Which eBook is Better: Top 11 Ebooks of 2020 with Reviews

Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
EBook? replacing the whole library


  • 1 Should you buy an e-book? advice for thinkers
  • 2 Main functions and specifications of e-books
  • 3 The main types of e-book displays: E-Ink carta or Pearl? what's better
  • 4 Which backlit e-book is better
  • 5 Which file format is best for e-books
  • 6 Top largest e-book producers
  • 7 How to choose an e-book to read? expert opinion of our editorial office
  • 8 Rating of the best e-book models 2018-2019? comparison table and reviews
  • 9 Summarizing the above

Should you buy an e-book? advice for thinkers

The electronic reader is weightless and takes up very little space, while it can contain a large number of works for every taste. Of course, collectors who have huge libraries and “blow off the dust” from each book will not understand us. But what should an ordinary person do, who does not have room at home for accumulated printed publications and does not have the opportunity to equip a personal library? A reader who can't afford to buy books often? A student who has no room in his bag for a loved one, but a heavy tome? A PC user who is uncomfortable reading from a computer monitor? For all these people, there is the option of buying an e-book.

These devices have many additional features to enable you to read with maximum comfort. In almost every e-book, you can change the font size, bookmark the desired place, make notes. A large number of free e-libraries open their doors to e-book owners every day. On these sites, you can find almost any work, which allows you to significantly save on your favorite pastime. Let's finish with the lyrics and go directly to the question of which e-book is better to buy.

Main functions and specifications of e-books


Display type? one of the most important features in an e-book reader. All displays of readers by manufacturing technology can be divided into two types:

  • E-Ink or electronic ink;
  • TFT.
Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
Displays can be different


Displays made with TFT technology are an active matrix made of liquid crystals, the same as found in smartphones, computer monitors and many other devices.

  • High-speed performance.
  • A clear and vivid image that can be colored.
  • Possibility of additional games and watching movies.
  • Flickering due to image refresh.
  • Discomfort for the eyes.
  • High power consumption (short battery life).

With the advancement of TFT technology, IPS displays have emerged. These monitors have all the advantages and disadvantages of the mother technology and differ more high contrast, increased viewing angle (up to 178 °), as well as better light transmission (color depth RGB? 24 bits).


Reading from E-Ink monitors is objectively more comfortable and causes significantly less eye fatigue, since such devices are very similar in properties to an ordinary book page.

  • No glow or flickering.
  • Maximum comfort for the visual apparatus (these screens are almost indistinguishable from printed books).
  • Low power consumption (an e-reader of this type can work for a long time without recharging).
  • Wide viewing angle.
  • High price.
  • Lack of games and the ability to watch videos.
  • Fragile screen.
Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
E-Ink screens are virtually indistinguishable from printed pages

E-Ink displays have the following modifications:

  • E-Ink SiPix, 6: 1;
  • E-Ink VizPlex, 7: 1;
  • E-Ink Pearl, 10: 1;
  • E-ink Pearl HD, 12: 1;
  • E-ink Flex, 10: 1;
  • O-paper, 12: 1 (developed by the Chinese company OED Technologies CO);
  • E-ink triton - color screen;
  • E-ink Carta, 15: 1.

The size

E-book display sizes range from 4.3 to 10 inches. Here, each buyer chooses the size of the device only for himself. Some people like small books, while others like to hold a larger model in their hands.

Screen resolution

Screen resolution is an important characteristic for an e-book. The standard resolution for displays in 5 × 6 inches is 800 × 600 pixels, and for 9 × 10 inches? 1200 × 826 pixels.


The built-in memory of readers for reading most often allows you to store more than 1000 e-books (from 1 to 4 GB), however, if necessary, many devices are equipped with a slot for a memory card.

Operating system

There are two types of operating systems used in e-book readers:

  • Linux (Linux);
  • Android (Android).

