How to descale a pot at home: how to boil, a cleaning pencil, clean with peroxide and soda

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Like any kitchen utensil, the pan has its drawbacks. In the process of cooking, it is scratched, darkens, but more often undergoes the formation of scale. Hard deposits on the walls of dishes are an unpleasant problem that is quite difficult to avoid. The risk of sediment formation increases with hard water. The harder it is, the more often you have to deal with scale.

saucepan with scum

Scale appears on contact with water and its heating.


  • 1 Causes of scale formation on pots made of different materials
    • 1.1 aluminum pan
    • 1.2 enamel pot
    • 1.3 Stainless steel saucepan
  • 2 How to descale a pot at home
    • 2.1 Clean with sour apples or rhubarb
    • 2.2 How to get rid of scale with table vinegar
    • 2.3 How to clean a pot with baking soda
    • 2.4 We use carbonated drinks
    • 2.5 How to remove scale with potato peels
    • 2.6 Cleaning with a mixture of peroxide and soda
    • 2.7 How to get rid of scale with a cleaning pencil
  • 3 Care and prevention of scale
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5 VIDEO: How to descale a pot without effort.

Causes of scale formation on pots made of different materials

White coating on the inner walls of the pan appears as a result of the accumulation of sediment. The thickness of the solid deposit depends on the amount of trace elements contained in the liquid (mainly magnesium, potassium, metal ions). Incoming elements are difficult to remove even after filtering the water.

scum on the pan

Kitchen utensils often suffer from a similar problem.

In the process of heating, all components are activated and enter into a chemical reaction. As a result, carbon dioxide and a precipitate are formed. Interacting with each other, they penetrate the coating of dishes. The harder the water, the thicker the layer of accumulated plaque. With each boiling, the thickness of the precipitate becomes thicker. It spoils not only the appearance of dishes, but also adversely affects health.

aluminum pan

Many housewives want to get rid of the hated raid.

aluminum pan

Aluminum is a delicate material. Regular boiling of hard water in an aluminum pan spoils the original appearance. The metal is capricious to chemical compounds, darkens and oxidizes over time under the influence of salts from tap fluid.

large aluminum pot

Aluminum is a very delicate material.

Before descaling, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the material:

  • cleaning with a metal brush and sandpaper is not allowed;
  • do not scrub the walls with soda, sand and products with abrasives;
  • it is forbidden to use household chemicals containing chlorine.

Important! Special products intended for dishwashers are not suitable for cleaning aluminum. The metal easily enters into a chemical combination with them.

photo of aluminum pan

Metal brushes must not be used. They can seriously damage the surface.

enamel pot

The enamel pot is beautiful, handy and the most common among kitchen utensils. But the frequent boiling process leads to the formation of limescale. Even having a water filtration system in the house does not help to avoid solid deposits.

enamel pan

The material is sensitive to environmental factors.

At the beginning of use, the salts precipitate, creating a loose base. Over time, it condenses and becomes thicker, which spoils not only the performance, but also the appearance of enamelware. When the enamel is severely damaged, scale collects in micro-chips and cracks. It is quite difficult to remove such pollution.

enamel pan

Means should be selected carefully so as not to spoil the coating.

Stainless steel saucepan

Stainless steel cookware is durable, strong and does not emit harmful substances into the water. It is easy to care for, but the only problem is the formation of scale.

If plaque is not cleaned in time, it will take more time to heat the water, since solid salts isolate heat well.

stainless steel saucepan

The products are convenient and easy to use.

A feature of stainless steel is the presence of an oxide film that reduces the negative effects of hard water. The material is able to withstand strong household chemicals, but care must be taken during operation.

how to descale a pot

Stainless steel can withstand strong chemicals.

How to descale a pot at home

There are several ways to solve the problem of how to descale a pot at home. This includes both store-bought tools and improvised components that can be found in every home. Before cleaning, it is important to make sure that the chosen method is safe for the coating.

washing the pot

There are many methods to get rid of this problem.

Clean with sour apples or rhubarb

To clean the pan in this way, natural acidic foods are placed in contaminated utensils, put on fire and brought to a boil. After 30 minutes of boiling, the container is washed under running water. Contamination is easily removed by exposure to acid and high temperature.

green apples

The plaque will begin to dissolve due to the heat and acid.

