The best wet dog food by customer feedback

Why is canned dog food so popular today? A real meat product, preserved in a tin can, looks appetizing and inspires confidence even among the most skeptical owners. Wet food is very convenient to mix with porridge or vegetables - it will be an excellent option of useful, and most importantly, natural dishes. Such mixtures are optimal not only for especially dilute pets, but also for weakened, sick animals, as well as puppies. How not to make a mistake and make a choice in favor of quality feed? Our rating will help you! In the review you will get acquainted with worthy manufacturers of a product, top positions of production, receive a number of valuable advice on a choice of a suitable mix. Aida, choose a satisfying and useful treat for your dog!


  1. Wet dog food what firm to choose
  2. Best wet dog food Holder
  3. Best wet dog food super-premium
  4. What wet dog food to buy

Wet dog food which firm to choose

Based on customer reviewsproducts of this category we have been marked by the most worthy manufacturers. The key selection criteria were: feed quality, product range, composition and realized price.

Below is a list of these companies in descending order of their consumer popularity:

1. Hills

2. Barking Heads

3. Eukanuba

4. Belcando

5. Almo Nature

6. Bozita

Among the most balancedfeeds include a mixture of super-premium and holistic. This nutrition of the dog eliminates the need to include in the diet of the animal various vitamin supplements, since these canned food fully meet the requirements of the pet's content. A variety of products of this kind facilitates the selection of feed for your four-legged friend.

The best wet food for dogs of holistic class

This type of food is deservedly considered the most worthy among the analog products. Such moist mixtures are characterized by a high content of fats and proteins. Such nutrition will be appropriate in the case when your pet is healthy, alert, active, young enough. The way of life of the dog, which you regularly feed the food of the holistic class, surely can be called active. In this case, each component of the product will benefit the four-legged friend and will not lead to obesity of the dog. The production of this category of goods is handled by a small number of companies. We managed to distinguish two favorites.

The greatest number of variations of the product has a moist food Barking Heads

This type of canned food consists of meat or fish. The composition also includes vegetables in the form of potatoes, green peas, carrots, tomatoes. Here there is a portion of algae, basil. In some varieties of mixtures, brown rice is present. Canned food of this producer is enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

In the market there are 5 types of feed, differing in the list of incoming ingredients and taste. The assortment includes canned salmon, a product with chicken meat( intended for feeding animals with a sensitive digestive system), a lamb, as well as a wet pet food diet( with L-carnitine) and older dogs( with glucosamine).

Among the obvious advantages of the described products:

  • composition balance;
  • inclusion in the composition of natural and quality components;
  • availability of feeds of various categories.

As a minus of Barking Heads stands:

  • price of the product - it seems somewhat high, in comparison with the cost of analog goods.

The general consumer opinion about wet forage is positive. Buyers are satisfied with the quality of the mixture.

A variety of flavors distinguished Belcando

As the main ingredient of such preserves is chicken meat, which accounts for about 80% of the food. The product also contains horse meat, kangaroo meat, offal. Among the plant components, the bulk is in vegetables and berries. As a source of carbohydrates in the mixture are rice or noodles. There are canned food, consisting exclusively of meat, and also grain-free. This means that the manufacturer has provided a variant for feeding a pet suffering from food allergy.

In the manufacturing process, a delicate cooking technology is used, in which a large number of useful properties of components are preserved. Barrier for the development of diseases of the urinary system of the dog is cowberry and cranberry in the composition of wet food.

Note the main advantages of Belcando food:

  • composition balance;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • presence of various product packaging;
  • presence in the composition of feed natural ingredients;
  • an extensive variation of tastes.


  • in the products of this manufacturer, the buyers did not reveal.

A large number of consumers have delivered the product with the highest quality assessment.

The best wet food for super-premium dogs

In the composition of moist feed of this category, the proportions of high-quality ingredients are carefully calculated. In this case, much attention is paid not only to the protein component, but also to the amino acid composition. A series of super-premium canned foods includes a variety of rations designed for animals of different breeds, ages and physical condition and activity. Meat in this feed is at least 40%.Excludes the use of artificial additives, soy. In the mix, vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs are compulsory. Consequently, the four-legged friend together with the food receives protein, carbohydrates, fiber, as well as the entire list of necessary vitamins and mineral elements. The cost of such canned food is quite high, however, it is justified.

