If you have not yet considered mold in the house to be something dangerous, be sure to read this material. You do not even suspect what an insidious enemy has settled in your house! Some information for reflection: in the old days, if black mold was found in a house, it was burned, and the whole village built a new one for the family. That is, it was a matter of collective security, for the sake of which society was ready to make every effort. Now take a critical look at your home. We will not burn it, but we will definitely talk about how to remove the fungus in the bathroom and other rooms.
Read in the article
- 1 What's wrong with house mold
- 2 Why does mold appear in the house
- 3 How to eliminate mold mechanically
- 4 Folk remedies to combat black mold
- 5 The most effective preparations for black mold
- 6 Better to prevent than fight
What's wrong with house mold
Many believe that mushrooms are not just one of the most ancient organisms on earth, but also something brought to us from outer space. Mushroom colonies occupy vast areas, and we are simply unaware of their size, since they are invisible. Nevertheless, mushrooms are present in our lives in a variety of forms: as food, as a means for cooking (yeast), as drugs (penicillin) and, alas, as one of the most malicious pests that can affect the body person.

The spores and toxins of black mold cause skin problems: various kinds of dermatitis, which can develop into eczema and chronic psoriasis.
A fungus-poisoned atmosphere causes asthma attacks, repeated pneumonias, and other lung problems.
The fungus can affect the joints, provoke inflammation of the eyelids, lead to a constant exacerbation of stomatitis and thrush, and cause various forms of mucosal candidiasis. Infection of the human body with black mold leads to serious disorders of the kidneys and liver. And, what is most dangerous, this enemy is well hidden. Not all tests will show the root of the problem, and not every doctor will be able to figure out why such serious problems have appeared in your family. It takes a lot of time to find the causes, and the fungus continues its destructive effect, turning into a chronic disease with the most serious consequences.
It is extremely difficult to remove mold in the body, because this type of fungus adapts to any conditions and is resistant to drugs. And while you fight it, your hair may fall out, limbs go numb, various pains and cramps appear.

Why does mold appear in the house
Mold, of course, is incredibly tenacious, but still it is looking for conditions that are comfortable for its development, so it does not settle anywhere. If you have created such conditions, wait for the guests. So, what contributes to the appearance of fungal colonies:
- Replacement of window frames with plastic profiles. The problem is the tightness of these structures. There is no inflow and outflow of air, the atmosphere in the rooms becomes still, condensation forms, and these are excellent conditions for the development of mold. Only regular ventilation will help improve the situation, and for this you need to provide plastic structures with a supply valve for air circulation.
- The use of drywall in the premises department. Yes, unfortunately, this modern material also contributes to the development of mold. The fact is that gypsum absorbs moisture well and retains moisture for a long time. If drywall finishing is done in a room with high humidity, problems are inevitable.
PHOTO: stroyopt-perm.ruFor such purposes, it is worth forking out for moisture-resistant drywall options and treating them with additional fungicides - Extremely humid atmosphere. This is understandable if we consider the bathroom. Here, not only condensate settles during bathing procedures, but also clothes are dried, washing is in progress, and most often all this in the absence of a window. As a result, the drops settle right on the walls, and even if your walls are finished with ceramics, the mold will find a place to settle - in the seams between the tiles. It is enough to look closely to see traces of black mold. The only way out is to ensure air circulation, and this will require the installation of forced ventilation.
- Errors in building design can lead to condensation in various rooms. The basement and basement floors are especially affected by this, and from there the fungus enters the living quarters.
- infected products. You should never leave, and even more so eat food contaminated with mold. The exception is perhaps a special cheese - and then this dish is not for everyone.
PHOTO: rsute.ruMold loves bread very much, so it should never be left in the cupboard. If you missed the moment and the bread “bloomed”, it is worth carrying out preventive treatment of the entire cabinet
The first signs of a mold colony are small dark spots on the wall or furniture. The fungus, as already mentioned, causes darkening of the seams in ceramic tiles. If you notice a strange smell when you turn on the air conditioner or heater after a long period of inactivity, mold has most likely settled inside. Everything has to be taken apart and cleaned.
A sign of colony growth may be wallpaper that has peeled off the wall. Pay attention to this if your pets suffer from constant runny nose, colds, suffer from itching and other manifestations of allergies, complain of constant fatigue.

