- The main causes of
- clogs How to eliminate clogging in the bathroom at home?
- Chemicals - faithful helpers
- Common means for blockages
- Prevention of blockage formation
Bath is now one of the mandatory conditions for comfort. But even if you use the plumbing as accurately as possible, you still sometimes have to deal with the situation when the water does not go into the sink. Do not look for the guilty and find out who was in the bathroom last, you just have to roll up your sleeves and break the blockage. Today we will tell you how to clean the pipe in the bathroom at home as quickly as possible.
to the contents ↑The main causes of
clogs Before proceeding with the cleaning of the pipe, it is necessary to make sure that this is not a common, but a local blockage. In cases of clogging of the central sewerage of the house, the cleaning of the pipes is carried out by the employees of the housing office.
Important! To make sure that the problem exists only in your apartment, turn on the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen, if the kitchen goes without water in the kitchen, and the water is in the bathroom, then you need to start cleaning the pipes in the bathroom.
The following are the main causes of blockage:
- Fat coating on pipes. The optimal way to eliminate the problem will be the use of special chemical compounds.
- Constructive error of the sewage system. Masters could still place them at an incorrect angle when laying pipes. In this case, the cause of the blockage can be completely eliminated, only by correcting the constructive error and remaking the problem area of the sewage pipe.
- Deterioration of the sewage system.
- Neglect of elementary preventive measures and rules for the care of the sewage system.
- Garbage falling into the drain: animal hair, hair, particles of rags, threads, etc.
Important! All these reasons lead not only to the fact that the water stops to leave normally, but also to the appearance of an unpleasant smell, which is a consequence of the decomposition of debris that has got stuck in the sink. Therefore, the problem must be solved in any case, to ensure coziness in the house, the more so that you can clean the pipe in the bathroom at home quickly enough if you know how.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate clogging in the bathroom at home?
If water does not pass well into the drain, urgent measures should be taken to remove the blockage. Alternatively, you can use the services of a specialist, but we propose to solve the problem on our own, using one of the methods described below.
Mechanical method
The most common and simple way that even a woman can use is to clean the clog in the bathroom with a plunger. This method can be used even as a preventive measure. The more often you use the plunger, the less frequent will be the problem of clogging.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Rubber part of the plunger carefully lubricate with Vaseline, so that it tightly seals against the drain.
- Fill the tub with a small amount of water( to the height of the half of the rubber bowl of the device).
- Install the air tool so that the rubber nozzle completely closes the drain hole.
- With sharp, intense movements, raise and lower the plunger. Air drastically falls into the drain and pushes the formed clog.
- With the last rolling of the plunger, pull the plunger out of the water.
- Turn on the hot water to wash away the debris.
- If the blockage can not be eliminated from the first try, repeat the procedure several times.
Important! You can use it to remove the problem and the vacuum cleaner if it has the function of reverse air blowing and is very powerful. Proceed as follows:
- Cut in half a rubber ball - so that one half is less than the second. The size of the ball should be larger than the drain hole.
- Fold the halves into each other, and in the middle make a hole equal to the diameter of the vacuum cleaner tube.
- Insert the vacuum cleaner tube into the hole and fix the structure with electrical tape or clamps.
- Connect the hose to the vacuum cleaner outlet.
- While pressing the homemade plunger, turn on the device. The cleaning process can be compared with the operation of the air vent, with the addition of a powerful air flow.
How to break a blockage in the bathroom with a plumbing cable?
Of course, using a plunger can only remove small clogs. For more serious problems, if the blockage is far in the pipe or a lump of rubbish is strongly compressed, it is possible to clean the pipe in the bathroom at home only with a plumbing cable.
The essence of this method is the following: with the help of a cable, garbage is pulled outward or pushed into a wider highway.
Important! The plumbing cable can not be used for cleaning plastic and chrome pipes, as it is possible to damage their internal surface.
This procedure is carried out this way:
- Put the gloves on your hands.
- Disassemble the siphon below the sink.
- The end of the cable is carefully spread out so that it can catch the garbage.
- Insert the expanded end into the drain hole.
- Use cautionary rotary movements to push debris along the pipe.
- After the main obstacle is eliminated, make a few jerks along the pipe.
- Pull the cable along with the dirt.
- Put hot water into the drain hole.
Important! To make it convenient for you to clean the pipe in the bathroom at home, take note of the following nuances:
- A plumbing cable can be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself: take a piece of flexible metal cable, bend the end and fan the tip. The cable will move well along the bends of the pipe and can not rest against the knee. For ease of use and capture of the cable, wrap it with something hard to get a kind of grip.
- For efficiency and convenience, work with the rope spend together. The assistant will monitor the tension of the cable. Push the sharp tip into the drain hole, and the assistant will simultaneously perform rotational movements. Turn on the water and continue to operate the cable, water and the movement of the cable inside the pipe will cope with the blockage.
Using a tight hose:
- Place a rubber tight hose on the hot water tap and secure it securely.
- Insert the other end of the hose into the drain hole as far as possible.