The difference in the performance of these two platforms is insignificant. Usually Android, unlike Linux, is installed in full version and requires a more powerful battery. However, this will be completely invisible to the user.

Battery capacity

Most often, rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 1000 to 3000 mAh are installed on e-books. And, of course, the higher this indicator, the longer the device will work without recharging.

However, it is worth remembering that if the display with E-Ink technology will work for a long time, then the battery capacity for the TFT display will be enough for 6-8 hours of continuous operation.

Additional features

The presence of some additional features will expand the functionality of the reader:

  • the ability to watch videos and listen to audio recordings;
  • availability of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and USB ports;
  • special headphone jacks;
  • touch control.
Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
Some e-books have additional features such as headphones for listening to audio files

The main types of e-book displays: E-Ink carta or Pearl? what's better

One of the latest developments in E-Ink technology for e-books is Carta, which has a minimum screen contrast of 15: 1. With the help of new technology, it was possible to achieve a density of up to 300 pixels per inch. On visual inspection, such a screen will be almost 50% more contrasting than Pearl. And also it will have a higher reflectivity (20% higher). E-Ink Carta supports the new Regal screen refresh feature, which improves the reading experience and makes the refresh smoother.

Which backlit e-book is better

For a fairly long period of time, e-books with E-Ink displays were not backlit. This made it difficult for users who wanted to read without additional lighting. In 2012, Amazon solved this problem. The Kindle Paperw has a backlight of four LEDs that are located at the bottom of the device and illuminate a transparent plate on top of the screen. This backlight is equipped with brightness control, as well as the ability to turn off.

American models NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight by Barnes & Noble are equipped with a backlight consisting of 8 diodes. They are located at the top, illuminating the screen, on which a light-scattering coating is applied. However, the disadvantage of this design is the possibility of easy damage to the layer.

Another type of backlight, fundamentally different from those described above, was proposed by Sony. The cover of the PRS-T3 model is equipped with a flashlight that can be pulled out. It draws power from the battery of the book itself, which, of course, reduces the operating time without recharging.

Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
Some reader models are backlit

It is difficult to objectively assess which type of backlight is better. Each user chooses an e-book based on personal preference.

Which file format is best for e-books

Modern e-books support a wide variety of file formats. The most popular are:

  • FB2 (FictionBook);
  • EPUB (Electronic PUBlication);
  • MOBI;
  • TXT;
  • PDF (Portable Document Format);
  • DJVU;
  • LRF;
  • RTF (Rich Text Format);
  • DOC (as well as DOCX).

If your e-reader can support all formats, then we recommend that you choose the format that can be reproduced with the highest quality on the reader. It is believed that EPUB and FB2 (book formats) are more readable than standard computer formats (PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX and RTF). In e-readers with a display size of about 9 inches, from the two formats BDJVU and PDF, it is preferable to choose the latter, since it is more modern. BDJVU files can often be of poor quality. It should be noted that "book" formats (EPUB, FB2 or MOBI) are much better designed in the menu, take up much less space, and their processing is faster.

Top largest e-book producers


Electronic readers PocketBook are one of the most popular in Russia over the past decade. These devices are fully adapted for the Russian-speaking user and are distinguished by great functionality and quality.


The second most popular manufacturer selling e-books in Russia. User-friendly interface, use of the latest technologies, playback of almost all existing formats and excellent design allow the readers of this manufacturer to attract more and more users to their ranks.


It is one of the largest American manufacturers of electronic readers. Due to its high quality, the use of advanced technologies and low price, it has gained immense popularity among users.

Barnes & noble

Similarly, Amazon is the largest e-book company in the United States.


RakutenKobo Inc, a joint Canadian-Japanese company, leading in the production of e-books. These devices lack a Russian interface, which does not prevent them from finding their consumer, due to the affordable cost and high-quality workmanship. It should be noted that although Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo are considered global leaders in the production of e-books, they sell them as a tool for buying a book content.

