Ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings: types, models and installation

There are obvious things in the interior that you do not pay attention to when they are, and you feel discomfort if they are not. One of these is a ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings. The types of such fillets are different, but they have a common task - to hide the junction of the ceiling and the wall. Previously, ceiling skirting boards were made, like floor skirting boards, from wood, but now many other, modern materials have appeared, and today we will talk about them. We will figure out how to choose this finishing material, by what criteria and how to install it.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is a ceiling plinth and why is it needed
  • 2 Types of ceiling plinth
  • 3 Materials for ceiling plinth
  • 4 Criteria for choosing a ceiling plinth
  • 5 Installing a ceiling plinth: the nuances

What is a ceiling plinth and why is it needed

So, a ceiling plinth or fillet is a bar whose task is to hide the gap between the stretch ceiling and the wall. No matter how smooth the walls are, it will not be easy to avoid uneven knocks, and the task of the fillet is to correct this situation. Most often, preference is given to the simplest models without expressive details, so as not to attract too much attention.

Ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings: types
PHOTO: valles.ru
Ceiling skirting boards are made from various materials, preference is given to lightweight models that are attached to glue or a special solution.

In addition to the immediate task of hiding the gap between the ceiling and the wall, the fillet may have additional functions: hide the wiring or decorate the interior. With the help of a ceiling plinth, you can achieve a visual effect: make the ceiling lower or higher.

Types of ceiling plinth

Plinth is part of the interior, so you should choose it accordingly. And you always need to know a sense of proportion, because massive and too intricate skirting boards significantly "weight" the appearance of the ceiling, and this does not look good in small and especially elongated rooms. But if you choose a skirting board in the color of the ceiling, it will make the room not only visually higher, but also wider.

Interesting options are obtained by applying a contrasting finish. Such a choice makes the interior more solid and, one might even say, monumental, but again, subject to a sufficiently large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In small rooms, everything turns out exactly the opposite.

You can’t do without fillets even if you have multi-tiered ceilings
PHOTO: stavropol.stroymaterialopt.ru
You can’t do without fillets even if you have multi-tiered ceilings

If you like carving or stucco in the ceiling perimeter section, then the main thing is not to overdo it: in small rooms, such elaborate decoration can look completely superfluous and even testify to bad taste hosts. And a prerequisite: the ceiling plinth is placed around the entire perimeter of the room. Other options are simply unacceptable.

By the way, when choosing fillets, you need to immediately think about whether you need to install cables under them. There are special models on sale that have a hidden channel for wiring.

Moldings can become an alternative to fillets. These are the same ceiling plinths, they just look like a stylish design, more elegant. They are usually thin and glue-mounted with minimal attachment points.

And another version of the ceiling plinth - a baguette. This is a decorative plate in the form of a plate, decorated on the front side with an ornament or an intricate pattern.

Baguettes look good on slatted ceilings. However, they can be called universalPHOTO: stallprofil.ru
Baguettes look good on slatted ceilings. However, they can be called universal

Materials for ceiling plinth

Ceiling skirting boards are presented in a large assortment, and hardware stores vying with each other offer different options. You will see the differences not only in the design. There is also a difference in the raw materials from which the fillets were made: polystyrene foam, paper, duropolymer, aluminum, MDF.

When making a choice, you need to decide for yourself the budget that you are ready to allocate for repairs, and the requirements for this product.

Styrofoam fillets are the most economical of all possible options. Manufacturing costs are minimal, and therefore the price is more than affordable. Styrofoam fillets also have two important advantages: they weigh almost nothing and are very easy to install. To install a foam ceiling plinth, you do not need any special tools, you do not need to drill walls. They are so light that installation does not require holding the products until the glue dries.

The whole installation literally takes a couple of minutes.PHOTO: atlantlepnina.ru
The whole installation literally takes a couple of minutes.

Styrofoam borders also have their drawbacks. The most important thing is combustibility, so you need to be extremely careful in rooms with such a finish. In addition, foam fillets are very fragile and cannot withstand mechanical stress. Remember that for them you need to select a special glue.

A polystyrene ceiling plinth is another inexpensive option for decorating ceilings. In terms of decorative properties, these products are not inferior to foam plastic, and they are also soft enough to minimize uneven wall edges if necessary. Expanded polystyrene fillets can be painted in any tone. The disadvantages of these products are the same as those of foam.

