- Why does clothes decrease in size?
- What if I got a woolen thing?
- How to stretch a synthetic thing?
- How to stretch a cotton thing?
- How to stretch a sieged thing out of jeans?
- How to stretch a jersey out of jersey?
- Useful recommendations
Very often we do not pay attention to the rules of washing and information on the clothing tag. Just sort by colors and put in a washing machine, setting the usual mode of the device. Due to such actions things can decrease in size or even deteriorate. How to stretch a T-shirt? What should I do if the jacket is washed after washing? These questions are answered in our article.
to the table of contents ↑Why does clothing decrease in size?
Basically, things sit down after washing due to an improperly installed mode in the washing machine and the wrong temperature of the water. From such actions, the fibers of the fabric change their structure, and the washing machine centrifuge further influences this process.
At the end of the wash, you get clothes for several sizes smaller than it was before.
Important! Most of the shrinkage is affected by natural cotton, wool or combined fabrics with synthetic fibers. Particular attention should be paid to washing woolen products.
If suddenly such an unpleasant situation has already occurred, you should know how to stretch a woolen thing, if it sat down after washing, and return it to its previous size.
to the contents ↑What if I got a woolen thing?
A jacket or sweater made of wool is very common. They are largely susceptible to shrinkage after the washing process. Very few people pay attention to the temperature at which such things should be washed. As a result, you can get the product from the washing machine to a size that suits only the first-grader. How to stretch a thing so as not to spoil its appearance? We offer several effective ways that even a child can cope with.
Option number 1:
- Take a basin of water and soak the sweater for 5-10 minutes.
- Place the product in a horizontal position, not straightening creases and creases.
- Wait until excess water drains from the clothing.
- Place a terry towel and spread a wet sweater over it.
- Slightly stretch it in width and length.
- From time to time stretch the blouse until it dries completely.
Important! Do not pull the product around the edges, you need to stretch it in small sections, moving from the center to the edge of the product.
- Allow clothes to dry in a horizontal position.
Option No. 2
There is another similar method of stretching clothes, although the technology differs slightly from the method described above:
- In a bowl with water, lower the garment and leave for 5-10 minutes.
- Wait until excess water drains, put the product on yourself.
- To the sleeves below, pick up the load to stretch it.
Important! Wearing a wet sweatshirt on yourself may not be very pleasant, so the best option is to use the dummy.
Variant No. 3
Do not know how to stretch a sown woolen thing? To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide. If there is no medical fluid in the home medicine chest, then it will not be difficult to get it in a medical kiosk. From the effects of fiber peroxide, wool becomes more elastic, so it will be easier to stretch the jacket.
Important! It is advisable to use this method only for light clothing, since peroxide has a rather effective bleaching effect.
- In clean water add peroxide in a 5: 1 ratio.
- In the resulting liquid, soak the woolen product.
- Leave to soak for about 1 hour.
- Lightly wring out excess water from the product.
- Put on the sweater on yourself or on the dummy.
Important! The jacket should be worn until it is completely dry.
Option # 4
Do not know how to stretch the blouse in length? This method is convenient and simple, besides it will very carefully help to stretch the sown pullover:
- In cold water, add a little shampoo.
- In the resulting soapy water, soak the jacket.
- Squeeze out excess water to make the jacket wet.
- Prepare a small board in advance.
Important! The edges of the board should be ground, otherwise the jacket may appear tight.
- Stretch a damp blouse on the board in length and secure it around the edges with pins.
- Leave to dry in this position.
How to stretch a synthetic thing?
Decrease in size can not only woolen things. Often sit down after washing can a T-shirt, T-shirt, dress and other elements of clothing, which include synthetic and natural fibers. How to stretch the thing of the combined composition of fibers read below.
Method No. 1
Very often, due to improper temperature conditions, washing, shirts and dresses with mixed fiber composition decrease in size. To stretch the polyester thing you need to wash it again:
- In the bowl with water, lower the dress and leave for 10-15 minutes.
- In a washing machine, wash the dress again, choosing a delicate wash mode.
Important! Do not use powder when washing.
- After finishing the washing, hang the dress in a vertical position using the hangers.
- During the drying process, stretch the product from time to time in length and width.
Method No. 2
This method is often used in dry cleaning - the clothes that have been washed after washing are treated with high temperature. In order to stretch a T-shirt or other settled thing at home in such a way, do the following:
- In the pelvis with water, place the aged product for 10-15 minutes.
- After time, remove the clothes from the pelvis and wait for the glasses to water.
- Place a towel on the ironing board and put wet clothes on top.
- With a hot iron, iron the dress, stretching a little in length and width.
Important! If the iron has the function of steam, stretch the dress will get much faster.
to the contents ↑How to stretch a cotton thing?
