Why plastic windows are sweating - methods to combat the problem


  • Situations and periods characterized by misting of windows
  • Condensate - definition of the concept and the reasons for its appearance
  • The most effective methods of combating the fogging of plastic windows

Owners of modern double-glazed windows in an apartment or a private house are often faced with such a problem as the appearance of condensation onthe inner surface of the glass. Unfortunately, the owners rarely think about why plastic windows are sweating, and they prefer not to do anything about it.

As a result, they have to suffer in certain seasons from the deterioration of natural light in the house, and in fact, if desired, the problem can be eliminated forever. It is only necessary to establish the cause of the phenomenon and to carry out appropriate repair work. In some cases, it is possible to manage and make small changes in the usual regime.

Situations and periods for which the misting of

windows is typical Before handling claims to the company that carried out the installation of the structures in the apartment, it is necessary to try to determine why the plastic windows are sweating in a particular case. Most often, this happens according to one of the following scenarios:

  1. Divorces appear only in winter after switching on central heating.
  2. Glasses are covered with a damp film from the inside only in the morning, and it disappears on its own until about dinner.
  3. Strongly sweat designs only in one room, in other rooms the problem is not expressed slightly or absent.
  4. Moisture inside the pacts appears only in the kitchen.

Tip: You can not let things slide, even if the phenomenon does not cause severe inconvenience. If the problem is not rectified in time, the humidity in the area of ​​the window opening will always remain at a pathologically high level. Sooner or later it will lead to the appearance of foci of black mold.

Condensate - definition of the concept and the causes of its appearance

Condensate is an intermediate state of moisture between vapor and liquid. Water droplets are always suspended in the air. When they come in contact with cold vapors coming from the glass, their transition to the next state occurs, and they begin to settle on the glass in the form of a condensate. This process is possible under the following conditions:

  • In an apartment or a separate room there is a high humidity. As soon as the room temperature becomes much higher than outside the window, the condensate starts to form on the surface of the glass( both inside the glass unit and on the housing side).This is a very common phenomenon for the kitchen in which the activity is active.
  • Even if the humidity in the house does not break records, the condensate can appear on the glass, most often from the inside. This usually occurs when there is a significant temperature difference on both sides of the glass. If the apartment is actively working heaters, and the street frosts, even the little water that is suspended in the air, begins to move to the glass.

For the same reasons, the wet film appears inside the insulating glass. There, too, there is a certain amount of air with water molecules that also cool down and settle on the glass surface.

This problem almost never arises in rooms equipped with wooden windows, for one simple reason - the distance between the panes in this case is quite large. The glass, located further from the street, is close to the conditions in the apartment in its temperature, so it does not have time to cool down so much, it is protected by a layer of air. But this rule is valid only if the installation was made by all rules.

Based on the physical component of the process, we can distinguish the following reasons for the appearance of steam on plastic windows:

  • Use of single chamber package. This is the main reason why plastic windows sweat in the winter. Glasses simply can not cope with the temperature drop.
  • Stagnant air in the apartment, low degree of circulation, resulting in a gradual accumulation of moisture in the atmosphere.
  • Specific window design, especially a very wide window sill. Before making an original composition, you need to make sure that this will not create problems for air circulation.
  • Refusal of the winter regime in severe weather conditions.
  • Increased local humidity due to the location on the windowsill of greenery, which are regularly watered.
  • Ignoring the elementary airing of the room.
  • Low-quality installation of double-glazed windows.
  • Wear of materials and parts of the construction, leading to a decrease in its functionality.

If most of the above factors are affected, you can solve the problem yourself. Professionals should be contacted only in case of incorrect installation of the product and the need for corrective repair.

The most effective methods for combating fogging plastic windows

After determining the cause, you can proceed to solve the problem. Depending on the situation, it is recommended to proceed in one of the following ways:

  • If it is decided to install plastic windows in the apartment, do not save on the construction and raw materials. The best option will be a two-chamber device, which even in the winter in the kitchen will not be very foggy.
  • All ventilation ducts and grilles must be cleaned. If the ventilation in the apartment is not enough, you will have to regularly ventilate the room and make sure that the air circulation always remains at a high level. Doing this is not so difficult, and such simple manipulation will save from the appearance of mold and other consequences of dampness around the window opening.
  • Do not make wide sills small rooms with problem ventilation. If this solution is no longer corrected, you either need to put an additional heater near the window, or vice versa, move the battery away from the double-glazed windows.
  • Now the majority of double-glazed windows are transferred from summer mode to winter and back. We must not forget to do this with the onset of cold weather.
  • Sometimes you just need to free the windowsill from the numerous pots with plants to get rid of the constant fogging of the glasses.

  • During preparation for the winter season, it is necessary to inspect the windows and ensure that they have not lost their functionality as a result of summer operation. Valves are in place, they do not sag and do not depart, the sealant does not fly off, the construction closes tightly and no crevices are formed anywhere. If something is not right, you can independently adjust or seek help from professionals.
  • Most often, windows sweat from the inside as a result of violation of the basic rules of the technical process during the installation of double-glazed windows. In this case, it is highly discouraged to do anything yourself. Profile companies usually give a guarantee for installation and repair such defects for free. True, in some cases, the error is so serious that it requires a complete dismantling of the structure. In this case, it is better to suffer from fogging windows to heat, repair work carried out in cold conditions, with a high degree of probability will give the wrong result that is needed.

Obviously, an unpleasant problem can be solved. Therefore, it makes no sense to constantly wipe the fogged surface, try to treat it with chemicals or cover with a special matte film. It is better once to thoroughly evaluate everything and get rid of the phenomenon forever.