Black mold comes in several types:
- black aspergillus - finds for itself a humid environment in bathrooms, inside washing machines, in air conditioners. The spores are very mobile, easily spread through the air, enter the lungs and cause dangerous diseases, even leading to death.
- fuming aspergillus - not afraid of high temperatures, has microscopic spores. Infects people with weak immune systems. May be found on fruits and vegetables. Infection is often manifested by an allergic reaction.
- Alternaria alternata - This type of black mold prefers rotten foliage and rotten fruits and vegetables. Likes to breed on fabrics and wooden surfaces. No less dangerous than other varieties.
How to eliminate mold mechanically
There are several options for effective mold removal. The first of these is mechanical action.
There are several ways to remove black mold mechanically:
- clean the surface with an abrasive agent - sandpaper or using a cleaning powder;
- wash fabrics in the kitchen or in the bathroom with the maximum temperature. Washing at 90 ° C is guaranteed to destroy the mold colony on soft fabrics;
- wash surfaces with a disinfectant with a stiff brush.

If the fungus has grown in the seams of the tiles on the sealant, it is first removed with a scraper, and then the surface is treated with a brush with abrasive powder and moistened with a fungicidal solution. You can clean the tile with a bleaching agent with chlorine, but only once you started this - put on a respirator and treat it with a thick gel of "Whiteness" or "Domestos". After the seams dry, you can apply a new layer of silicone grout on top.
If the fungus appears on the fabric of the stretch ceiling, you just need to wash the surface with a soft brush and detergent. Stretch ceilings are made of synthetic materials, so mold does not grow through them. The maximum that it is capable of is sticking to the surface, which means that you can simply wash it off and wipe the surface dry.
Bathroom plaster affected by fungus is a serious problem because the colony can grow quite deep. First, try rinsing it all with an anti-fungal agent and see the result.

If mold has appeared on the waterproof curtains in the bathroom, it is easier, of course, to replace them, but if they are dear to you, first soak them in a solution of whiteness, and then wash them by hand with soap and water. Plastic panels can also be cleaned.
After working to eliminate mold, gloves, a respirator and all rags that were used should be thrown away. Better put it all in a bag and tie it in a knot.
There is a universal recipe for an abrasive that is effective against black mold. Take any abrasive cleaning powder, add Whiteness gel to it so that the consistency becomes like a paste. Apply this composition with a synthetic brush with a comfortable handle like an “iron” on the surface affected by the fungus and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with clean water and wipe with a cloth.

Advice! In humid rooms, it is useful to use dehumidifiers or additional heating devices to quickly remove moisture.
Folk remedies to combat black mold
And how to clean the walls with folk remedies? To begin with, all modern chemicals against black mold are based on acetic acid. It is she who effectively fights against defeat and defeats a fungus that can withstand any adverse conditions. Vinegar is worth using at home.
You can use ordinary table vinegar against the fungus, but 70% essence gives a guaranteed result. It is poured into a container with a spray and applied to the affected surface.

Another practical note: Vinegar treatment of plaster is, of course, effective, but if you decide then paint the surface with water-soluble paints, white spots will appear at the place of vinegar treatment. spots. So the acid will destroy the pigment in the paint. The only option to remedy the situation is to paint over the surface with primer-enamel after processing, and only then with acrylic or other water-soluble paint.
You can effectively get rid of mold with both chlorine-based and acid-based toilet cleaners. They should not even be washed off, leaving after treatment until completely dry.

A combination of soda and vinegar gives a good effect. The plane affected by the fungus is rubbed with a brush with soda, and then sprinkled with table vinegar. A violent reaction will “knock out” spores from the surface and allow you to quickly remove the stain.
A mixture of hydrogen peroxide for pharmacy needs and boric acid works well - this composition wipes mold-affected areas.
Mold does not like iodine. Iodine is mixed with hot water and left in an open container in the bathroom - just its vapors are enough. With the same effect, you can spread camphor balls in the bathroom.

The most effective preparations for black mold
The most effective, according to customer reviews, is the Cillit BANG spray, designed specifically to eliminate black mold. Its formula is based on chlorine-containing bleaches and supplemented with fragrances.

Better to prevent than fight
Preemptive action is always more effective than fighting at the front. This is a fact - any strategist will confirm. So it would be strategically correct to carry out the prevention of the appearance of mold than to fight the enemy on your territory. How to prevent mold in the apartment:
- do periodic cleaning with disinfectants: wipe surfaces with a disinfectant solution;
- provide a regular supply of fresh air at home, including closed rooms such as bathrooms;
- prevent condensate: use dehumidifiers or simply remove condensate mechanically;
- provide waterproofing of basements and basements;
- timely eliminate the sources of infection - spoiled products.
All these simple rules will help you protect yourself from the appearance of a terrible enemy in your own home. And here are some more helpful tips in the video:
Have you had to solve such a problem? What methods were most effective? Share your experience in the comments!
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