designed for operating temperatures up to 250 degrees (short-term impact may be to 3500C) and may be acidic or neutral actions. In general, silicone sealant for furnaces - a single-component formulations produced in disposable tubes for skeletal or tubular pistols, but are made and two-component materials - in banks of various capacities to fill the mounting syringe.

Regardless of the type of packaging, these compositions may be for independent use in the subject instructions set forth on the package.
Acidic silicone sealants during vulcanization recovered acetic acid which is corrosive to ordinary steel or cast iron, and because these metals are not applied - the destruction of the items will not happen, but the oxide layer formed on its surface, sealing violating connection.
Acid curing silicone sealants for furnaces less neutral, but strong enough after curing.

Neutral heat-resistant silicone sealants during curing recovered water and alcohol-based liquid, so no harmful effects on the contacted surface and is not limited in application.

Because the operating temperature of the heat-resistant sealants, both neutral and acidic, is limited to 300-350 degrees, they must be used in areas without direct flame impingement. Thus the compositions can be sealed on the outside crack housings stoves or fireplace, the walls of the chimney, and also sealed flue systems interfacing with the ceiling or walls in places of passing through the them.
Important! Each type comprises a mixture of more packing to the instructions for use, which should not be neglected - use of the material more aggressive than the recommended operating conditions, fraught with the loss of its properties and depressurization repair base.
Equally important is the preparation of substrates for repair - surface must be dry and free of dust and loose particles, sometimes - pre-warmed before entering the sealant. Abrading smooth surfaces are not required, but necessarily degreasing. If the crack width makes it possible, it is best to her caulked asbestos cord, leaving glue-free depth of approximately 1 cm. Then, areas along the crack to protect against contamination of the silicone composition are pasted over a paint adhesive tape, and the whole volume of the gap is filled with sealant, whereupon the protective strips must be immediately remove.

Heat-resistant dock
These adhesives are compositions designed for use at higher temperatures than the silicone mixture - in closely spaced towards the fire zones. These materials include silicate and acrylic sealants.
Silicate fire-resistant adhesives
These refractory compounds gray or black color produced on the basis of waterglass, therefore not ductile like silicone mixture but kept much higher temperature - 1200-15000C, so when applied through cracks in furnaces and fireplaces, for sealing the joints of cast iron with brick elements, including, in places open contact with the flame.
For better adhesion with glue reconstruction abrasive surface treated, after which purified of dust, degreased and washed with water.
Important! Lime kiln sealant introduced, without waiting for the drying of a base, as moisture promotes creation of a monolithic interface.

Adding the mixture into the fracture or laying on the surface is performed at room temperature of from 5 to 400C. using a tubular construction or skeletal syringe.
Acrylic heat resistant compounds
These flame-retardant formulations have similar silicate adhesives fire resistance characteristics, but it is hydrophilic - are vulnerable to water, that is, destroyed or washed away under its influence.
Acrylic sealant furnace has high adhesion even to porous surfaces, suitable for painting after curing, and approximately half times cheaper than all the above compounds.

Defects repairs performed acrylic repair composition further possible to eliminate a point after adhesive curing - addition of glue or partial replacement.
Powdered high-temperature mixture shuts
Means for selection of the repair can not be ignored, and dry mixes - reliable materials based on kaolin, and shuts immediately before use. Their application is especially true if the amount of repair work is great - replacement of a section of masonry, a change in design of the furnace, etc., as the cost of ready-mix is available in the entire price range.
A method of mixing and application of a fire retardant mixture each variety is described in detail on the package and is required to comply with.

For kneading the mixture using electric stirrer with paddle and application operate a trowel, a spatula or syringe mounting.
To an idea of how to work with heat-resistant sealants, have been more complete, check out this video clip:
Termogermetikov assortment offered by manufacturers for repair stoves or open fireplaces, today it is very wide. It is important not to make a mistake in choosing. In this case there will be a large error acquisition sealer with higher temperature resistance, but the use of mixtures with insufficient heat resistance is unacceptable.
The main essence of the article
- Selection of high-temperature materials for the repair of furnaces and fireplaces wide, but it is necessary to know the operating conditions at the place of repair compounds applications.
- Features heat-resistant sealant determined by the type of repairs and production site repair. Reconstruction mixture divided into heat-resistant and heat-resistant as determined by the maximum temperature of operation.
- The use of thermostable compositions instead of heat-resistant sealant is unacceptable as fraught inefficiency of repairs and, as a consequence, a more severe consequences - Carbon monoxide poisoning gas fire.