A slight difference in battery temperature in the heating system is normal. In one part, the water may be a little warmer, and in another - cooler. However, when the bottom of the battery is cold and the top is hot, this is an occasion to diagnose and troubleshoot, and if necessary, contact a specialist.
Why is the battery not all hot
The efficiency of the heating system, and hence the comfortable temperature in the room, depends on the uniformity of heating the battery. It is important to note that the problem in which only the top of the battery warms up can occur not only in old cast iron batteries. Owners of bimetallic radiators also face such a problem.

Battery airiness
This problem often occurs among owners of upper premises in multi-storey buildings. Inside the heating system, air accumulates in the upper part, which prevents the full movement of water flows through the pipes and the radiator.
You can solve this problem, taking out of the battery excess air. To do this, deploy the coupling at the junction of the pipe and the approach to the battery. It is better to collect excess water in a pre-prepared basin.

In a private house, turn off the general heating supply and open the drain located in the upper part of the system. After that, you can close the tap and resume the water supply.
If the battery does not heat up after the manipulations, you should look for another cause of the system malfunction.
Clogged radiator
Another reason why the heating radiator is hot from above and cold from below lies in the clogging of the radiator due to the accumulation of contaminants inside the heating system. This may be due to:
- Using a thermal carrier unsatisfactory quality. Poor quality water, which is poured into batteries, contains a large amount of impurities. When heated, they accumulate and can get stuck in hard-to-reach places, as well as settle on surfaces.
- Debris hit. This problem is typical for heating systems that are not connected to centralized heating. Debris can enter through open hydraulic tanks, which disrupts the operation of the system.
- Air accumulationin which anaerobic bacteria grow. Microorganisms emit waste products that accumulate on the internal surfaces of the heating system.
- Design features of the heat exchanger. If the water movement system in the radiator is configured with a change in the displacement vector in a permanent way, this can cause the accumulation of small debris in hard-to-reach areas.

You can fix the problem in this case by cleaning the batteries. This can be done mechanically or chemically. For this you should:
- remove the battery;
- drain water from the radiator;
- tap on each section. For these purposes, you can use a hammer or mallet;
- plaque and rust separated from the walls should be shaken out;
- Rinse the inside of the battery with hot water and a special cleaning agent using a hose. For greater effect, you can leave the composition for 30-40 minutes;
- Rinse the cleaning solution and remove contaminants under cold water pressure to remove debris.
Faults in the valves
Shutoff valves are designed to regulate the flow of water in the process of moving the working fluid. It includes:
- ball valve;
- thermal head with mechanical or electronic control;
- cone valve.

If any of the elements fails, the system ceases to function normally. The circulation of the coolant is disturbed, the batteries warm up unevenly. Most often, you can’t find the faulty part on your own. In this case, it is advisable to seek the help of a specialist.
Insufficient pressure in the system
Another reason why the battery is hot on top and cold on the bottom can be due to insufficient pressure. Such problems are more typical for modern radiators, due to the insufficient width of the passages for the working fluid. We are talking about the inlet and outlet pipes, as well as the labyrinth of the heat exchanger.
Low pressure in the system can also be associated with:
- faults requiring repair in the highway;
- installation by neighbors of a floor heating system that requires more pressure to function correctly;
- location on the bypass of a pressure-retarding valve;
- an increase in the number of battery sections provided for in the design. A large load is created, which requires increased pressure for correct operation;
- periodic adjustment of radiators in neighboring apartments, which affects the performance of the system throughout the house.

There are several reasons why the bottom of the battery is cold, and the top is hot with insufficient pressure:
- air pockets are formed;
- balance is disturbed;
- a pipeline with the wrong cross section is used;
- the coolant cools down very quickly;
- lack of pumping capacity of the equipment.
Often, to resolve the issue, you should contact the management company. It is important to note that if the neighbors make changes to the heating system and at the same time do not agree on the adjustment with the heat supplier, their actions are considered illegal.
Specialists must adjust the pressure level so that the coolant is evenly distributed throughout the space.
Incorrect installation and connection of radiators
Another common situation why the batteries are hot and the apartment is cold is due to incorrect connection of radiators to the system. It is important to adhere to a certain scheme in order to prevent uneven heating, as well as the risk of rupture of the water supply.

