Multifunctional glass - what is it, decoding, the difference with energy-saving

The comfort of a modern home largely depends on the quality of window panes. An interesting novelty in the production of window units is multifunctional glass, which not only reduces heat loss in the room, but also protects furnishings from the negative effects ultraviolet. We will find out what a multifunctional double-glazed window is and what are its differences from other technological solutions.

Multifunctional glass: what is it such

An obligatory part of the MF window is advanced glass that works on the principle of a thermal mirror. The energy circulating inside the room is reflected, while the ultraviolet rays from the outside are repelled back to the street. Thus, the sun's rays do not penetrate into the room, heat is retained from heating radiators or coolness from the air conditioner.

A multifunctional double-glazed window is a multi-tiered material, where each layer performs a specific task:

  1. Bilateral protection of the main inner layer with simultaneous absorption of short-wave radiation.
  2. Active reflection of thermal and light energy. This function is performed by an ultra-thin coating with silver or chrome.
  3. Creating a mirror effect, color and transmission characteristics. Top and bottom coatings with oxides or nitrites are responsible for these properties.
Multifunctional glass - what is it

In total, such a sandwich can have from six to ten layers, which are applied to the main sheet using a special vacuum machine. Thanks to the use of the magnetic method, a uniform distribution of the components over the surface is ensured.

Between the transparent sheets there is a remote thermal frame made of polypropylene, covered with steel foil. A special absorbent collects moisture from the block. Therefore, the likelihood of condensation accumulation is minimized. It is this design that distinguishes the unique Climaguard Premium T double-glazed window, which has won the trust of consumers around the world.

Due to the fact that all the main layers of the multifunctional coating are literally sealed inside the double-glazed window, the possibility of their accidental damage is excluded.

Multifunctional glass and energy-saving glass: what's the difference

There is a significant difference between multifunctional and energy-saving double-glazed windows, which is expressed not only in price. Windows of the first group are able to reflect up to 90% of UV radiation, the second - about 70%. At the same time, the multifunctional version has a lower light transmission due to excessive layering.

It can be said that MF double-glazed windows combine the best characteristics of windows made using energy-saving technologies. At the same time, tinting, effective sunscreen, self-cleaning properties are added and strength is increased.

A significant technological difference between MF glass and energy-saving glass is that the first option can be modified at the factory and used to implement a non-standard design.

How to identify multifunctional glass in double glazing

Outwardly, windows with MF glass are difficult to distinguish for a non-specialist. However, there are ways to help you do this:

  1. Carefully inspect the surface facing the street. At a certain angle, it shines with a green, blue or metallic sheen and has a slight mirror tone.
  2. Bring the lit candle to the silver plating. The reflection of the fire will be red.

With 100% accuracy, multifunctional glass can be determined using an optical sensor, whose operation is based on the electrical resistance of the surface.

Multifunctional glass - what is it

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of advanced Top-n glass by architects and builders provides many advantages to real estate objects. In such rooms, a minimum of artificial lighting is required. However, the progress of the glass industry did not stop there. The latest multifunctional Life Glass Clear double-glazed windows allow solving complex problems of heat saving and at the same time creating high solar protection in the room.

Advantages of MF double-glazed window:

  • has increased structural strength;
  • keeps cool in the heat and warm in winter;
  • perfectly transmits light;
  • protects the interior of the room from fading colors;
  • relieves eye strain;
  • eliminates the formation of condensate;
  • due to tightness and the presence of a thermal frame, the noise level from the street is reduced by about a third;
  • the mirror surface allows you to do without curtains;
  • saves energy costs to maintain life support at home;
  • protects indoor plants on windowsills from sunburn/frostbite;
  • long service life (at least 15 years).
Multifunctional glass - what is it

The disadvantages are the following:

  • if the glass is heated excessively, the silver layer may be oxidized;
  • prices for multifunctional windows are higher than usual, due to their high performance;
  • windows do not "catch" the meager warmth of the spring sun, so in the off-season, reflective properties become a minus.

To avoid oxidation, in hot regions it is recommended to choose windows with chrome coating. As for the second drawback, the financial costs pay off within two years after installation by saving on electricity and heat bills.

On a note. Some users attribute the disadvantages of the MF window to the fact that it is forbidden to apply paint, stick a film, or use sandblasting on the protective coating.

Features of installing MF windows

Those who want to have multifunctional windows in their house argue about how best to install them: with a protective layer outside or inside? On the one hand, windows should reflect maximum ultraviolet radiation, but still, the basic function of such a double-glazed window is to preserve the microclimate in the room. It is logical to install with the protective side inward. Multiglass in any case will protect the room from overheating.

Multifunctional glass - what is it

The production technology of MF-glass unit obliges to put a window with a protective layer towards the room. Magnetron vacuum deposition creates a coating that is vulnerable to external influences. Therefore, the functional layer must be inside. This will reduce the chance of accidental physical damage to the coating.

Note! Windows with extra strong A-class magnetron sputtering are allowed to be coated in any direction.


From choosing the right glass panes depends on the microclimate in the house. Until recently, developers did not know what i-glass is and for which rooms it is most suitable. Today, the most practical choice is universal multifunctional glass, which can be inserted into bags of any configuration.

The need for multi-chamber structures is eliminated. High performance single and double chamber options reduce stress on baffles and hinges. MF double-glazed windows look especially impressive in buildings with panoramic windows. The space visually expands, the microclimate always remains comfortable.

MF double-glazed windows open up wide opportunities for architects and designers in the construction insulated greenhouses, terraces, attic. Such double-glazed windows can be installed in private houses, administrative and commercial premises, as well as wherever the issue of energy saving is relevant.

Important! When choosing a double-glazed window, its technical parameters should be taken into account. So, for example, deciphering the formula 4m1 10 4m1 10 4m1 means that the product is made up of three panes of 4 mm and two frames of 10 mm. Marking 4 14 4 14 4 means that it is an ordinary glass block with a thickness of 40 mm without energy-saving spraying.


Multifunctional windows will be an excellent choice for those who seek to create a comfortable microclimate in the premises all year round. In regions with cold winters, MF glass will reduce heating costs. In the south, where the temperature often rises above +30℃, you can save on air conditioning.