The most balanced in composition were canned Hills Ideal Balance

There are two variants of this brand's feed. In the first case, the main ingredient is chicken, in the second - turkey meat, which can be an excellent alternative to chicken in the case of food allergies. Pork complements the composition of the wet mix. The vegetables account for about 4% of the product. Here you can find potato starch, flax seed, wheat bran. The composition is enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals for the full life of the animal. The Hills product perfectly balances fatty acids.

Among the undeniable positive product features:

  • composition balance;
  • availability of an alternative in the form of canned food with turkey( with intolerance to chicken meat).

As unambiguous minuses of this type of product were:

  • a small variety of dietary variations( only 2 species of feed);
  • a small proportion of protein and fat content.

A lot of buyers have issued feedback on the product in a positive way. Especially it concerns owners, whose pets for some reason do not eat chicken meat.

The best option for fighting obesity pet is wet food Eukanuba

Chicken is used as the basis for the quite traditional feed, as sub-products, beets in recycled form, vegetable oil, vitamins, mineral elements and fats can be used as secondary components. The mixture is nutritious, attractive even for rather finicky dogs.

A special advantage of the series is the availability of wet food for obese dogs. In addition, there is a product designed specifically for feeding puppies. The manufacturer also took care of the dogs, who had problems with skin, hair, and developed a mixture based on herring.

Let's note a number of the basic pluses of production:

  • the maximum balance of structure;
  • presence in the feed line of hypoallergenic mixtures, products with reduced calorie content.

Of the cons, the buyers named:

  • a small variety of flavors;
  • low protein content - about 8%;
  • comparatively high cost;
  • small volume( 150 g each).

Despite the presence of some disadvantages, many consumers liked food. Especially relevant is the product among small dog owners.

Best value for money - Almo Nature

For the key ingredient in this case, fresh meat or its derivatives are taken. This is about 50% of the product. In the composition there are also vegetables, fruits, mineral elements, vitamins and other important ingredients to ensure the full existence of the dog.

In the line of wet food for dogs Almo Nature pates, canned meat in the form of pieces, fish mixtures, products in its own juice, soups and jelly. In other words, for quite acceptable cost, in the case of this producer, you can choose a quality feed for your own dog, based on its physical parameters and taste preferences.

Among the positive aspects of the mixture:

  • the presence of natural ingredients in the product;
  • composition;
  • excellent value for money;
  • set of variants of forages differing on structure, container, taste and a consistence.


  • the consumer did not detect.

The majority of buyers considered the product to be really the best among similar ones.

The most practical was the wet feed Bozita super premium

It's about quite ordinary canned meat for feeding dogs. In addition to traditional pate, on the shelves of shops there are products in the form of jelly and meat pieces. The food is recognized as the most comprehensive and practical.

The composition of the mixture includes several varieties of meat, including exotic ones. In some types of canned food there is brown rice, the share of which is about 7%.The product is enriched with vitamins and minerals. From the diet, ingredients such as soy and artificial additives are excluded.

As positive characteristics of Bozita super premium are:

  • content of the entire list of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • convenient, volumetric container;
  • good quality;
  • is a small cost.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • lack of a vegetable product;
  • content in the feed of chicken meat or rice - allergy provocateurs;
  • brown rice is the main carbohydrate source;
  • low protein content.

Judging by the feedback of buyers, the food of this producer is to the taste of many dogs. Good quality and a democratic price tag make it attractive for dog owners.

What wet dog food to buy

1. If your dog is still young, healthy and active enough, you should give preference to a moist stern of the holistic class. The product contains a large amount of fats and proteins, which will provide the dog with energy for a long time. Manufacturers of Barking Heads and Belcando are ready to offer you various mixes that differ in composition, consistency, taste, and packing.

2. For a four-legged friend who should follow a dietary diet, the best option is a moist feed to fight the obesity of Eukanuba.

3. The most practical is Bozita super premium. However, such food is suitable only for those animals that do not suffer from food allergy.

4. If the question of money is relevant for you, but you do not intend to feed your dog with economy-class fodder, pay attention to the quite budget option - a product from Almo Nature.

5. For slightly lazy pets, a moist feed with a low content of fats and proteins is suitable. This is a balanced feed from Hills.