Yulia Menshova has talents in various fields and excels as a TV presenter, decorator and designer. Also in her free time, she creates unusual gizmos with her own hands. She approached the design of the apartment with all responsibility and thoughtfulness - the result was a very stylish and functional interior in which you want to consider every detail. Julia is a native Muscovite, as a child she lived in a three-ruble note received by her father for the release of the popular film Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears. Having already earned her fees, Julia was able to purchase a separate apartment.
Read in the article
- 1 Living room - the main room in the house
- 2 Features of the choice of decor
- 3 Decorating the kitchen and common areas
Living room - the main room in the house
The living room is the room in which the TV presenter spends the most time, this is where she shoots a video for her Instagram account or relaxes after work. Thinking through the interior, she immediately understood that she wanted to create an unusual place. A complex wall color was chosen, which, depending on the angle of illumination, becomes either green or blue. The interior is complemented by a luxurious chandelier and a sideboard with unusual drawers.

Julia thought over the entire design herself - on the blog she shared the stages of this process and asked the opinions of subscribers.

From the living room you can get into a small lounge area, completely filled with potted plants. This is one of the most beautiful rooms in the house - you want to look at it endlessly.

Features of the choice of decor
Having received the first large fees from advertising and work on television, Yulia Menshova acquired a four-room apartment in Moscow. Julia is a creative person, she likes not only to host programs on TV, but also to create beautiful things with her own hands, as well as to think over the design of the premises. That is why she designed her apartment without the help of specialists, focusing only on her own taste. The result was amazing.
From time to time, Julia posts photos and videos of the apartment on her blog and gives fans the opportunity to evaluate the results of their work. An unusual combination of styles was chosen for decoration - loft and mid-century modern.
Most of the decor is present in the lounge area, which acts as a lounge and library. This is the TV presenter's favorite room, here she made everything to her taste and added a lot of decor items.
Decorating the kitchen and common areas
One of the brightest details in the kitchen is an unusual kitchen cabinet in the form of a telephone booth. Julia prefers open storage systems, so she did not hide the dishes behind the doors. Order can be maintained thanks to the system of organizing food storage, as well as utensils and items for cooking, that has been developed over the years.
A simple brick was chosen for the wall decoration. Just like in the lounge area, in the kitchen Julia has put a lot of plants in pots - they add coziness and give any room a special aesthetics. This element is part of the loft style, which Julia especially likes due to its simplicity and conciseness.
Between the kitchen and the lounge area is a small living room. For the walls, the TV presenter chose a beautiful pistachio green color. The room also has a work desk and a luxurious carpet.

Next to the living room is a work area where Julia and other members of the household can sit at the computer, work on a project or just think about something important. To keep the coziness, Julia chose multi-level lighting - this way you can achieve softness of light at any time of the day. Classic chandeliers with glass and "gold" inserts hang from the ceiling. Due to their conciseness and simplicity, they do not draw attention from other details, but at the same time they perfectly perform the main function and illuminate the rooms.

The two main hues that dominate the entire house are blue and pistachio green. They are perfectly combined with each other and give a special depth to the rooms. White walls that are fashionable today would become boring over time, and bright colors set a certain tone and mood.
The bathroom is also made with a special taste - at first, Julia did not understand how she wanted to equip this area. But one day I saw a sink in the store and could not refuse it. So one detail set the tone for the entire interior of the bathroom.
When creating the interior, Julia set a high bar for herself - it was important for her not only to make a stylish and beautiful interior, but to develop a design that would fully correspond to the internal vision and delight all guests - this goal was achieved on all 100%.
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