Unscheduled power outages happen quite regularly. However, not everyone knows exactly what to do if this happens. Who to call if the power went out in your house, on the landing or even on the whole street? Is it possible to independently determine the severity of the breakdown and solve the situation without involving third-party organizations? We will find answers to all these questions today.
Read in the article
- 1 Possible causes of blackouts
- 2 Where to go if the power goes out
- 2.1 Apartment house
- 2.2 A private house
- 2.3 Garden non-profit partnership
- 3 Emergency phone numbers
- 4 How to properly respond to a shutdown
- 4.1 Emergencies
- 4.2 Accident in the village
- 4.3 Carrying out planned work
- 4.4 Operation of circuit breakers on the shield
- 4.5 Turning off the light to debtors and violators
- 5 What to do in case of a systematic power outage
- 5.1 Peace settlement
- 5.2 drastic measures
- 6 "Armament" in case of shutdown
Possible causes of blackouts
Very often, the reason for turning off the light is a short circuit in the mains. It can occur due to a violation of the switching, improper connection of electrical equipment, or due to a gust of wind. If the light was turned off urgently, you must immediately call the control room and report the existing problem. Give the address, try to determine whether only your apartment / house or the entire street is de-energized.

If we talk about legislative norms, then a planned power outage should not exceed 24 hours. In total, work on a de-energized house cannot last more than three days.
There are other circumstances where electricians are forced to de-energize your home. These include connecting a new user, repairing electrical equipment, as well as force majeure, namely, disconnecting the network due to weather conditions.

If an emergency occurs, then the electrical network specialists are obliged to de-energize your house until the malfunction is corrected. In this case, you should be patient and just wait for the lights to be turned on.
Where to go if the power goes out
First of all, check with your neighbors whether only your house or apartment is de-energized. Perhaps the matter is in a banal power surge, and the fuses simply went off in your home. In this case, it is enough to reach the shield and turn on the light yourself. If the light was turned off not only in your apartment, you need to contact the senior in the house or call the control room yourself.

Apartment house
If you live in an apartment building, the blackout won't last long. Callers to the UK will definitely not let the masters "cool" for too long, solving your problem. Usually such breakdowns are eliminated within a few hours. The UK assigns an electrician on duty to each house, who can carry out work, connect appliances, and monitor the health of electrical equipment. It is such an employee who first appears at the scene of a power outage.

If the solution of the issue requires the intervention of a resource-supplying organization, then the specialist will issue the call on his own.
A private house
In a private house, there are a few more reasons why a planned or emergency can be done. turning off the light - from a banal overload of networks (a neighbor decided to work as a grinder) to theft electricity. Very often it is in private homes that unauthorized connections occur.

Such arbitrariness can lead to network overload, equipment failure, or even a fire! If you find a place where the offenders have “sit down”, immediately notify the service provider or contact the police immediately.
Garden non-profit partnership
If before 2017 to turn off or limit the supply of electricity to garden and summer cottages could exclusively resource-supplying organization, then after 20017 this right was fully transferred to SNT leadership. This is where you need to look for the "root of the problem." Usually in SNT they limit the supply of networks for two reasons: lack of electricity, as they say, “at the entrance” or disconnection for debts.

Emergency phone numbers
If you don’t know where to call, if your power is turned off, contact your neighbors or study the receipt that the Criminal Code issues to you. Usually, it is on the receipt that all “duty telephones” are indicated, which can be useful in case of an emergency. Dispatchers work around the clock.

How to properly respond to a shutdown
First of all, there is no need to panic. Find out if only your apartment is de-energized or the neighbors have also suffered. If you live in a private house, check the integrity of the shields. If the neighbors also do not have electricity, you should not worry. Most likely, the on-duty repair team is already dealing with your problem.
A great risk of power outage occurs during heavy rains or a hurricane. In this case, the wires can close anywhere in the city, so you just have to be patient and wait.

Usually, "repairmen" quickly de-energize the place of explosion and fix the breakdown. The team on duty must de-energize the entire line where the explosion occurred, and then eliminate it.
Accident in the village
It happens that an accident can cover several microdistricts or even the entire settlement. This happens when a large electrical substation goes out of order. If the entire village is de-energized, it is necessary to wait for the emergency services to eliminate the explosion.

Carrying out planned work
Carrying out planned work is an indispensable condition for the high-quality functioning of electrical equipment. Typically, such works are planned in advance, and all residents are notified of such works. Approximately in 2-3 days, an announcement with the exact shutdown dates is hung on the house.

Operation of circuit breakers on the shield
The easiest way to save electrical equipment in the house is to install special electrical fuses on the electrical panel that supplies electricity to the house. Such machines work at any temperature difference and protect the equipment in the house from combustion.

To turn on the machine, just lift the lever up.
Turning off the light to debtors and violators
Legislative requirements relate to non-payment of utility bills. According to the law, the owner is obliged to repay accrued payments in a timely manner and in full. If a debt has accumulated, the resource supplying organization has the right to limit the supply of light. But it is important that she provide information about the planned disconnection to the debtor. If the debtor does not know about the disconnection, it cannot be carried out.

Keep in mind: if you did not sign the notification of receipt of the letter, you cannot limit the supply of electricity.
Another point concerns houses where there are only electric stoves. In this case, the resource supplying organization does not have the right to limit the consumption of electricity, since people are deprived of the right to cook food.
What to do in case of a systematic power outage
If power outages occur on a regular basis in your home, it is imperative to make the electricity supplier and management company aware of this.

Peace settlement
Usually, the management companies go to an open dialogue with homeowners, and there are points that can be discussed in advance and resolved peacefully. There are a number of benefits or concessions that the supplier or the management company goes to in order to resolve the issue. For example, very often utilities offer installment payments to pay off debt.
Sometimes the cause of a large expense can be the unauthorized connection of neighbors, in which case you will not have to be responsible for this.

drastic measures
If verbal warnings do not work, most likely, you will have to contact the district police officer. The police will record the fact of unauthorized connection and call the violator to account. In this case, you have a considerable chance not only to discourage your neighbor, but also to write off part of the electricity costs to him.

"Armament" in case of shutdown
In order to urgently resolve the issue of disconnection, you can immediately call the rescue service, its single number throughout Russia is 112. There you will be switched to utilities, and you will be able to find out exactly what the problem is and when it will be solved. Do not panic and worry, modern methods and technologies allow you to carry out repairs in a very short time.

Phones are open 24/7 and your call will be answered. Moreover, a call to this number can be made even with a negative balance. To do this, select the emergency call button. Your call will be taken by a dispatcher, who must correctly identify the problem and send the appropriate team to resolve it. The emergency service works around the clock, they have no days off, so you can call there at any time of the day. You don't have to pay to call a team.

And remember that the law is on your side. If your service provider shuts down your home for more than a day, you may be entitled to claim compensation at the rate of 0.15% of the fee for each hour of "downtime". In addition, if, for example, you own a store and lost food due to defrosting cold stores, you can also seek compensation. In any case, the situation is quite fixable and can definitely be resolved soon.
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