Users of technology for the oral hygiene of the Waterpik should know how to clean the irrigator. For models Vaterpik simple design, so they are easy to use and take care of them. But even the most reliable machine needs regular maintenance, regardless of the quality of performance.

- 1 The causes of pollution
- 2 Precautionary measures
- 3 The main structural elements
- 4 Service
- 4.1 disassembly Procedure
- 4.2 cleaning Procedure
- 5 Care after use additives
- 6 The appearance of mold
- 6.1 surface cleaning
- 6.2 rinsing solution
The causes of pollution
Irrigators are often used with special solutionsWhich increase the cleaning effect. But the flip side of this - pollution devices and need more care.
In wet conditions the probability of occurrence of mold, especially in the inner cavities of the vehicle. Its presence limits the therapeutic effect of hygiene, in fact - creating additional health problems.
Precautionary measures
powered irrigators from the network for operation in high humidity conditions have a high level of security. However, in this case, there are recommendations to ensure safe and continuous operation of the unit without negative consequences for the user and the device. They are standard, include the well-known advice:
- Do not immerse the appliance in water.
- Prohibited wet hands to touch electric parts such as a plug.
- If the unit is accidentally dropped in water before removing the need to disconnect it from the network.
- The storage place should provide stability to prevent falling and be dry.
- To clean the oral cavity unacceptably use various bleaching agents or solutions, which is composed of iodine.
- Removable parts must be original. It is unacceptable to use cheap analogues, because they can limit the functionality of the irrigator and harm to the user.
The main structural elements
Before cleaning, you may need to disassemble the device, which requires knowledge of its structure. There is nothing complicated, the design consists of three major blocks:
- Container with a lid.
- The housing with the mechanics inside.
- Operating handle.
Besides the main parts, an important element - a set of nozzles, which are dedicated to the storage compartment in the lid of the tank may be provided.
Care irrigator requires its immediate dismantling and cleaning.
disassembly Procedure
Disassembly is straightforward and intuitive to use, even without reading the instructions. Sequence of dismantling of the following:
- Turn off the machine, wait until the mechanics.
- Unplug the power cord.
- Remove the top of the tank cover.
- Remove the container from the housing with a light force, drain.
- Pressing a button on the handle, remove the nozzle.
cleaning Procedure
Service irrigator must be performed after each session hygiene. This is to prevent problems during further operation. The procedure does not take much time and involves these steps:
- Turn off the device with disconnecting from the network.
- Drain the remaining water.
- Fill the reservoir with warm water rinse.
- Nozzle and container, rinse under running water.
- Thoroughly clean and dry all items.
- Assemble the device and store it for safekeeping.
Care after use additives
Irrigator often used with the addition of various rinses or tinctures, which enhance the therapeutic effect. In this case, a more thorough cleaning apparatus. After performing standard procedures should:
- Refill the container half.
- Set in a working pen tip.
- Put it in the sink.
- Connect the machine to the network, you turn on the power.
- Writing completely drain the water from the reservoir through the nozzle into the sink.
To protect against mold all the details you need to thoroughly clean and only after that to remove for storage.
The appearance of mold
This happens when using the device in a high humidity cabinet. The situation is often compounded by poor ventilation, leaks, insufficient heating.
Mold that occurs in the bathroom, can be reached by irrigator. This situation inevitably affects the functionality of the device. It causes an unpleasant odor and may be harmful to health.
elimination of the fungus
Get rid of the mold is not always easy. Completely solve the problem can only be cleaning the room using radical means. For cleaning require more sparing methods and compositions:
- vinegar;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- soda.
It is affordable and safe remedies that will not harm the equipment. In addition, they will leave no technical damage or unpleasant odors.
surface cleaning
The easiest option is suitable for superficial lesions. After preparation of conventional solution of acetic:
- Treat the surface.
- Let it dry.
- Eliminate the remains of fungus brush.
- Rinse thoroughly with running water.
rinsing solution
First method is not always effective. Mold can penetrate into the internal cavity through which water is supplied for cleaning the mouth. In this case, you must perform a deep flush device:
- Pour the solution in acetic tank.
- Turn on the machine in the network.
- Put the handle attachment.
- Put it in the sink.
- Turn the operating mode to eliminate mold.
- Pour the remaining solution and wash irrigator running water several times.
Concluding the treatment, you will need to disassemble the unit, wipe it thoroughly and leave in this position until dry. When all the elements are dried out, you can assemble the unit and remove it.
Timely service irrigator will help keep its functionality, extend the working life. In addition, this will ensure the effectiveness of daily hygiene, and their therapeutic effect.