How to get rid of scale with table vinegar

Vinegar is one of the best descalers. The elimination of sediment is based on the reaction of the splitting of magnesium and calcium salts. Vinegar easily eliminates this problem even in small concentrations (6% and 9%). The only negative is the unpleasant smell, but it quickly evaporates after several rinses with water.

table vinegar

The surface with scale should be carefully and abundantly treated with vinegar.

Table vinegar is carefully applied to the inner surface of the pan and left for a while (2 hours is enough). Then the walls and bottom of the dish are washed under running water using dishwashing detergent.

For reference! Table vinegar can be replaced with a slice of lemon or citric acid powder.

lemon acid

If vinegar is not at hand, it can be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice.

How to clean a pot with baking soda

Soda is a mild alkali, the chemical composition of which is able to soften hard deposits. The substance has a slight abrasive effect, therefore it is suitable even for sensitive surfaces.

To remove contamination, it is necessary to dissolve ½ package of soda in 5 liters of water. A contaminated pan is placed in the resulting composition. After that, it must be boiled for several hours.

baking soda

To remove dirt, clean the pans with peroxide and soda.

Constant monitoring of the fluid level is required. The solution must completely cover the inner surface of the container. If necessary, water is added. After the procedure is completed, the kitchen utensils, along with the liquid, are cooled and washed with a regular detergent.

how to clean a pot

Wait for everything to cool down and wash the dishes with the usual means.

For reference! Ordinary soda can be replaced with soda ash. It removes scale better, but less safe.

We use carbonated drinks

You can clear the resulting scale with the help of ordinary soda. Limescale is removed thanks to the citric acid and carbon dioxide contained in the drink. Carbon dioxide, when heated, interacts with the precipitate. A chemical reaction begins with calcium carbonate, resulting in the formation of calcium bicarbonate (a salt soluble in water).

carbonated drinks

It is recommended to use imported drinks.

To get rid of the accumulated plaque, it is enough to fill the pan with carbonated water, boil it and leave it to stand for a while (10 hours is enough). During this period, the soda components will react and destroy the sediment.


At the end, the container is thoroughly washed.

How to remove scale with potato peels

The peel of a potato in its composition has an acid that allows you to remove contaminants from water with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts.


Potato peel has in its composition a special acid that allows you to remove various contaminants from hard water.

Cleanings are placed in a container, poured with water and boiled over moderate heat for half an hour. If the plaque is thick, the procedure is performed several times.

potato peelings

If there was no potato peel nearby, they are suitable for this option of peeling apples.

Cleaning with a mixture of peroxide and soda

The combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda makes an excellent tool in the fight against lime scale. To remove scale, add 100 g of soda to a container with water and bring to a boil. Then add 4 teaspoons of peroxide. After boiling, the saucepan is washed under ordinary water.

soda and peroxide

The antiseptic solution has cleansing properties and well removes even dense scale.

How to get rid of scale with a cleaning pencil

You can cope with scale not only with the help of folk remedies, but also specialized ones. One of these is a special pencil for effective cleaning of any pans. It is a solid rod shaped like a long candle. It consists of a large number of thin metal hairs connected in a dense bundle.

pot cleaning pencil

Flexible fibers perfectly remove dirt without damaging the surface of the pan.

Before use, the colored shell of the pencil is cut to release the hairs. After that, it is moistened with water and proceed to remove plaque.

dish cleaning pencil

For greater effect, the dishes can be cleaned under running water.

For reference! The film from the pencil should not be removed all at once, but gradually.

Care and prevention of scale

In order not to look for ways to get rid of pollution, it is recommended to study preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of a lime scale problem.

boiling in vinegar

It is recommended to wash dishes frequently and thoroughly.

The most effective method is water softening by installing a filtration system that improves the condition of the water.

It is also recommended to wash the dishes more thoroughly after each cooking process. As a result, the top layer of plaque will be removed more easily.

how to clean a pot

The appearance of dishes, their functions and the health of family members suffer from plaque. At the first sign of contamination, they should be removed immediately.


Plaque spoils not only the appearance of dishes, its main functions, but also harms health. It is important to learn all the methods of how to quickly get rid of scale that has formed at home. It is necessary to clean the sediment immediately after the first signs of its appearance, since in the initial stages it will turn out much faster. For this, improvised and inexpensive means, distinguished by their effectiveness, are suitable.

white pan

Ways to clean scale from pots will help maintain the cleanliness and beauty of utensils.

VIDEO: How to descale a pot without effort.


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