How to choose an e-book to read? expert opinion of our editorial office

  1. It is very important to immediately determine what size the purchased device should be. Whether you want it to fit in your pocket or carry it in your bag.
  2. The next step will be the selection of the technology with which the screen is made. If you go to watch videos or play while reading books, then it is worth buying an e-book with a large TFT-screen. IMPORTANT!E-readers with a TFT display can work without additional recharging for only 6-8 hours.Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
  3. If you like to read a lot, then the best buy for you is the e-book E-Ink, which will not tire your eyes and feels like a page of a regular print edition.
    Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
    The better the display technology, the less eye fatigue
  4. It is very important to pay attention to the presence of the backlight in the book, this additional function will allow you to read at night without disturbing loved ones.
  5. Convenient book management? additional comfort while reading. When buying a touchscreen display, it is very important to pay attention to the duplicate buttons on both sides of the device.
  6. If you intend to search for information on the Internet, then it is better to choose a model equipped with a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard.
  7. The presence of Wi-Fi will be very useful for downloading data to the reader.
  8. If possible, it is worth buying a device that supports the maximum number of formats, this will reduce the conversion time.

Rating of the best e-book models 2018-2019? comparison table and reviews

Let's take a look at the comparative tables of the characteristics of the selected models, and what users write about the best e-books they use.

PocketBook 615 e-reader

PocketBook 615 e-book: photo, review
PocketBook 615
Permission1,024 x 758 (212 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)1300 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typePearl hd
FormatsTXT, DOC, fb2, PDF, DjVu, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP, etc.
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price7,200? 7,800 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,7/10
PocketBook 615 e-reader reviews
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/moya-idealnaya-elektronnaya-kniga

PocketBook 615
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/dolgo-kolebalas-stoit-li-pokupat-pocketbook-615-okazalos-zrya-somnevalas

ONYX BOOX Monte Cristo e-reader

ONYX BOOX Monte Cristo: photo, review
ONYX BOOX Monte Cristo
Permission1448 x 1072 (300 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)3000 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typeCarta Plus
FormatsTXT, DOC, MOBI, fb2, PDF, DjVu, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP, etc.
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price9,300? 9,700 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,3/10
ONYX BOOX Monte Cristo Reviews
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/neplokhaya-kniga-no-moglo-byt-i-luchshe.

Amazon Kindle 8 e-reader

Amazon Kindle 8: photo, review
Amazon Kindle 8
Permission800 × 600 (167 pixels)
Diagonal, inches6
Display typePearl
Wi-FiThere is
Price5,000-5,500 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,5/10

ONYX BOOX Prometheus e-reader

ONYX BOOX Prometheus: photo, review
ONYX BOOX Prometheus
Permission1200 x 825 (150 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)3000 mAh
Diagonal, inches9,7
Display typePearl
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price28,000? 29,000 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru9,1/10

E-book PocketBook 631 Touch HD

PocketBook 631 Touch HD: photo, review
PocketBook 631 Touch HD
Permission1448 x 1072 (300 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)1500 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typeCarta
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, MP3, HTML, ZIP
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price14,200? 14,800 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru9,3/10
PocketBook 631 Touch HD: reviews
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/popytka-2-elektronnaya-kniga-pocketbook-631-touch-hd-nuzhno-li-vosproizvedenie-golosom-stoit

ONYX BOOX Darwin 2 e-reader

ONYX BOOX Darwin 2: photo, review
ONYX BOOX Darwin 2
Permission1448 x 1072 (300 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)1700 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typeCarta
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price13,800? 14,000 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,9/10
ONYX BOOX Darwin 2: reviews
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/onyx-boox-darwin-2-s-poslednim-pokoleniem-ekrana-e-ink-carta-plus-ochen-klassnaya-chitalka

E-reader PocketBook 840-2 InkPad 2

PocketBook 840-2 InkPad 2: photo, review
PocketBook 840-2 InkPad 2
Permission1600 x 1200 (250 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)2500 mAh
Diagonal, inches8
Display typePearl hd
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, MP3, HTML, ZIP, RSS
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price17,300? 17,800 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru9,4/10