Cotton is a very common and non-selective fabric. Products made of it are very convenient and have a low cost. However, the material is made of natural fibers, so it is very susceptible to shrinkage. Incorrectly selected water temperature during washing and drying process deform the product.
The following methods will help you figure out how to stretch a dress in width.
Option number 1
Such products can be stretched using an old, but proven "grandfather" method. The process does not require much time and effort:
- Pour vinegar into a small container.
Important! To clothing after the treatment did not have a pronounced sharp odor, use 3% vinegar.
- With a soft sponge or foam, moisten with vinegar, wipe the dress.
- In the process of dressing, stretch it across the width.
- Hang it dry vertically, from time to time stretching to the desired size.
Option No. 2
You can also stretch the cotton with vinegar by using it as a component of a special solution:
- In water at room temperature, dilute the vinegar, keeping the approximate proportion of 3: 1.
- Dip the product into the prepared mortar and let it soak for 10-15 minutes.
- Remove from the pelvis dress and wait to excess water glass.
- Hang the product on its hangers and stretch it to the desired size.
Important! After processing the dress with vinegar from it can emerge a sharp odor of the remedy. To remove it, wash the dress with the addition of an air conditioner, but with the correct temperature mode.
to the contents ↑How to stretch the satined thing out of jeans?
Jeans trousers are worn by children and adults. Jeans things are very comfortable everyday clothes. Due to frequent socks, such products are more likely to wear out than others. After washing with powder, regardless of the quality of your jeans, they always give shrinkage.
Recommendations for the care of jeans things
In order not to face the problem of how to stretch the fabric, you should know the basic rules for washing jeans:
- To keep your jeans in the same size, they need to be washed in warm water not exceeding 40 degrees.
- The longer the wash time, the more pants will sit down.
- Regardless of the degree of contamination of the jeans, wash the products no longer than 30 minutes.
Important! If you wash your jeans in a washing machine, be sure to follow the wash parameters indicated on the label.
How to stretch a thing that has sat down after washing?
- If, after washing, the jeans have decreased, it should be placed in a wet condition on the ironing board and steamed with a hot iron.
- During ironing, stretch the jeans periodically - in all directions.
- As soon as you reach the desired result, leave them to dry.
Important! If the jeans failed to stretch completely to the desired size, put them on yourself and be like. In this case, you can sit down several times.
to the contents ↑How to stretch a jersey out of jersey?
Jerseys, like any other fabric, sit down from the wrong washing: the temperature of water and a hard detergent. Return the knitted things to the original appearance in one of the following ways.
Method number 1
An excellent option, how to stretch a T-shirt for a larger size, while spending a little time and effort:
- Pour warm water into the basin and immerse the knitted t-shirt for 15 minutes.
- After a while, place the product in the washing machine and turn on the centrifuge mode.
- Remove from the machine jersey and pull along the length and width.
- Dry clothes by using the shoulders.
Important! Drying should be carried out at room temperature. On the battery, the product will decrease again - maybe not by 1 size.
- Finish by ironing with a warm, slightly stretching to the desired size.
Method №2
The following procedure will help to stretch a knitted dress in width:
- Knit dress soak in warm water for 30 minutes.
- Squeeze out excess water from the product.
Important! Do not unscrew knitwear, then the product will stretch unevenly.
- Wet a damp thing on a towel, spreading creases and creases.
- Fold the towel with the dress in a roll and leave in this position for 20-30 minutes.
- After the time has expired, place the clothes on the ironing board and iron it.
Important! To iron a knitted thing is necessary until it completely dries, stretching the right places.
- Leave to dry the dress horizontally on a dry towel.
Important! If the clothes do not stretch well, apply a small amount of hair conditioner to it.
to the contents ↑Useful recommendations
In order not to bother with the issue of how to stretch a thing that has sat down after washing, remember some simple rules:
- Clothing that is susceptible to shrinkage should only be washed by hand or in a washing machine with delicate treatment.
- If the washing machine is equipped with a drying function, then it should be used with extreme caution. From such actions is very likely that the product will decrease by a couple of sizes.
- Choose a detergent specifically designed for sweaters and dresses subject to shrinkage.
- The temperature of the water for washing clothes should not exceed 40 degrees.
- Wash and rinse clothes at the same temperature.
- To prevent deformation of things you can vinegar. If possible, add it during washing with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water.
- If your dress has decreased in size, remember the following: dry it should be exclusively in a horizontal position, periodically stretching along the length and width.
- In an upright position, you can dry only woolen dresses and sweaters.
Do not get upset if after washing your favorite dress or trousers become smaller by size. With such a problem, you can easily manage using time-tested methods. In this article, we have provided the most effective and labor-intensive ways to return the old look to clothes that have suffered from improper care.