Among the mistakes made during installationmost often found:
- improper installation of the valve on the bypass - a pipe connecting the element of the internal supply of the working fluid and the return pipe;
- too large or, conversely, insufficient pipe diameter;
- incompatibility of the boiler and battery.
For diagnostics and troubleshooting in this case, it is advisable to seek help from specialists.
The coolant is moving at insufficient speed
The speed of movement of the coolant is determined taking into account a number of factors:
- water parameters;
- scheme of the heating system, availability of pumping equipment;
- pump power;
- the material from which the pipes and batteries are made.
If pipes of too narrow diameter are used or there is a blockage in any area, the batteries will no longer heat up evenly.
The optimal speed of the coolant is in the range of 0.5-1.5 m/s.
When moving slowly in the system, the water may cool down at the bottom of the batteries. The liquid comes to the return line already cold.
It is possible to determine the cause and correct the defect only with the help of a professional. With low power, you will need to increase the indicator. Pipes with a narrow section and batteries made of a material that does not hold heat will have to be replaced with new ones.

cold room
Sometimes the bottom of the battery becomes cold only in those rooms where no adequate insulation system. We are talking about verandas, loggias, balconies, corridors of private houses. In cool rooms, metal objects cool down very quickly. In a cold battery, the temperature of the water will also drop quickly.
Since the liquid first passes over the top of the radiators and then goes down, a temperature imbalance occurs. The effect is enhanced by the laws of physics, according to which warm air rises, and cold is concentrated in the floor area.
The same pattern explains why the last battery in a private house is cold.
What threatens the inefficient operation of heating devices
Uneven heating of radiators is a problem that requires certain measures. If part of the battery is cold, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences:
- the efficiency of the heating system decreases significantly;
- the room is cold and uncomfortable to be;
- significantly increases the risk of pipe rupture;
- with low heat transfer, the cost of heating services increases;
- the heating system may freeze in some areas.
It is important to note that regardless of the room temperature, the heat provider will charge a service fee according to the established tariffs. To remedy the situation, some people additionally install electric heaters. However, this results in additional costs.
GOST established the optimal indicators of air temperature in different rooms. At night, they can be as low as 3°C. The indicators are:
- +18-+22° in living rooms;
- +20-+25° in the bathroom;
- +18° in the toilet;
- +20-+24° in corner rooms.
It is important to note what to do if the battery is half cold due to the fault of the heat supplier: you must contact the management company with an appropriate application. They will send a specialist to measure the temperature of radiators, coolant and indoor air.
However, in the event of a breakdown on the territory of the apartment or in case of equipment failure due to natural wear and tear, repairs and replacements will have to be carried out at your own expense. If the batteries do not heat up due to the fault of the neighbors, they will be required to eliminate the violations.
Prevention of heating problems
There are several universal tips on how to make the battery warmer. It is much more effective to prevent incorrect operation of the system, rather than trying to deal with the problem at the height of the heating season, when it is cold outside.

For uniform heat distribution in apartment buildings, a diagonal connection scheme is used. It is better to entrust the soldering of plastic pipes to the master, who will not allow the passages to be blocked by melting elements.
It is important to remember that the full heating of the radiators is carried out only a few days after the heating is connected.
Most often, problems with uneven heating are solved:
- connection correctness diagnostics;
- removal of excess accumulated air;
- cleaning radiators.
Experts recommend after the end of the heating season:
- check the serviceability of the shut-off valves;
- remove debris and plaque from the heating system;
- involve a specialist if there are problems with heating during the winter.
So, we figured out what to do if the batteries in the apartment do not heat well. If this problem has been observed for several days, and if you feel strong in yourself, you can spend diagnostics on your own, but it is better to contact the management company or a specialized company.