- Turn on the water.
- Make forward movements with a hose.
- The hot water pressure and pushing movements will act on the clog and remove it.
- Fill the full hot water bath and open the plenum cover sharply. At the same time, work with a plunger, so that water, due to pressure, cleanses the debris.
Cleaning the siphon
The siphon must be cleaned not only during clogging, but also for the purpose of preventive measures to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
Proceed as follows:
- Place a soft cloth on the floor under the siphon.
- Place the bowl or bowl.
- Carefully unwind the fasteners.
- Remove the flask.
- Wait until all water has drained into the prepared container.
- Clean the siphon from debris.
- Rinse the siphon with running water.
- Install the device in its place. Pay attention to the fact that the drain connection does not rest on the flask, otherwise - the water seal may break.
- Without removing the pelvis, turn on the water and make sure that the tightness is not broken.
Chemicals - faithful helpers
You can clean the blockage in the bathroom at home without a plunger, a plumbing cable, and with the help of modern cleaning products. To date, there is a large number of chemicals available for cleaning sewage pipes. Some contain acids, others - alkalis. But it is necessary to approach the selection of drugs with all responsibility and observance of safety rules.
Important! A good tool will clear the blockage in the bathroom in a matter of minutes and without any effort. Especially effective chemical agents cope with operational clogging, which are of organic origin.
Kinds of preparations against blockages
The preparations are issued in various forms:
- Powders.
- Gels.
- Liquids.
- Special foam.
- Granulated preparations.
Popular means for pipe cleaning:
- "Mole" is an effective tool, but it can not be used for plastic pipes.
- "Mr. Muscle" - suitable for all types of pipes. Produced in the form of gel and foam. Cleans pipes of dirt, kills bacteria and helps to remove odor.
- "Pothan" - quickly and without residue dissolves a variety of pollution. Has a sharp odor, but breaks the strongest clogs. This is an Israeli product, which must be filled up in batches of 100 grams. This amount is enough to instantly fix the problem. The main disadvantage is the high price.
- "Tiret" - perfectly copes with its task, blockage eliminates quickly and effectively. Does not smell ammonia.
How to use
To penetrate the blockage in the bathroom, these products should be used according to the instructions:
- Pour or pour the product into the sewer hole.
- Leave for a while.
- Rinse thoroughly with running water.
Important! Chemicals should be used correctly, since even the safest formulations deform the material of the pipes with prolonged use. Using the means for cleaning the blockages, always remember the safety measures: wear rubber gloves, special clothes and safety goggles. In the bathroom should be created a constant movement of air, so as not to inhale harmful pairs.
Tips & Tricks:
- When choosing a chemical directly to remove blockage in the bathroom, choose the product that can dissolve the hair. When choosing a remedy for the kitchen - for products that can dissolve fat.
- For plastic pipes, use gel or granular chemicals( the latter is more preferable).
- When buying household chemicals, pay attention to the purpose of the funds. They are of two types:
- preventive - can cope with minor clogging;
- more powerful, able to work even in stagnant water.
The last drugs are needed when the drain hole is completely blocked.
to the contents ↑Common means of blockages
Previously, every mistress knew how to clean the sewer pipe with soda and vinegar. Today, people are resorting less and less to the use of folk remedies. Nevertheless, using improvised means is very simple:
- Take soda and vinegar in equal quantity( one glass is enough).
- First, pour the soda into the drain hole, and then pour in the vinegar.
- Close the drain plug.
- Leave the ingredients for a chemical reaction for 2-3 hours.
- Rinse the sink with boiling water.
Important! The use of soda is one of the safest and most effective ways. Soda perfectly removes blockage and does not harm internal surfaces of pipes. Use soda for clogging and for prevention.
Other options for home remedies:
- Use lemon to remove body fat. A few fresh lemons squeeze into the drain hole and leave for an hour. Fresh lemons can be replaced with a concentrate of lemon juice.
- If you do not want to use modern means, then prepare a cleanser from improvised products. You will need: a glass of salt, a glass of soda, ¼ cup of tartar( a crystallized precipitate during the production of wine).Stir the ingredients and place in a clean jar. Close tightly with lid. If necessary, use the prepared product as follows: ¼ fill the contents of the jar into the drain hole, and top with 300 ml of boiling water. After a minute, turn on cold water and rinse the remnants of the product. Purify the procedure for prophylaxis on a weekly basis.
Preventing the formation of blockages
If regular preventive measures are taken, many problems can be avoided.
As measures to prevent the occurrence of blockages, perform the following:
- Place a small mesh on the drain hole to hold the debris.
- Use a periodic blower to prevent clogging.
- Use household chemicals for cleaning pipes, pouring it periodically into the drain( once in 2-3 months).
- Try not to bathe the animals in the bathroom.
Remove the blockage immediately after its detection so that the accumulated additional debris does not complicate the procedure. And to remember problems as rarely as possible, arrange preventive measures at least once a month and, of course, collect all the garbage before it gets into the drain of the bathtub or the sink.