Inexpensive alternative technological irrigators with electro hydraulic pump can be as simple irrigator nozzle on the crane. Such models are produced by various manufacturers, including Akvadzhet that offers its irrigator with the installation of the crane. Used for the manufacture of environmentally friendly plastic, no unpleasant odors, a thorough treatment of the surface.
The main feature of these models is the lack of a hydraulic pump, and thus the overall hull. Out of stock and capacity, which must be filled with water. The kit consists of:
- adapters which are wound on domestic water taps and western sample;
- housing with pressure adjustment knob;
- a flexible tube for supplying water;
- handle screw mount attachments;
- Bracket for their ordered arrangement can be fixed on the wall.
set of tools
Usually in the standard package does not provide packing for different purposes. All inserts of the same type, capable of operating in a jet mode. The set is designed for family use. May include up to five nozzles of different colors assigned to each member of the family for personal use.
Fixing screw for the handle, which prevents falling off at high pressure. According to the instructions need to replace them every six months.
Operating principle
Unlike electrical competitors in a stationary or mobile performance such devices are used for supplying pressure water pipeline. During normal operation of the system it is enough to supply the jet with a solid punch. This allows to perform deep cleaning and rinsing the oral cavity with the efficiency required for daily hygiene and preventing dental problems.
The advantages of simple construction
The simplicity of design makes this version of the irrigators are extremely easy to use and has low operating conditions. Relative to their more advanced peers, he has undeniable advantages. These include:
- Regardless of the source power;
- ease and reliability of assembly;
- quiet operation;
- operation stability;
- small size;
- Pressure adjustment availability on the device;
- the possibility of mounting valves of different types;
- operational safety, which allows self-administration of a child;
- already stated simplicity of use.
For the manufacture of these devices use environmentally friendly plastic, no unpleasant odors, a thorough treatment of the surface. Outwardly, they are very aesthetic, do not spoil the interior of a bathroom, another room where the installation will be performed.
Uncomplicated device, which provides the benefits listed above instrument, in the same way as a source of its drawbacks. The absence of the tank, pump and nozzle limit the uniformity of its functionality.
The main disadvantages are:
- dependence of the water supply from the water and the pressure in the system;
- It raises questions about the environmental safety of tap water;
- there is no possibility of using elixirs and infusions, which are often added to the reservoir of the electromechanical device;
- possibility of wear linings and water leakage from the pressure attenuation;
- the absence of inserts for different purposes.
Mounting device
Installation of the device will not cause difficulties even in the absence of any experience. First we need to open the package and put components in a manner convenient to operate.
To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to read the instructions, which can be embedded in the package or set out on the back of soft packaging.
After exploring the structural elements and their installation can proceed to the assembly. The procedure is as follows:
- unscrewing the tap nozzle native;
- select a suitable replacement of the number of adapters included;
- to wind it with a hexagon wrench of the kit, carefully using a gasket;
- tighten the threaded body edge mounted adapter;
- inserted in a special hole on the lower end of the tube therein for supplying water;
- working on the handle to install one of the inserts;
- for easy storage place on a regular wall bracket.
The order of use
The order of use is as simple as the installation. There is no need to connect the device to the network, press the "Start" button. To begin cleaning is required:
- use custom insert;
- keep water by turning the tap handle;
- using a pressure regulator to gradually increase its comfort to the oral cavity.
After that, put the nozzle orifice in a half-open mouth, and lean over the sink to the waste water flow into the drain. Cleaning is performed in accordance with the general rules for all types of irrigators.
Precautionary measures
The device is the most secure and even if used improperly, can not cause serious harm. However, certain rules must be observed. Not recommended by the manufacturer:
- send even a weak jet in the ears or eyes;
- use without a doctor's consultation unit in the presence of dental problems;
- leave the device turned on unsupervised avoid flooding the room.
Brands and models
On the market a wide range of models irrigators on tap from different manufacturers. Most of them have a low cost of a few hundred rubles, which provides an increased demand. Among manufacturers enjoy a good reputation:
- Israeli Gum Spa and Silon It;
- Italian SoWash;
- China Dental.
Gum Spa

Compact and ergonomic tools, easy-to-use. The main feature is the metal casing that adds reliability and design does not violate the aesthetics of the tap. These benefits include:
- the convenience of use;
- small size, the smallest among the competitors;
- high-quality execution.
Devices made with perfect quality and do not have drawbacks.
Silon It

Analogous to the above named devices. Characterized by ease of use and ease of installation. Made with the inherent delicacy Israeli products in security matters. At a glance:
- compactness;
- durable and environmentally friendly plastic;
- High-performance cleaning.
Lack of prohibitive costs for similar models.

Provide complete oral care. Not inferior to competitors of its kind in quality and functionality. Among the unique benefits include:
- availability of safety valve, eliminating excess water pressure;
- Aeration filter, saturating the water with oxygen and eliminates the excess iron;
- Improved installation with internal and external thread.
The disadvantage is the inflated price, which, however, ensures perfect quality and explains the complicated structure.

Is a line of inexpensive devices cost several hundred rubles. Not much inferior to more expensive counterparts in workmanship and functionality. Characteristic of these models benefits include:
- small size;
- ease of installation and use;
- good performance at work.
The list of shortcomings is not different from the common to all models of this type.
The main advantage of flow irrigators is their low cost. Therefore take expensive model with a price tag of several thousand is not quite appropriate. With these funds is better to pay attention to more sophisticated and functional tools fixed or manual type with a hydraulic pump.