Despite the higher density of the material, polystyrene products are also very fragile.PHOTO: atlantlepnina.ru
Despite the higher density of the material, polystyrene products are also very fragile.

If you want to make repairs, as they say, for centuries, then pay attention to polyurethane skirting boards. They have a lot of positive qualities that make them very attractive. First of all, these are dense, durable products that are resistant to mechanical stress. Due to the high density of the material, the decor on such fillets is very clear and expressive, and the design can be varied, from carving imitation to figured stucco. The polyurethane finish of the ceiling allows the use of hidden lighting in it. In order for polyurethane fillets to be more flexible, rubber is added to the material at the factory.

PVC ceiling plinths are close to polyurethane in cost, but otherwise they differ. PVC is not afraid of direct sunlight. It is a flexible material resistant to high humidity. There are detachable skirting boards on sale, which facilitates installation. Fastening is carried out on special fasteners with self-tapping screws.

MDF fillets are an affordable alternative to natural wood. This finish is quite durable and environmentally friendly. Manufacturing technology allows you to richly decorate products and use different coloring options.

The disadvantage of this type of skirting boards can be called sensitivity to changes in temperature and humidity in the room.PHOTO: lunavento.ru
The disadvantage of this type of skirting boards can be called sensitivity to changes in temperature and humidity in the room.

And finally, ceiling plinths are made of gypsum. This is one of the oldest ceiling design options, and it is not suitable for stretch ceilings. Such copies, made by hand, are very expensive and are used only in exclusive finishes. These are fragile products, very difficult to assemble.

Criteria for choosing a ceiling plinth

The range of ceiling decor is very large, so it is not surprising that the choice is not so easy. The length of the products is usually standard: fillets are made 2 meters each, but there are manufacturers who offer products of 120 and 150 cm. But the width can be from 1 to 20 cm, and this is just one of the selection criteria.

A wide plinth visually lowers the height of the ceilings, but with its help it is very easy to hide significant wall irregularities and curvature of corners. And yet, in small rooms, designers recommend using narrow fillets up to 5 cm wide. If the ceiling height reaches 270 cm, then the use of skirting boards up to 15 cm wide is justified. And finally, the widest fillets, up to 35 cm, are used only in large rooms in which the ceiling height is at least 3 meters.

Depending on the material, fillets have a different degree of flexibility. Classic straight lines are suitable for rooms with a rectangular or square shape.

But if your interior provides walls with rounded shapes, you need to look only for flexible skirting boards that will allow you to repeat smooth bends.PHOTO: max-shops.ru
But if your interior provides walls with rounded shapes, you need to look only for flexible skirting boards that will allow you to repeat smooth bends.

Consider the need for lighting and wiring inside the fillet structure. If there is such a need, you should look for models with internal channels.

An important factor is the design of the ceiling plinth. Drawings and shades can be completely different, from gilding to imitation of natural wood, from ascetic lines to elegant stucco and carvings. What the appropriate option will be called depends on the concept of your interior.

Installing a ceiling plinth: the nuances

Ceilings always attract attention, so don't expect it to work anyway. The slightest flaws will be very noticeable. Fillets are not so difficult to install if you have paid enough attention to careful marking, accurate cutting and fastening of parts.

The main problem may manifest itself in the design of the corners of the room. How to insert fillets so that it turns out evenly? It is very difficult to achieve a beautiful and even joint, because rarely in which rooms are the corners perfectly even, and you can count on a simple cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

In order not to miss when cutting fillets, use a miter box - a simple tool that will help you achieve the right anglePHOTO: onlinetrade.ru
In order not to miss when cutting fillets, use a miter box - a simple tool that will help you achieve the right angle

Ceiling plinths, depending on the material, are cut either with a simple construction knife or with a fine-toothed hacksaw.

For gluing light ceiling plinths, special glue or transparent sealant is used. It is convenient to use a gun for applying the adhesive composition.

After installing the fillets, small gaps may remain between the parts. They are closed with a gypsum mortar or putty, followed by painting in the color of the base material.

You can watch the installation process in more detail in this video:

Share your opinion in the comments, what material of the ceiling plinth do you prefer.


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