Mikhail Galustyan showed his luxurious house in Sochi

Mikhail Galustyan believes that Sochi is the second best city in Russia after Moscow, and therefore, when the question arose of buying a house, he had no doubts about exactly where he wanted to live. The comedian told reporters that his family has a house in the mountains, they do not seek to live by the sea, but on the contrary, they move to trees and hills. The family house is located in the village of Plastunka, next to the helipad.

Read in the article

  • 1 House of the Galustyan family in Sochi
  • 2 Summer kitchen and barbecue area
  • 3 Three-room apartment in Moscow

House of the Galustyan family in Sochi

The house has already belonged to the family for about ten years - during this time Mikhail himself came here many times to relax and chat with loved ones. He really likes the place where the house is located, because of the special microclimate - it is not too cold or hot here.

Mikhail Galustyan showed his luxurious house in Sochi
PHOTO: remoskop.ru
As soon as free time is given out, the comedian immediately goes to Sochi to relax and spend time with his family.

The interior project was created by designers. It was decided to equip the gazebo, connecting it with the pool area. Also in the yard there is a fireplace, a TV set and luxurious author's furniture.

The interior of the house is reminiscent of the situation in a medieval castle in some details - wooden beams, stonework and light curtains. However, the design is complemented by modern luxury furniture for the garden and veranda.
PHOTO: kubnews.ru
The interior of the house is reminiscent of the situation in a medieval castle in some details - wooden beams, stonework and light curtains. However, the design is complemented by modern luxury furniture for the garden and veranda.

When choosing a house, Mikhail adhered to the only criterion - it was important to find a place that would have a large space, a courtyard and an area for installing a pool and a gazebo. The interior of the house itself is quite simple, without frills and unnecessary luxury.

Summer kitchen and barbecue area

One of the attractions of the site is the proximity of a mountain river. Equipping the house and the yard, Mikhail Galustyan set the task for the designers to create a gazebo, a summer building and a pool. It was decided to install a Japanese sink and fireplace, as well as an Australian gas grill.

Galustyan decided to fulfill his mother's dream and chose a luxurious designer table - it was custom-made by a Krasnodar designer.

There is a beautiful stone fountain next to the pool.PHOTO: kubnews.ru
There is a beautiful stone fountain next to the pool.

Due to the fact that it is almost always warm in Sochi, Mikhail Galustyan and his family have lunch and dinner at summer kitchen and in the yard, and inside the house there are bedrooms and a living room where you can relax and do your affairs.

Three-room apartment in Moscow

The main place of residence of Mikhail Galustyan is an apartment in Moscow. Unlike many other Russian pop artists, the comedian did not acquire luxurious "mansions" and is content with a spacious, but very standard three-room apartment, decorated with taste.

The main colors in the interior are different shades of brown. In Mikhail's room there is a luxurious table made of expensive wood - behind it the humorist works on his projects or just relaxesPHOTO: remoskop.ru
The main colors in the interior are different shades of brown. In Mikhail's room there is a luxurious table made of expensive wood - behind it the humorist works on his projects or just relaxes

From the bedroom or living room you can get to the kitchen - this is a standard-sized room, decorated in a classic style. Mikhail chose a kitchen set made of dark brown wood. The rest of the room is finished in light colors - light tiles are laid on the floor, and brickwork is on the walls.

The artist's friends often gather in the house - the kitchen is best suited for such meetings. The brightest spot in the interior is the red tablecloth on the table. Otherwise, Mikhail prefers simple shades - brown, gray and beige. Also, the artist has a special love for high-quality furniture - he treats her choice with all the attentionPHOTO: remoskop.ru
The artist's friends often gather in the house - the kitchen is best suited for such meetings. The brightest spot in the interior is the red tablecloth on the table. Otherwise, Mikhail prefers simple shades - brown, gray and beige. Also, the artist has a special love for high-quality furniture - he treats her choice with all the attention

Before buying an apartment, Mikhail rented a house, and then he decided to purchase property with a mortgage and paid for the "three rubles" for several years. The artist chooses a simple design and does not invest large amounts of money in housing, preferring to create impressions for himself, rather than buying things, and of course, helping relatives.

Mikhail lives in an apartment with his wife and two children - in the future, when his daughters grow up, the artist will be able to replace his housing with another, more spacious one. However, while the daughters are small, there is enough space in a three-room apartment for everyone.

Classic light wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern was chosen for the living room. In the apartment, the living room is used as a common room - here the spouses watch TV, play with children, or, for example, iron clothes before going outPHOTO: remoskop.ru
Classic light wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern was chosen for the living room. In the apartment, the living room is used as a common room - here the spouses watch TV, play with children, or, for example, iron clothes before going out

Unlike the family home, in the city apartment Mikhail used a minimum of luxury items and designer furniture. furniture and did not think about the design, using simple classic elements - light wallpaper, tiles and stone masonry.

Mikhail Galustyan's wife added comfort to the interior by choosing a soft sofa and indoor plants. Just a few details added charm to the apartment and turned it from a typical " male" nest into a beautiful and habitable space for the whole family.PHOTO: remoskop.ru
Mikhail Galustyan's wife added comfort to the interior by choosing a soft sofa and indoor plants. Just a few details added charm to the apartment and turned it from a typical "male" nest into a beautiful and habitable space for the whole family.

The main principle that can be traced in the home of Mikhail Galustyan is simplicity, comfort and convenience for all residents. There are separate functional areas where you can sleep, relax or work.

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