E-reader ONYX BOOX Vasco Da Gama

ONYX BOOX Vasco Da Gama: photo, review
ONYX BOOX Vasco Da Gama
Permission1,024 x 758 (212 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)3000 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typeCarta
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP
Wi-FiThere is
BacklightThere is
Price7,200? 7,700 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,5/10
ONYX BOOX Vasco Da Gama opinions
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/kak-vybrat-elektronnuyu-knigu-onyx-boox-vasco-da-gama-stoit-li-pokupat-elektronnuyu-knigu

Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/obzor-elektronnoi-knigi-onyx-boox-vasco-da-gama

E-reader Gmini MagicBook S6HD

Gmini MagicBook S6HD: photo, review
Gmini MagicBook S6HD
Permission1,024 x 758 (212 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)1500 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typePearl hd
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP
Price5,150-5,400 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,2/10 

ONYX BOOX Caesar 2 e-reader

ONYX BOOX Caesar 2: photo, review
ONYX BOOX Caesar 2
Permission1,024 x 758 (212 pixels)
Power (battery capacity)3000 mAh
Diagonal, inches6
Display typeCarta
FormatsTXT, PDF, DOC, fb2, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, PNG, HTML, ZIP, etc.
BacklightThere is
Price5 800? 6 200 rubles
Editorial rating Tehno.guru8,6/10

Amazon Kindle Oasis e-reader

Amazon Kindle Oasis Amazon Kindle Oasis </p> < table> < thead> < tr> < td> Parameter </td> < td> Value </td> </tr> </thead> < tbody> < tr> < td> Resolution </td> < td> 1448? 1072 (300 pixels) </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Keyboard </td> < td> Sensor </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Power (battery capacity) </td> < td > 3000 mAh </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Diagonal, inches </td> < td> 6 </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Display type </td> < td> Carta </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Formats </ td> < td> TXT, PDF, DOC, MOBI, JPEG, BMP, PNG, HTML </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Wi-Fi </td> < td> Yes </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Backlight </td> < td> Yes < / td> </tr> < tr> < td> Price </td> < td> 27,500? 28,000 rubles </td> </tr> < tr> < td> Editorial rating < strong> Tehno.guru</strong></td>< td>< strong>< span> 9,5/10</span></strong></td></tr> </tbody> </ table> < figure id =Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models

More on: http://irecommend.ru/content/kindle-oasis-chitalka-kotoruyu-ne-ponyali

Summarizing the above

In this article, we looked at the characteristics of e-books that are necessary to select a quality product. Of course, each user will select a device to suit their needs, and this must be taken into account. For those who like to read a lot, the best option would be books, the display of which is made using E-Ink technology. The pages of such a reader are practically analogous to ordinary printed publications and will provide an opportunity for long-term reading without straining your eyes. If you choose a read-only book, then you can choose an inexpensive and high-quality model that can work for weeks without recharging. However, users who read at night should take care of the backlighting so as not to disturb the peace of those close to them.


It will be much more efficient to spend a few minutes converting the book into a "native" format for the reader than to install additional programs for reading on your device.

Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models

Users who want to get the maximum number of functions from an e-book: watching movies and the ability to play, will choose a TFT monitor. However, when buying such a device, it is very important to pay attention to the battery capacity, since TFT? quite energy-consuming technology.

Modern books allow you to use texts of almost any format. But the higher the screen resolution and the newer the technology of its production, the clearer and more contrasting the font will be. When choosing a reader, a touch screen and Wi-Fi equipment will not be superfluous. These functions will add additional convenience for searching for books on the Internet and comfortable reading.

Which e-book is best in 2020: ranking of the best models
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If you have any questions and clarifications, and, possibly, advice for our readers, we will be glad to receive feedback.
