The top 10 included the smallest cities in Russia , both for the occupied territory and the population. Despite their small size, they have something to be proud of, because each of them has its own remarkable history, its sights and outstanding people, with which our great power is famous.
Graysman Population 6,506 people
Grayvoron ( Belgorod region) opens the ten smallest Russian towns. On the territory of 10 There are 6506 citizens. The date of foundation is considered to be 1678.The local attractions include the male and female gymnasiums, they are the buildings of the late 19th century, the Nikolsky Temple of 1865, the mansions made in the Art Nouveau style, etc. Among the outstanding people who were born and lived here, one can distinguish the famous Russian engineer VG Shukhov,in honor of which the street, the school and the adjacent museum are named. It is noteworthy that a scientist from a small settlement became the author of the world's first hyperbolloid structures.
Sudja Population 5 648 people
In the ninth place among the smallest cities in Russia is Sudja ( Kursk region).On the territory of the Kursk town lives 5648 people, and its area is only 4.24 square Sudja was founded in 1664.Borders with the state Ukraine. The main historical sites here are the Trinity Church, built in 1812, the Church of the Theotokos, the Christmas Temple, etc. The main attraction is the park named after the Russian actor MS Shchepkin.
Magas Population 5 841 people
Magas ( Republic of Ingushetia) is one of the smallest Russian cities. It is considered the capital of the Republic of Ingushetia. On the territory of 12 5 841 people. The capital belongs to the youngest cities of the Russian Federation. The date of foundation is 1994.Here are the Ingush Scientific Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences. Chakha Akhrieva, Ingush State University and the Marem Gymnasium. One of the main attractions of Magas is the one hundred meter Concord Tower, erected in 2013.
Pevek Population 4 700 people
One of the most northern cities in Russia Pevek ( Chukotka Autonomous District) is also on the list of the smallest. On the territory of 60 About 4,700 people live in the city. The foundation date of the city is 1933.Here, deposits of minerals, in particular gold, were discovered. At the moment, there are gold mining enterprises, a meat and dairy plant and other organizations. In 15 km from Pevek there is an airport. Nearby is the seaport. Here the social infrastructure is also satisfied. The city has various entertainment centers, cultural centers, libraries, museums, schools, sections and much more. In Pevek, a Russian actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Mezentsev AV was born.
Ples Population 1 984 people
Ples ( Ivanovo region) is one of the smallest cities in Russia with a population of 1984 people. The exact date of the founding of the settlement is unknown. His story has been conducted since 1238 during the invasion of Khan Baty. On the territory of Plyos are three state museums: the House-Museum of the artist Isaak Levitan, the Landscape Museum, the "Artistic Trades of the Ivanovo Territory".Among the architectural buildings worthy of attention are local churches, in particular, the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1699.For the visitors of the city there are hotels, made in the style of the 19th century. In the province there is an agricultural college, a comprehensive school, music and sports schools. On the territory of the province there is a children's tourist base.
Artyomovsk Population 1 777 people
Artyomovsk ( Krasnoyarsk Territory) is one of the five most sparsely populated Russian cities. Here live about 1777 people. The date of foundation of the residential area is 1700.The former name is Olkhovka. In 1939 it was renamed Artemovsk in honor of the revolutionary, known as Artem( Fedor Sergeev).The main types of fishing are forestry, extraction of minerals. Here was born and lived skier Artemenko AI, a participant of the VII of the Winter Olympic Games.
Kurilsk Population 1 670 people
Kurilsk ( Sakhalin region) with a population of 1,670 citizens is the fourth in the list of the smallest cities in Russia. It is one of the smallest settlements on the Kuril Islands. Some time belonged to Japan, but then again went into the Russian possessions. One of the main attractions of Kurilsk is the local museum of local lore. On the territory of the city there are seismic and meteorological stations warning about natural disasters. The main industry in which people work is fishing, fish farming and fish processing. Not far from Kurilsk there is a seaport.
Vysotsk Population 1 150 people
Three smallest Russian towns are opened by Vysotsk ( Leningrad region).It was founded in the distant 1710 by Peter the Great. The population here is 1150 people. In Vysotsk there is a naval base, as well as oil and coal terminals. For 15 years in the province lived Soviet director Stanislav Rostotsky. The only general educational institution in Vysotsk is named after the director.
Verkhoyansk Population 1 125 people
Verkhoyansk ( Republic of Yakutia) takes the second place in the rating of the smallest cities in Russia. To date, the number of people living here is 1125 citizens. The founder of the settlement is Cossack Posnik Ivanov, who noticed this corner in 1638.It is considered one of the coldest Russian cities, because of what it is often called the Pole of cold of the northern hemisphere. The main activity of the local population is directed to agriculture. Residents are engaged in cattle breeding, horse breeding and reindeer herding. The site of Verkhoyansk is the museum of the "Pole of Coldness".
Chekalin Population 964 people
Chekalin ( Tula region), named up to the 40th years of the last century, as Likhvin, heads the list of the smallest cities in Russia. The population of Chekalin is only 964 people. In the early 20th century, the former Likhvin was considered one of the most developed provinces. Its buildings include about 300 one-story residential buildings and more than 100 two-story houses. Many of the buildings date from the construction until 1917.At the same time, 70% of the housing stock can not be used. There are only three apartment buildings of Soviet times. From the sights of the town you can distinguish merchant mansions of the 19th century, which have survived to our days. Local authorities in the recent past were going to lower the status of Chekalin to the village, but this caused a violent protest from the residents.